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Posts posted by hyuplee

  1. Well I think what the majority of players want is pretty evident judging from this thread so I'll just sum them up to the best of my abilities:


    1 : Open-world/ Cross Server PVP/PVE (which can't happen unless you optimize your heroic engine to reduce lag first)


    2 : More customization (More race, Mount, in-game gear look, barber - lol there's not a single barber in the entire galaxy. funny)


    3 : More mini games ( scooter race, Catina games...etc etc)


    The rest of them are things like expand the level cap and "show us that you care" (***) which are a given so I won't bother adding those. honestly though if bioware doesn't optimize the game engine none of these would happen or matter.


    Running 30 FPS on fleet with nVidia GTX670 and i7 processors is UNACCEPTABLE..

  2. With all due respect I honestly fail to understand the purpose of this thread. I'm not attempting to be mean or anything but the fact is when people get killed in warzone they tend to blame the class/gear and not their lack of skills. People are still crying about operatives today and they've been nerfed 3 times already.


    There are only two builds that actually requires some fixes imo and those are arsenal merc (being a one trick pony) and Lightning Sorc (being too easy to shut down). I honestly feel instead of asking us - the players - for feedbacks, the dev should consider joining warzone anonymously and try out the classes themselves.

  3. Both specs have their respective strengths and weaknesses, and even in ranked, Annihilation has its uses. An Annihilation marauder can completely shut down a heals, and place an almost permanent slow on the target - as useful as the crippling throw root or master-strike immobilize imo. And don't forget the group heals that Annihilation provides - which most competent healers will tell you, help ease the strain of healing. .


    OH REALLY? I TOTALLY DID NOT KNOW THAT. You mean Annihilation actually has its uses? I thought it's the worst spec in the world and no one plays it anymore. You really showed me the light - please proceed to tell me more because obviously i haven't played anni before.Thanks so much for showing off your knowledge to me you totally blew my mind. (Here's a fun fact - you can use leg slash + spec into a rupture slow as carnage as well. But let's not go there)

    Your screenshot as requested: http://i.imgur.com/ieflc.jpg


    Perhaps you misunderstood me. I am not comparing the two specs. I simply think that calling out users who play as Annihilation while saying that only combat marauders are "real" is disrespectful.


    I'll just repeat what I said in the beginning. Both specs have their uses, and saying that only Carnage marauders are "real" is either being arrogant or ignorant - or a mix of both.




    That's fair enough.

    I'll continue to think that 'real' marauder uses combat/carnage, because it's more of a team oriented spec, and you can continue to think I'm arrogant, disrespect, ignorant or whatever. I really don't care. (Someone is being arrogant on the forums? Gasp. Somebody call the cops)


    We're both entitled to our opinions. I sincerely think Carnage > Anni in RWZ and I can say that having played both build and used them both in RWZ, and nothing you can say will ever change that. But I'm not gonna call you anything so you can rest easy.


    I do like the screenshot though. Most people don't provide those these days.



    PS. carnage actually kill/shut down a healer faster than annihilation, but only when used properly. The self heal's also not as great as you make it out to be consider you heal around 3k tops per berserk/ zen. Deny it all you want but most mara knows this pretty well ; anni = Survivability. Carnge = Team-oriented.

  4. To all new players, if you are born with any of the following trait, then pvp in swtor (or any other mmo for that matter) is not for you:


    1. Lack of Patience

    2. Inability to learn from your own mistakes

    3. Inability to accept failure and responsibility

    4. Entitlement issue

    5. Lack of skill

    6. Inability to accept reality

    7. Lack of common sense


    You're bad. Please stop trying to pvp and help yourself to the PVE section.

    If you are blessed with the following trait and do not display the above symptom, continue pvp. You are likely excel very soon:


    1. Able to recongize your mistakes

    2. Able to actually learn about pvp before you start pvping

    3. Able to suck it up and say gg without whining on forum

    4. Able to acknowledge some people actually find grinding gears fun

    5. Able to realize forum is filled with 80% BS/Whine, 10% trolling and 10% legit posts


    You are not required anything more than a set of recruit gear to pvp. If you dont succeed, try and try again. Level 50 pvp is not for the weak willed. It's for people who are looking for a challenge, people who are persistent.Everyone who is wearing a warhero set has been through the same thing. They were fine with it when they were in full recruit so if you are not, something is wrong on your end. Stay away from this game - or anything hard for the matter (like dark souls) and go play something like Hello Kitty online.


    No one will judge you, and you are actually doing the community a big favour. We might actually have more "how to" posts and less 'zomg this class needs nerf expertise needs to go" whine threads.

  5. Optimization complete!


    Buffed I'm sitting at 1698 strength


    611.2 bonus damage


    76.88 Surge


    Playing with the Vindicator's Set Bonus in 33/8/0 I'm hitting everyone hard and it effects the dots, so when charging(say I get 3 stacks of DS and rupture on a target and charge another) it does an extra 190 damage for DS and an extra 50-60 for rupture dots. :)


    I might grind out another set for pure le smash so 0 Crit: Surge > Power > Accuracy.


    And see how much surge I can squeeze in to make smashes hit harder (hopefully by 1.3k-1.5k)


    Anyone specialize in Le Smash and has maximum Surge? Any input would be helpful


    What expertise are you running with? that's the most important stuff.

  6. http://www.fryingtime.com/?filename=combat_2012-08-15_23_11_21_989303.txt_bbba66dceb478258bbe53094d9b11465#23_28_36_659000


    second bottom is Carnage

    Bottom is Anni


    Buffed stats

    35.16% crit

    75.82% surge

    99.89% accuracy/106.89% (carnage)

    617.9 bonus dmg


    Thought Annihilation was suppose to be better?


    Timing is wrong they were both about 6 mins long, guess i just suck at dot specs


    Regards Deadley


    most importantly how did you get your stat?

    Do you have any expertise at all?


    i'm running with

    1085 max pri

    599 BD

    32 Crit

    76 surge

    101.9 accuracy

    1208 expertise

    18k hp


    Tell me how to get 35 crit and 106 accuracy pls

    PS. as long as i can get 1150+ expertise i'm happy. All my enhancements are +25 endurance and 41 power. All my mods are +39 power/crit variant.


    i've played anni since day one. kinda curious bout carnage, wheres a good place to go and learn about rotations and/or priorities?


    Get into a premade befriends a couple of healer

    Let everyone on your team knows you're trying a new build so you'll not do as good

    Start running normal warzones ( since there isn't any penalty for losses, this IS the best place to practice), focus on objective first and slowly learn ur rotation then


    It's what i did when i first started out.

  7. I beg to differ. On my first day as Carnage after switching over from Annihilation I hit 500k in 300-0 Civil Wars. If I can nuke out 500k in quick Civil Wars while barely getting used to the spec, and by my own admission, while also making a ton of mistakes, you ought to be able to afford a lot more mistakes in Carnage.


    And saying that only "real marauders play Carnage" is just living behind a rock. Both specs are plenty viable, and I know good Carnage marauders as well as good Annihilation marauders. Its more which spec you prefer.


    And, yes, Annihilation doesn't do half bad in the hands of someone who knows how to use it either.


    You probably should read my post more - I did say I play annihilation for fun. i said annihilation is easy mode, which is obviously, because people tend to do well in annihilation - that's part of the reason why everyone plays that build.


    Never once did i say annihilation is a bad build, it's just that carnage is harder to do well. If you actually do 500k in carnage (screenshot or it didn't happen) you'd probably do better in anni.If anyone ever lose to someone in 1 vs 1 playing annihilation they should probably reroll. It dishes out more substaindamage and has more survivability and interrupt than carnage.


    And yet anni is rarely ever useful in ranked warzone because it has less utility than carnage. (saber root, ravage root, Speed boost, 2 cc breaker), which is why more and more people decide to go with carnage because it helps their team rather than their e peen when they look at the scoreboard. These people are the 'real' marauders, because unlike those who are obsessed with damage they'd rather pick a class that helps their team.


    PS. I post the damage screenshot to help people understand that you CAN in fact do damage in carnage. Not that it is of any importance to me.

  8. Complains about having to spend time to get gear... Grinds 8 characters to level 50. :mad:


    What this guy did:

    1. Rush to 50 on 1 char

    2. got destroyed in pvp

    3. Try to switch class and rush again

    4. got destroyed again and repeat

    5. Filled up 8 slots, keep getting destroyed

    6. Proceed to forum and blame gear for everything


    What he should have done:

    1. Get 1 char to lvl 50, pvp along the way to save up comm

    2. Get 1 BM gear, pull out mods, get a wh gear

    3. Practice, Grind

    4. Get to valour 90

    5. Win


    what he's doing:

    1. refusing to acknowledge that he's no good at pvp

    2. qqing together with other bad players

    3. leaving stupid emote at every end of his posts

  9. again... assuming im mad or anything about me shows how ignorant you are. the op clearly was bragging about his operative. my facts> your assumptions.


    Facts? lol. Saying level 50 is entirely gear dependent is no fact. It just means you fail.

  10. I haven't seen any sort of PVP feedback in months. There haven't been any PVP related tweaks or adjustments since June - it's nearly September. All that's been mentioned/hintet at (with Guild Wars 2 releasing in one week mind you), is additional gear in the form of Recruit Mk-2 and hilts/barrels that are better than War Hero and the new Warzone details.


    Are you guys paying attention? Are we not going to receive any updates or feedback until 1.4 is released?


    Major topics people have been asking for responses on:

    1) Class balance for Marauders/Sents & PTs/Vanguards and viability of some classes/specs in RWZ (such as Madness Sorc, etc).

    2) War hero gear pricing and gear grind in general.

    3) Plans or fixes to rated warzones - specifically lack of queuing teams, poor match balancing and ability to cheat the queues by timing the queuing.

    4) CC/Resolve and whether or not Bioware is happy with how it is performing.

    5) World PVP?

    6) Solo queuing for RWZ?


    I disagree with some on these topics and agree with others but that's not really the point, I think the point is that despite PVP being a primary concern of the game for many players the conversation is painfully one-sided (where Bioware, if they're listening to or planning on addressing people's concerns, have avoided making any public mention of it).


    Considering PVP content is the hands-down most cost-effective per play hour to maintain, it boggles me that Bioware has dedicated so little resources into PVP community involvement.


    TL;DR nerf post in disguise


    Sorry pal but if ppl have trouble doing wz playing any other class than a lightning sorc or a arsenal merc they're either outgeared or they're bad.


    the rest of categories are just QQQ. IF someone like me who generally enjoys reading couldn't be bothered reading those whine threads if someone pays me to. you probably shouldn't expect the devs to read everything.

  11. Yeah, hitting 2k to 2.5k massacr, 1.6k gore, 4k FS is crap. Your ravage with gore buff can hit 12k with ravage alone. oh wait there's more, ataru strikes albeit you are snared... oh wait, healers won't be able to cleanse your bleed because you don't need bleed... oh wait, predation's speed against kiters.... oh wait, the roots... oh wait, how you can beat a pure tank class in 10 secs... Yeah, Carnage is bad


    lol nice sarcasm :p


    In open world with rakata adrenal my gore + ravage record is 17.5k on a recruited gear commando. (by the second hit his hp is down to 2.2k and he has roughly about 14k hp. No screenshot. Didn't expect to crit 3 ticks with the last hit critting for 7.2k. Sorry).


    Honestly annihilation is easy mode. Just bleed, annihilate, bleed + pop CD if needed then you're alright. You can also afford a lot of mistakes in anni.


    Real marauders play Carnage, and it honestly doesn't do half bad in warzone if you know how to use it.



    PS. I do play anni for fun though. Rage mara is just fail. No KB and force scream in carnage actually does more damage against geared player than smash in rage.

  12. as it stands several of the top guild (cake, face , gimp, mvp ect ect) on dalborra do go out of there way to have events like faceoffs and gankfests in tatooine and blackhole and even ilum, so there is no real shortage of pvp on our server


    Wont happen as much when gw 2 comes out. :/


    Merge pls


    PvP should reward skill. The current system rewards time. I am not suggesting people with the best gear aren't great players. Not at all. The problem with gear tiers is that they act as a barrier to new players, and the barrier only gets more and more defined as time goes one. Eventually "Bad" players will just say "screw it" and not bother playing. That is "good" for everyone.


    All characters should be in the same gear in instanced PVP.


    Fixed it for ya.


    Have fun in Guild war 2.

  14. This thread has over 2700+ views, I know there are people agreeing with me and those with knowledge of math and programming can explain it better then I can.


    I respect your opinion that I might "L2P" but I do have picked up some skills playing eight characters to level 50 (4 imperial and 4 republic). However I do not think it is very nice of you to say it :csw_jabbapet:


    PVE and PVP are different stories.

    Mob stand around and let you hit them - players don't.

    Unless you've pvped to level 50 - which I really think you didn't because if you did you'd have raked a nice amount of commendations which gives you a few pieces of wh gear to start off- do not think having 8 lvl 50s should mean you are skilled in pvp.


    With that said, you'll do fine in raid and pve I'm sure.


    PS. If you want constructive criticism, you get 'the truth'. It ain't always pretty, but someone has to tell it to you.

  15. I had to google Dark soul to have a clue what that is :rak_03:


    I know that my post will not change anything, the game is set the way it is but forums are here to voice a constructive opinion and that is what I do with my statement "50 PvP, no skill only gear?"


    Regarding if people laugh at others with different opinions then themselves I actually feel more sorry for those that do then those that write what they feel.


    If you actually want constructive opinion, here's one:


    If you are skilled, you would not complain. That guy I have quoted was having fun in his recruit gear. Believe me or not plenty of great players start rocking once they hit 50 wearing full recruit. my guildie hits 300k dmg and 10k objective all the time when they were wearing recruit gears. If you are not able to do it - well, sorry to say this but you probably need to l2p.


    Pvp forum honestly needs more " HOW TO PLAY" post and less of these "ZOMG" posts.

  16. Seems like we are drifting further away from my original topic but my intent with this thread was not to "take the easy way out" it is to have fun while playing. It seems like some really enjoy grinding in a underdog position for weeks and I respect that, it is not how I enjoy to play though.


    I only wish there were some kind of equal PvP in this game where eveyone can use their characters to the full extent wihout having to go through a insane grind to get to that point.


    PvP should be fun and enjoyable at level 50 from the start, games are all about fun and if it is not people simple do not play.


    Sorry but the notion of ' fun " is actually entirely subjective. You may not think gear grind is fun, but there are those who does. I think gear grind is fun. I think pvp in recruit gear is fun - more challenge this way. And when you actually acquired a full set of warhero gear? and you look back on how much you've grown? that feeling was priceless.


    Do you visit Dark soul forum and start posting posts like 'zomg this game too hard it should be enjoyable and fun"? No.


    If you do, prepare to get laughed at on your way out.


    PS. equal pvp does not exist in mmo. Right now you can complain about gear when you get roflstomped. When they remove pvp gear you're gonna be complaining about classes. If by some miracle they did balance the class - which is impossible by the way unless you want everyone to use auto attack - people will be complaining about lag.


    Bad players will always find ways to justify their badness whether it's gear, class or lag.

  17. This has been discussed so many times.


    PvP gear is fine. If your not doing well in wz's its because your bad, not because of the gear.


    My main is bis geared Sin, and I finaly finished lvl'ing a jugg to 50 today, and been doing wz's most of the day in recruit gear.


    This was my best result.


    Ofc. I am not on top every game, and I can feel a difference in gear, but I am far from useless in recruit gear with taunts, interceeds cc etc. and I can put out enough dmg to justify me beeing there,



    less QQ more l2p


    ^ Rofl this.


    Majority of the "zomg pvp gear grind suck' crowd really do need to l2p.

    Sadly just like how human race never tend to do what needs to be done, this will never happen.

    I agree with this sentiment.


    However, SWTOR can't change now. The game designers are too entrenched in their thinking. Unlike other professions they never admit they were wrong and continue down their narrow-minded thinking until the ship sinks.



    It has nothing to do with developers being entrenched in their thinking - even if they do agree with you to actually do what you're asking is basically asking them to revamp the whole game.


    You do realize swtor cost 300 mill to make right? It'd take another 50 million or so to actually revamp the whole framework and design the mechanic, and another 2 years or so to actually implent the design, and another 5 years to fix the bug generated by the new mechanics.



    They can hardly optimize their engine enough to support world pvp, and with their team gradually becoming smaller because people keep getting sacked, there is literally nothing anyone can do about anything. The best they can do is just keep rolling out flashpoints and new warzones.


    So what would be the point of admitting that they were wrong if they couldn't actually do anything to make amend?

    Honest the forum is better off without those 'omg swtor dev needs to start listening to their players" post. Because the dev actually DO listen to their players.


    They do what they can to fix what is broken with the amount of manpower they get - at the same they also have to maintain the company's image in the press and mainstream media as well. If anyone from bioware or EA actually step up and say so yea we were a bunch of mmo ametaurs who didn't know better so yea swtor's gonna die, then it's bye bye investors.

  18. Rofl you dont even need full BM to be viable tbh. I've seen people rock in their recruit gear topping the board in both objective and damage. Just because those who have no skill and weren't able to do it, doesn't mean it's impossible. Once again this whole thing smells like casual players wanting a easier way out. Remove pvp gear and it's gonna get even worse. Pve Marauders running around with 2k str and 1.8k end. Sin tank with 25k hp. Not to mention playing the same 4 wz every frigging day with no incentive whatsoever?


    No thanks.

    I'll have my grind.

  19. it's really easy to see which team is more skilled though.

    Half the time their opponents aren't even trying to get mid.

    When they did finally get the ball no one was in position to receive. You'd think it would be extremely easy to run ahead and get passed to since Mara has no KB or pull.

  20. Never mind recruit gear, I'm quite often dead in less than 10 seconds versus fully augmented WH Pyro's when playing my fully Augmented WH geared Scoundrel (Scrapper).


    Which kind of makes sense when you look at the differing armour on those two classes versus the type of damage each of them can easily dish out. Pyro's mainly dish out and can pretty much spam elemental damage (which gets through armour and defense unaffected), whereas I dish out mainly kinetic damage (which gets partially negated by their armor)


    Pyro's can more or less perma slow their target (via specced Flame Burst) and comfortably kite at the 10m range, which then makes achieving the postional requirement for my primary damage dealer out of stealth rather more challenging. They have no such positional requirment, so even if I slow them using Tendon Blast it won't level the playing field.


    They can constantly reapply DoT's, making Triage (as a cleansing solution) useless because of its 5 second cooldown. My equivalnt 'instant' DoT applicator "Vital Shot, pales by comparison.


    And, the Pyro tree is specced to given them increased damage on any target that has a burning DoT on them, even more so when the target drops below 30% HP. My Scrapper has no equivalent to that when it comes to damage bonuses being applied to targets who are bleeding.


    Point being then, it's not so much about gear differential in the end, its class differential and a class that easily pumps out that much elemental damage is always going to hurt (though the gear differential between WH and Recruit is so large that this does factor in to a high degree anyway)


    This is actual fact. Shame no one will listen whenever someone post something legit.

    I would, however, argue that recruit geared player shouldn't even be seeking direct confrontation with classes that have high damage outputs. Simply CC and let others finish the job.


    Dont feel like doing that? Have fun dying.

    Different level of gears are like playing different classes.


    Recruit gear - play cautious. Focus on objectives. Kite, CC, call incs and drink pots. Avoid direct confrontation at all cost (unless you are confident of your ability.)


    Battlemaster gear - play cooperatively. Deal damage/ heal. Work with others to burn down the enemies. Avoid direct confrontation if necessary.


    Warhero gear/ Custom War hero gear - play boldly. Steal caps. create 1 vs 1 situation as frequent as possible. Take the charge and actively engage the enemy.


    You wouldn't play a marauder by repeatedly pressing one button(you do that with a arsenal merc), so why on earth would you try to 1 on 1 anyone when you're in recruit gear unless you know they're Bad or as poorly geared as you?

  21. How about just make gear not count?


    This whole argument that "No I earned my gear" is completely moot. Your gear is going to outlive it's usefulness eventually anyway should they release more gear to continue the progression system.



    Erm yeah. If they release new gear then we grind for new gear. It sure beats not knowing where to spend our commendations and getting comm capped because there are no better things to get. Releasing new gear and grinding for it is how bioware plan to keep people interested.


    Whether it's a good system or not, that I cannot say. It has its benefit, certainly. But it also has let downs, i suppose.

    As for the myth that grind is boring, i actually like grinding for my stuff. It feels good to wear my wh gear knowing I have earned every piece of it. Sure it's a cheap way to waste my time, but when is playing game actually a good way to spend time?


    Progression system is all about progression. You grow as a player as you participate in pvp. The more pvp you do the stronger you get. If you have a problem with this system, the this game isn't for you. Besides, BM geared people are MORE than enough to kill WH geared players. In fact for some classes BM gear is actually better since WH gear don't usually provide enough power to enhance your damage output. (unless you min-max, in which case WH > BM gear)


    If you have trouble with WZ wearing BM gears, then either you have just come across a very skilled War hero, or you're just plain bad, and should be grateful that you can still use gear as an excuse.



    More to the point, why do people in the 1-49 brackets automatically level up? Shouldn't they have to EARN those levels in order to compete with me on an even footing? Who cares if separating the game into 5 level incremental brackets would do terrible things to queue times? They need to earn those levels in warzones, right?!

    Hear that? That's your argument slowly but surely crumbling.


    Right. Except they don't actually level up?

    They get a buff, but they don't have the same skill set. If they didn't get a buff they'd get 1 shotted by level 49.

    Even so, level 49 are still more outperform lvl 10 because you get more skills. Unless you suck, really, really bad.

    I've actually killed people who are well over level 45 when I'm somewhere around 30, and when I first started out I had no problem killing BM geared player when I'm wearing full centurions. All the same, Level 10 will 'earn the skillsets" by 1> leveling up (aka playing the game) 2> buying under 40 pvp gear in order to compete against higher levels.


    Nothing's actually crumbling, bud. sorry.



    In a competitive setting we're not testing :

    - who came first or who grind more;

    Also your PVP experience isn't "omg ruined" by the fact that more people get access to said PVP content. In fact you should be ecstatic - more people to show your SKILL, right?

    Unless of course you are crying that others get gear because this isn't really about SKILL but about being able to roflstop others without using anything except autoattack. In which case you are basically defending your own privilege and the inherently FLAWED system the mmorpgs in current days have been built upon.

    WoW had this idiotic gear progression. SWTOR copied it ( yes they copied it, stop saying it's original, it *********** isn't ! ) but it doesn't it's good.

    Wow worked for a while until people started seeing the carrot on the stick and got tired of being duped.

    Swtor didn't get that chance, it didn't get to live the glory days of "player ignorance" as WoW did.



    Your right. In a competitive setting we shouldn't be testing who grind more. What we should be testing is:


    A > teamwork. if you work as a team 8 times out of 10 you will prevail, even if you are in recruit gear. Call incs. Don't tunnel vision. Use warzone medpack. learn to lay low. Simple stuff really. ( if you're charging into the fray knowing you are wearing full recruit, then you are doing something wrong. ) Wz is not all about killing people, you know, especially in cases such as huttball. If you happen to drop into a team full of recruit geared players - bad luck. however, if everyone of them is skilled and willing to work as a team, theoretically they still have a chance to win. (all jump the healer first, and then focus fire each enemy as they come)


    B> Skill. If you are any good you wouldn't come here and complain. I have seen recruit geared players killing people in war hero gear. It rarely ever happens, but it is not at all impossible. If you are wearing BM gear, which takes about 1 week to get (less if you're actually good), you should be able to compete against warheroes.


    C Persistence/ Attitude. If you persist you will eventually get warhero gear. If you dont have the right attitude you'd be complaining about expertise all day instead of considering how you can work with what you have and be useful to your team.


    All of these are actually being tested in our current warzone system. It's just the really unskilled player and players with bad attitude who are complaining because they think everyone wearing the same gear will make them good. The fact is, those who are more skilled than I am are already killing me when they're wearing their BM gears. And the player whom I chase around when they are wearing full BM? I have no trouble stomping them even after they acquired full wh. They just took a tiny bit longer to kill is all.


    Your true skill as a player actually starts showing as soon as you have acquired a few piece of BM pieces. Getting curb stomped in part BM gear? Change your play style. Dont feel like changing your play style? Well, you're bad.

    Good players learn to adopt; bad players qq.


    Current wz system is fine. Warzone not having enough variation (4 vs 4, 3 vs 3) will be the legitimate reason why people lose interest; if player quit because they have problem grinding (aka not skilled enough), the game's better without them.


    With that said, recruit gear could really use a hp buff.



    They'll probly have to buff recruit gear or give away BM gear eventually...

    The current system of "get curbstomped for a couple weeks" won't be encouraging many free players to pay $15 a month for the exciting PvP.


    Recruit gear getting buffed seems inevitable now. Already they have annouced Recruit Gear MK - 2, so we'll just have to wait and find out what kind of gear it's going to be, and how to obtain them.

  22. Wow. :eek:

    Talk about frustrating.


    Working on getting my Battle-master and even though I have a few pieces these matches against those already geared are over WAY too fast.


    Forget going up against a Pyro-powertech.

    I'm dead in under 10 seconds.


    I know people will say Skill > Gear, but by the time I throw out weaken mind, I'm half-dead. :(

    Especially if I am going up against a WH with augments and 6k more health and expertise out the wazoo.


    Talk about a quick match. I'm seeing flamethrower and I am gone soon after. You Pyro-techs know this is true because I am sure you've killed someone like me before. After I'm dead...just vent heat until my DoTs are gone.

    It's not just them, they are simply the easiest to point to.


    This is really killing the fun of PVP for those coming into the 50 bracket.


    I came back to this game to see how it was going but it's things like this that make me want to stop playing for good and just try something else worth the money.


    - DH


    Think of this as a rite of passage.

    When you are in full wh you will inflict the same pain to those fresh 50s.

    Only the strong and the persistent make it in lvl 50 bracket pvp.

    Every War hero has been baptized the same way as you did.


    Endure.... in enduring grows strong.


    The people defending the PVP gear in this game don't see it like that. They see it as their only chance to roflstomp somebody, future population problems be damned.


    People like you seem to think we are given war hero gears at the start and got told to roflstomp people - well, hate to disappoint you, but we didn't. We grind our ways to war hero, we have endured the same thing as you, when we first started out. If you are persistent, keep playing, and then eventually you will be here and be satisfied by the payoff. If you are a quitter, you will come here and whine.


    Future population will actually become a bigger problem if expertise is removed because there is no reason to work towards anything when doing pvp. You don't get the motivation, you don't get the fun. I tell you now, being someone completely maxed out doing the same 4 warzone everyday is damn boring. If expertise and pvp gears don't exist i probably wouldn't have played it til now.

  23. Actually I'm choosing to have fun-it's other players that decide to rage about it.


    LOL k have fun getting pwned in your green lvl 49 gears, pug.



    What team? The group of strangers who don't listen to each other at any point in the match? That's not a team-it's a random sample.


    You're just looking for an excuse for bad wz behaviour at this point because your inability to work with other people, mr rambo. Funny how you thought OP would have a hard time finding teammates with his 'attitude' when you yourself clearly have issues.


    Who on earth would listen to someone wearing green gears in wz? Would you let a blind man drive your cab?

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