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Posts posted by fusrodahz

  1. I wanted this thread to more discuss how the "top guilds" will rank themselves, since its been stated that the 8man content will be more difficult.

    Back on topic then -


    16 Man and 8 Man could simply be done in 2 different brackets, similar to how WoWprogress handles the WoW rankings. If you're not familiar World rankings would be split into, for example :



    8 Man world rankings


    Guild A #1

    Guild B #2

    Guild C #3


    16 Man rankings


    Guild D #1

    Guild E #2

    Guild F #3


    And Finally


    Overall World Rankings

    Guild A #1

    Guild D #2

    Guild B #3




    It's going to be unbalanced, we all know that. What we don't know is if Bioware will end up delivering on this 8 man difficulty they're promising. So - Unless it's blatantly apparent that one ends up being far more difficult than the other, For that first week or two we could begin to at least summarize it like this, and go from there. When it's decided upon as to what the "real" progression raid size is, I'd like to hear what we do with the overall rankings at that point.


    Of course, this is assuming this content is actually difficult, cared about, and that there are still people left when said content releases.

  2. Actually this is wrong. WoW realized with Wrath of the Lich that cartering to the lowest denominator cost them alot more in subs and revenue than they ever believed it would. Cataclysm was harder for raids that WoTL for exactly that reason they wanted/needed to get the hard core raiders and semi hard core raiders back.


    people who never killed heroic LK25 pre 25% call wotlk easy.


    T11 and heroic rag were great. T13 is easily the worst tier in WoW's history.

  3. Hey guys, I'm going to be livestreaming Nightmare 16 man KP/EV on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays for my guild Paradox on Sword of Ajunta Pall PvP. If you want to see how Anihhilation or just marauder plays in Operations feel free to come check it out, or just chill out and talk with us.

    Raid begins at 7 PM CST and ends at 11 CST PM. I may do some pvp before and after.





  4. WoW continues to alienate it's top performing players. I've just read about the first round of nerfs coming to Dragon Soul, by far the easiest and most faceroll raid of the entire expansion. I crap you not, a toddler without hands could down this raid. I cleared it on normal first week, moved on to Heroic Modes the second week, and left WoW by the third.


    Blizzard has lost my support because they continually take the blistering challenge I enjoy and nerf it straight to hell, cheapening my victories and sucking out all of the fun of raiding for me. Firelands heroics were challenging and fun until massive nerfs made them insultingly easy.


    Bioware, I understand that content has to be accessible to everyone on some level or it's a waste of your time and money to develop. However, there HAS to be something for the best of the best. There HAS to be something to challenge very competent players that they can take pride in and think "yeah, I did that. That was sick." I left WoW after six years because of constant decisions made by blizzard this expansion to cater exclusively to casual players.


    Don't get me wrong, I think there should absolutely be content for players who "just want to have fun and not stress". There should be raids for such people, in fact. I have no problems whatsoever with game companies nerfing and tweaking their normal mode content until almost everyone can see it. What happened with WoW though is it took it's "elite" content, the heroic modes, and nerfed them as well. No hard mode raider is EVER happy with nerfs like that. They raid the hardest stuff for the challenge, for the prestige, and for the rewards. You take away that challenge through nerfs and your best players have nothing to do or care about.


    Don't cheapen your content across the board. Leave something for all types of players to enjoy. There needs to be modes for bad (though they won't admit it), good, and truly exceptional players.


    So you're telling me Sinestra, Heroic Rag, Heroic Al'Akir, and Heroic Nefarion 25 all pre nerf were easy? From someone who's actually in a world top 100 guild and cleared all of the content this expansion, I can tell you for a fact Heroic raiding in Cataclysm has been some of the most brutal raiding since Sunwell. Yeah, all of the content gets nerfed after it's all been cleared by top guilds. Big deal. This happens in literally every MMO, top guilds are given a few months to clear everything out and compete, then the content is nerfed so those whom aren't as hardcore / good can have a chance to see the content, or give them that push they need to get it down.


    SWTOR stated before launch raiding (Operations) would be on the more casual side of things. Yeah, I'd like to see nightmare modes be more difficult and add in new mechanics / bosses, but the game has been out what, a month and a half? Maybe less? You can't expect the first raiding tier to be the hardest thing you've ever played through in any MMO. Look at Rift. Greenscale and Alzbeth were both mind numbingly easy, the 2nd raid tier (Hammerknell) Was very difficult and satisfying.


    Give Bioware some time to let people adjust to raiding in a new game, I'm sure content will become more difficult. And if you aren't satisfied with raiding then, there are other MMOs to play.

  5. It is too easy, even the bosses in EV hardmode is way to easy imo.


    Its all about making the enrage, no really hard mechanics to get past. Which is really really sad, if the next set of bosses arent more interesting this game will die out when it comes to progression raids for sure.


    Nightmare Soa Kill kthnxbai?


    Anyways, being 4/5 Nightmare mode myself in one night I will agree with you the HM's/NM modes are too easy, but we do need to remember this is the first tier of raiding and we can't expect the difficulty of a boss like Heroic 25 man LK in WoW or Heroic Ragnaros if you still keep up with the game. Yes, I got 3 Rakata tokens in one night as well.


    Lets wait and see how the extended Karraga's Palace is on Nightmare before we continue to judge the first raid of a two week old game.

  6. Hard mode : Battle of Ilum 2nd Boss- Interrupting the cast that activates his damage dealing sheild seems to be quite sketchy, we saw the cast bar say "interrupted" yet he still gained the sheild. Doesn't seem to happen every time.


    Possible cause : He may recast the sheild but it doesn't show a cast bar, interrupting twice despite no cast bar seemed to work at times.

  7. I just hit 41 tonight.


    As a Carnage Marauder, I absolutly destroy people. Massacre is on the global cooldown and essentially replaces vicious slash. With this, I can make Ataru proc whenever I want and however much I want, meaning that I can wait for Execute to be up before tossing that Force Scream.


    Also Ravage being a root is nice. Eat a Deadly Throw + Gore + Ravage combo and you'll see, Marauders are fine. Watch me toss a 5k crit Force Scream and you'll see, Marauders are fine.


    I have 700 expertise and full champion/battlemaster gear. My force scream crits hit for 4k at maximum with Execute procced and a strength stim. Your force screams do not crit for 5k, especially at level 41. Try again.

  8. The Rage tree is currently best end game PVE tree. That's all I posted. I'll be continuing to update this thread more and more, as it's a work in progress.

    To answer your question. The Shii-cho Form, with armor penetration, will allow for harder hitting attacks. The problem with bleeds are, we arent a primarily bleed based class. So, with armor pen always gaining in it's value as armor values go up. It helps surpass other specs.

    As for Crit or endurance. Always get Crit.

    To answer the difference between Carnage, and others. When you're fifty, a similar geared Rage Maruader will be out performing Carnage and Annihilation. It's just the synergy of the tree, and assuming perfect rotation for optimal dps.

    Annihilation comes close, but the problem is rupture dosent scale as well as it should, it may be fixed, so the more gear you get, the more direct damage will scale, versus bleeds. Bleeds ignoring armor all together, but the advantage is going to be arp (armor penetration)


    I'll get the math done later, but the basic idea for top end damage, is abilities at 50 to their rage costs and cooldowns. However, the other large difference is, is the ability to cumulatively stack powers / abilities. Smash once it's at 4 stack, is one of our best damage to rage abilities. Along with the additional 30% it gets further in the tree to enhance it.


    Again. I'll be posting more as I come, and will try to keep up with everyone. But post your feedback with numbers, not just feelings if you can. And remember skill, and managing animations to abilities will also help your damage increase tremendously, due to no current ability queuing.


    Sorry. Without combat logs to support this I can't take you seriously and if anything you are simply guessing.

  9. You obviously don't understand how to solo with a Marauder if you find yourself Squishy. You NEED to use your defensive CDs in order to stay alive. Keep aggro on Mobs, Use cloak of Pain, pop saber ward if you're taking a large amount of damage, Force Choke to eliminate damage from 1 mob for 3 seconds, Obfuscate the strongest melee/ranged mob, Interrupt abilities...


    TL:DR L2p

  10. Just hit 50 2 days ago, leveled all the way as carnage. Honestly, it can get rough around voss/Corellia, you actually need to understand how to use Obfuscate, Saber ward, Force Choke, when to Smash for an AoE stun, etc. It's not hard if you're a good player, you may find yourself dying at times without using Quinn as a healer. I've only had to use Medpacks a few times, Call on the Force can usually save me in any situation if it's up.


    *Edit* Playing Carnage is extremely good in PvP, especially when you get massacre. Watch for Blood Frenzy procs, spec into the 100% immobilize for Ravage, Defensive Roll, etc. I can usually kill anyone without any trouble, Gore's burst damage is insane.

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