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Posts posted by Herboss

  1. I could see myself doing that if I had the gear. The problem is that recruit gear is just too weak while BM is just too strong. There is no more centurion or champion gear so there is no smooth transition to BM gear.
    I don't get it though, it's not like you had a PVP set completely available to you when you hit 50 before 1.2, I remember hitting 50 on my first char and getting badly chewed in PVP til I earned some gear and it really didn't feel much different this time around 1.2.
  2. I played quite a few games last night I would consider were almost completely ruined by healers and the fact my team couldn't kill anyone, the opposition healers kept everything alive, the worst game I led kills on my team with 5.... The Ops leader had even marked one of the healers and I don't think we killed him once.
  3. Duh it is called GEAR and those with the better gear live and heal longer.

    You miss the point of the post that was 1.2 patch was a mistake that made it worse not better for PVP.


    A fresh 50 attempting to heal is just dead in 5 seconds over and over and over....


    This is the problem with patch 1.2 and people are ignoring this fact.

    K, and you're ignoring a point that's been made 5 times in the last two pages that it takes barely a week to get full BM gear, that's just doing a few extra WZ's on top of your dailies, not playing 24/7. It's stupid to think you should be able to jump straight into PVP as soon as you hit 50 and dominate, you just gotta do your time for a week, and it's not like they are the only fresh 50 starting PVP.
  4. So now you can't just stand in the middle of all the AoE's while healing everything, learn to reposition so you're not able to be attacked by everyone, you don't have to be right next to someone to heal, make your opposition come to the backlines to get you. Make sure you have someone watching your back/guarding you, now team work is required to win.


    You are a healer you will get focused by smart players and you should die quickly if you are focused and your team is stupid and wont protect you, you were probably focused before you were nerfed you just didn't notice...


    I've been pugging exclusively for the last week and I constantly see guys healing for 300K+, but then at the same time you've got guys not even breaking 50k heals, why? These are the guys quiting I'd imagine.

  5. You forgot one..


    ****** DPS who didn't have the skill to interrupt healers now can faceroll the keyboard to kill healers - GOOD

    Maybe I just come up against super good healers all the time but I mix my interrupts in with my CC's for maximum effect and most healers still out heal me no worries. It's not like interrupting a healing makes piss all difference anyway as when you interrupt one heal they just use another of the heals they have, unless they are the kind of dud that just sit there trying to spam that same heal that just got interrupted... that's just a BAD player.
  6. You sir must be daft. What we need is NO EXPERTISE whatsoever. Then you can see who has more skill and isn't being propped up by overinflated gear. :rolleyes:
    Expertise is almost a none issue as it takes barely a week to get full BM now and the WH gear is such a minor boost. I think it's perfect the way it is, especially now that the daily isn't insanely frustrating if you get ****** teams constantly as you don't HAVE to win now.


    PVE gear isn't better for PVP now - GOOD

    Full BM gear takes around a week to get - GOOD

    WH gear is only a slight boost over BM gear keeping the playing field reasonably even - GOOD

    Dailies fixed so you don't HAVE to win now, I now don't RAGE if I get a bad team - GOOD

    Healers can't heal themselves AND others while getting bashed on by multiple people - GOOD


    Don't know how anyone could have a problem with this setup now. Now that this is all sorted there's really only a bit a class balancing to be done, PVP is easily far more enjoyable than it's ever been IMO.


    I guarantee that you missed the other healer that was helping keep him alive or the shadow/assassin tank that had him guarded.
    Nope there was definitely no one else around, I can't say they weren't exploiting though...
  7. Any dps who didn't suck could destroy healers pre 1.2- don't think because BW handed all you bads free healer kills that you're suddenly good- you got hand held, you didn't have to learn to play, you just got your damage boosted big time while healing and mitigation got a huge nerf.
    Yeah ROFL at calling people bads when you're a healer whinging about being nerfed in 1.2! I saw a few healers out heal 3 dps classes on them, that was retarded.
  8. Pre 1.2 I came across a few healers I watched out heal 3v1, three of us bashing on them and they just healed through it all, this is us throwing off CC's and an interrupt, that was a good player playing with OP heals, it is just that now the average to bad players out there now appear VERY BAD. I still see healers out heal quite a bit of damage, now it's just not as ridiculous. If I Guard and focus on protecting a healer they generally are extremely hard to kill for the opposition, maybe you're playing with bad tanks as well.
  9. Healing is fine, before you could not only keep yourself alive while people bashed on you and you sat in the one spot not moving, but keep someone else alive at the same time, that was stupid. Now, tanks actually need to protect healers a little, I've still seen plenty of games dominated by a few healers pulling off MASSIVE healing numbers. Any healer that left the game was simply a trash player missing their godmode healing.


    It has barely taken me a week of on off play to be kitted out in nearly all the main pieces of BM gear on my new 50 (that's solo queue btw, no always win premades), Recruit gear is definitely lacking compared to BM gear, but it can be purchased for cash instantly and honestly doesn't take that long to upgrade to BM gear. So the gear situation is actually good IMO as it goes, crappy recruit gear for about a week - week and a half MAX, then it takes a LONG time to upgrade to War Hero which only provides a minor buff over BM gear meaning PVP stays reasonably balanced gear wise. Anyone who is unhappy enough to quit over their WH gear not having a big enough advantage over BM gear is pathetic IMO.


    I would say the REAL problem with PVP is their seems to be a few classes still needing some balancing...

  10. Not only do Sorc/Cons have heals, they have a 3k bubble, most Sorcs/Cons can 1v1 without any issues whatsoever, it's definately a L2Play issue, you just got too used to ridiculous godmode heals pre 1.2.


    Try looking up some healing guide from people that actually know how to play.

  11. [ context == queue solo for WZ ]


    I'm sorry, but players should not gain any sort of rewards for losing a WZ.


    To many ppl just get the first 3 medals and then run around being free kills to the other team.


    Removing any advancement for losing WZ will actually make those players participate fully.


    PS: Unless it is a marketing scheme to retain customers while trying to appease those with a more harsh view of the MMO communities, like myself.

    Impressively narrow minded elitest post!


    Even though I win most of my solo que pvp matches this change has still motivated me into playing again.

  12. The fact this hasn't been fixed yet (yes fixed because it's CLEARLY broken) blows me away. I can see what they are trying to do (encourage people to fight til the end even if losing) but the reality is the vast majority of games I've played in are just HEAVILY one sided. Good intentions yes, but the reality is it doesn't work in practise and as has been mentioned a million times just increases the gap between the haves and have nots.


    This isn't from a whingy loser either, I win a lot more than I lose but it's frustrating enough when you get piss all reward for the time you put in let alone it happening more often than not like it would be to a large amount of your (for the moment) subs.


    Seriously, FIX THIS and FIX IT now!

  13. There's really not much in the legacy system that's truly useful to game play. Just cosmetic/convenience stuff that's really only intended for the uber rich to have something to spend their piles of credits on. (Read: money sink) Even the GTN for your ship is the useless neutral one. Don't waste your money.


    P.S. If people don't waste their money on this crap they might actually put something useful in later. /shrug

    If everyone had the neutral GTN it would be very useful, but at this point in time hardly anyone will be legacy level 25 or be able to afford it. It will probably be useful in a years time or so...
  14. 12 seconds of 110% speed every 30 seconds on all your alts and you're complaining?? I fricking love it but I'm guessing if you're mad about 2 mil you're probably poor in game.
    I don't know which ability you bought but mines on a 2 minute cooldown, unless I spend another 1 million to lower it by 30 seconds and then another 1.5 million to lower it by another 60 seconds. It's worded like it's cumulative so you can get Rocket Boost down to a 30second cooldown if you spend 4.5 million! So after that it's like a mount that only works for 24 seconds a minute, what a waste of money.


    I couldn't find any info on Rocket Boost before I bought it, at least this way I can warn people from it.

  15. As the title says I'd like my 2 million back please. Not quite sure what I was expecting with Rocket Boost, but it sure wasn't 12 seconds of +110% movement speed like a crap version of a mount. If it boosted my mount speed an EXTRA 110% for 12 seconds it might be worth it, but in its current form however it's a complete waste of money.


    Refund please!


    EDIT: More relevant Rocket Boost Info


    12 seconds of 110% speed every 30 seconds on all your alts and you're complaining?? I fricking love it but I'm guessing if you're mad about 2 mil you're probably poor in game.
    I don't know which ability you bought but mines on a 2 minute cooldown, unless I spend another 1 million to lower it by 30 seconds and then another 1.5 million to lower it by another 60 seconds. It's worded like it's cumulative so you can get Rocket Boost down to a 30second cooldown if you spend 4.5 million! So after that it's like a mount that only works for 24 seconds a minute, what a waste of money.


    I couldn't find any info on Rocket Boost before I bought it, at least this way I can warn people from it.



    Not usable in combat. Not usable in pvp.. and yeah, it sucks. Do not waste your creds.



    The rocket boost is a vehicle, therefore can't use in stealth.
  16. Wow, who else is really enjoying how these FREE WEEKENDS for people who don't pay squat for the game are interupting paying customers prime times. Oceanic time, Tuesday patch downtime of 6pm-11pm, now in the same week Friday patch downtime of 6pm-10pm... Cheers for knocking out a 3rd of the weeks playtime Bioware!


    This is beyond the point of absurd now.

  17. i agree i've been in the center and someone to the side got it on enemy team
    Yeah same, I've had enemy that looked like they were just out of the circle get it instead of the guy stand bang in the middle of it. It seems completely random which is stupid.
  18. The GTN on Hutta is connected to the one on Nar Shaddaa and is also cross-faction. I'm not sure if that's the case for the one on Hutta however.


    The Black Market Trade Terminal is a convenience item. People have to remember that no one should be entitled to have a personal Auction House in their private ship... That would kill the whole aspect of the "trading" surrounding this network ;)

    Whoops, meant Nar Shadda. People are inherently lazy, the one on Nar Shadda takes WAAAAAY too long to get to so no one uses it, quite a lot of people don't even know it exists (a cross faction TN).


    Unless what? Don't leave us hanging. :)
    The unless part was the last sentence :)
  19. Black Market Trade Terminal – Unlockable for 5 million credits, legacy level 35


    You have to be kidding me. Nobody uses the BM Trade terminal on Hutta because you have to travel a fair distance to get to it so nobody uses it. Making the one for your ship some spastically high legacy level requirement is going to have the same effect. Absolutely no point in buying it because hardly anyone will have it. Unless...


    Also, no legacy level options to send mail to our supposed family members in our legacy? Or is this legacy level 35 unlock your answer to that?!

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