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Everything posted by Nakumine

  1. Bump. Still looking for an 8th man. Send in-game mail to Razkei or Handrew for consideration or send this account a pm.
  2. Apotheosis is a Republic Guild recruiting either a DPS or a Tank for our main core 8 for end-game operations. If you are a phenomenal healer, we can probably adjust to that as well. We're looking for a well-geared solid player with a good head on their shoulders. Someone who is familiar with basic and advanced MMO strategies, preferably is familiar with the different fights in all operations, and most of all fits in with our nightly Mumble roasts. (Seriously, approximately 99% of our jokes are at others' expense, so it helps to have a thicker skin.) You can check out Apotheosis' Operations clear at the New Ops Progression Thread. We have cleared HM TFB and are currently working through NiM EC (downed Zorn and Toth), though having to pug an 8th has been slowing our progress. That's where you come in. Our raid times typically start at 10 EST, with progression raiding normally on Tuesday nights. All other nights are scheduled around our by week. Many of us are in the EST or CT time zones. Feel free to PM me or message Razkei or Handrew in-game for questions, details, or interest in trying out. Having Mumble helps greatly.
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