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Posts posted by Tessie

  1. Go on fleet and ask, use LFG channels, there are many ways to get ppl for this. Just look at group finder operations, people assemble on the fleet and que as a full group!


    I can tell you're an exceptional player really wanting to help others and willing to give of your own time to do so. I'm very glad that there are people like you who play. I am not trying to say anything against you, not in the slightest.


    However, as friendly, social, and willing to group as you are, there are also people who are unfriendly, anti-social, and absolutely dread grouping. Just having to debate this topic is tiresome, let alone actually spending days as you described it to try to get a quest coordinated, so that I can play with people I don't want to play with, to complete the final leg of a solo quest series that should never have required grouping.


    Just because they remove the 4-player requirement, doesn't mean that people who want to group to do this quest in the future would not be able to. It just means people who are unwilling or unavailable to group would have access. Not everybody can schedule their playtime in advance.


    Players who like to group will not be harmed if this quest is made available for solo players. Its not like hordes of solo players are racing to group up and complete this content.

  2. Not sure about the population on PoT5, but when i wanted to do this quest it took me like 3 days to get the people to do it. The mission itself took us 30 min to do. Since that I have helped 3 people to do the mission.


    Then it sounds like the MMO isn't as massive as you suggest. Coordinating with 3 other people for a quest like this is unreasonable on many servers.


    Group content like fps, pvp, ops, uprisings, all have hubs or group finders. Quests like this macrobinocular one don't have a reasonable method of coordination and shouldn't be blocked by needless group member restrictions when its not needed. This is a perfect example of a quest that should be solo.

  3. The thing is that these missions are quite unique! They are something that really needs more players other than operations or Flashpoints (they can be soloed too) so the game needs something like this. The DvsL bosses also are such a thing where people need to group up, its an MMO after all.


    Also, its not hard to get ppl for this, the 3 other players do not need the mission! Only the group leader needs the mission, the others dont have to have it all, they wont be able to click in the first room, but the rest they can click! So just get 3 friends and you can do it anytime!


    Please coordinate this for me. Have three other Sith players meet me at the entrance on Pot5 in 1 hour, when I'm available to play.Or is it not as easy as you make it sound?

  4. I'm seeing some flashpoints decos on various servers' GTNs, like the shattered sith artifact or ancient urn. Have they started dropping again? And if so, also on solo mode, if available?:D

    I've only been running veteran Red Reaper lately and have gotten zero deco drops.


    I used to duo Black Talon hard mode with a friend and we did get deco drops occasionally, but none on veteran.

  5. I've been running veteran Red Reaper and with double CXP and a 100% cxp boost I'm getting over 8k cxp per run. It takes under 10 minutes for a stealth class only fighting the three required bosses.


    • Don't forget to take the weekly mission for running 5 veterans.
    • Only open your cxp bonus packs during a LS/DS bonus
    • Avoid engaging trash mobs
    • On the 2nd boss put your back against a pylon to reduce the effects of his knockback
    • On the 3rd boss you may need to put your companion on passive when he is channeling his lightning, at the point where you need to interrupt his shielded adds
    • After you defeat the 3rd (final) boss you can still run through the 8 red flame "thingies" and earn 16 cxp each

  6. Rather than ruin good group missions, why not start a Request Help section (or at least posts) in the individual Server Forums.


    I have helped many people thru the Dread Seed and micro binoc group parts of the quests. I don't sit at the fleet waiting to see request as I am out on planets playing the game, as I would think most people are. However I do check the forums frequently enough that if someone was to request aid with a group quest I imagine you could setup a time and place to meet to accommodate everyone involved.


    There is plenty of soloable material in the game. i would like to preserve the little bit of group material we have.

    This isn't a "good group mission", its a bad ending to a solo quest chain. This isn't a repeatable quest (though you can help others later). It isn't exceptionally fun. The difficulty doesn't require a full group. The only thing that needs to be changed is removal of the 4 player mechanic. If a group still wanted to do it they could, but it would open the door for smaller groups or solo players.


    Coordinating 4 people's schedules through forum posts is not a viable solution for most people, especially on low population servers. If there can't be an in-game group finder option for these types of missions (which probably isn't worth the dev effort) then they should be made solable or non-full group.


    The way the devs did Yavin is a good example of how quest chains can be handled. Give the player the option of doing 8 steps solo or a single group mission.

  7. I really don't see why people keep complaining about alts...


    Because your preferred play style has already been addressed while some other's hasn't been.



    I agree that something should be done about earning CXP while leveling new alts. I would much prefer to run through leveling class quests multiple times than repeating the same flashpoints or Uprising. This game is great because of its story, and whenever I am leveling an alt I feel like I'm wasting my time because I'm not earning gear progress. DvL was so much more fun than Galactic Command because of the variety of content we experienced.

  8. As you already mentioned, there is a variation of this ability for the Knights and Warriors. There are also abilities that allow you to leap to friendly targets. These abilities have been implemented in a way that they are lore-friendly while still maintaining a reasonable balance that wouldn't cause every single player to change to a force user in order to be viable.


    There are also the practical implications that adding a feature like this would have. Every game engine has a limited set of features, and when the level designers created the map areas based on the engine's features at the time, they didn't design around the type of leaping you're talking about introducing. So, in addition to game engine changes, every map area would need to be revisited, many adjustments made, and each area retested. The AI for force using mobs would also need to be updated so they could use the same capabilities.


    So, for a mature multiplayer game that needs some semblance of balance, has a limited development budget, and is built around an engine and maps that didn't take this into consideration, it just isn't practical. Some lore items are going to be minimized or ignored completely for the sake of game play. For your role playing you can make a Knight or Warrior and leap to your heart's content using their leap abilities.

  9. Cancelling your sub is the best option. You'll be able to continue to play for the time that you've paid for. You also don't want there to be any problem of their system attempting to bill a card when its not your intention. While removing the payment information should work, its better to be explicit and cancel the sub.
    1. And how many new (not PC transfers) players do you expect this to actually bring in?
    2. Would you expect console and PC players to play on the same servers?
    3. Would separate console and PC servers further exacerbate the server population issues?
    4. The heavily modified 3rd party engine being used doesn't support consoles so would you expect a complete migration to a new engine, or contract the 3rd party to make the console changes?
    5. How long do you expect development of a console version to take and will the number of new players you're expecting still be interested by the time its available?
    6. Would a complete rewrite into the next, new version of a SW themed MMO be more practical?

  10. I think CXP should be adjusted so that earning a full set of BiS gear takes:

    • 150 hours of game play for solo players
    • 75 hours of game play for Ops and PvP players


    Players want to choose the content they play, according to their own personal preferences. The developers emphasized the Galactic Command system as what we should be focusing on, rather than the content itself.


    Both solo and group players were told that the galactic command system is for them. A solo player with a main and two alts will not have sufficient time to earn and use the new gear before it is made obsolete by the next gear rating increase that will likely come within a year. My assumption is based on 300 hours x 3 characters = 900 hours. Playing 2 hours a day, 4 days a week would be 416 hours in a year's time.

  11. Stated purpose of galactic command:

    An excited system that offers simplification through token removal while being inclusive of solo players by extending end game gearing to them.


    Actual purpose:

    Keep players subscribed longer by extending the grind.


    Actual result:

    A tedious system that adds confusion by removing some tokens and crystals, but leaving others and adding new DvL tokens and soon adding new convoluted token system for Ops and PvP while still requiring a grind of GC levels to obtain one of the needed token types, while still ignoring solo players and alts.

  12. DvL makes us decide between:

    • Bonuses and rewards
    • Playing what, when, and how we want


    DvL is like the electoral college. It doesn't matter what the majority chooses, we're at the mercy of the outcome of some vague system and we're left to deal with the consequences until the next time when we still won't be in control of the outcome.

  13. I respectfully disagree. 220 gear in 4.x was purchased using radiant data crystals. There were not many sources of radiant data crystals for solo and small group players - I know the HMFP weekly gave a small number, what other sources were there?. And glowing data crystals were not much better - 4 per heroic or something like that. Only common data crystals came at a decent rate but those only got rating 208 gear and 208 gear and item modifications from the crafting trainers offered better stat distribution.


    On this I do agree with you


    When you turned in the alliance crates to gain influence you received many radiant crystals (in the same room with the terminal to claim your companions). So I was able to be in all 220 gear by running H2s over 3 weeks on three alts.

  14. But was it a simple solution? What was the code behind the priority ops system? Would they have had to classify EV and KP as something other than an "operation". And if even they wanted to do that, could they? There are way too many variables that we the players simply do not know. Most of the time what "we" (the players) think is an easy fix...ain't so easy.


    Are you suggesting implementing the GC system was an easier coding effort?

  15. Preferences > User Interface > Conversation > Show Conversation Alignment Gain


    This will allow you to see if your conversation choice will result in light or dark gains. I don't believe the light vs dark setting near the mini-map affects the conversations, but I could be wrong.

    • Grant a legacy cxp boost based upon .1% of total command levels of all your characters.
      • CL 50 = 5% boost legacy wide
      • CL 300 = 30% boost legacy wide.
      • CL 300 + CL100 + CL50 = 45% legacy wide boost.

      [*]Allow legacy unlock to boost CXP gains similar to other unlocks (5 x 6% = 30% total)

      [*]Disintegration of duplicate set pieces should give 1000 cxp each.

      [*]Only allow legendary companion gifts to drop.

      [*]Make empty shells be legacy gear.

      [*]Make reputation items worth 100 cxp each.

      [*]Increase rewards for completing Uprisings, Flashpoints, Chapters, Planetary, PvP, GSF, and Ops.

      [*]Increase elite mobs to 5 cxp.

      [*]Allow us to choose the advanced class and discipline at the time of opening a crate without making us respec

  16. Flashpoints have multiple levels of difficulty and support up to 4 players and/or companions.

    • Story
    • Veteran, sometimes called tactical or just flashpoint
    • Master, sometimes called hard mode


    Operations support 8 or 16 players, and if you are looking for an additional challenge, you and your friends could join a raiding guild once you've beaten all the flashpoints.


    Harbinger is the most populated NA server which means shorter queue times and a healthy GTN (auction house). There will be some contention for PvE spawns in non-instanced areas.


    Good luck!

  17. Congratulations on reaching 70!


    There are individual server forums that may help you find a guild.


    Dulfy has a guide that explains gearing once you reach level 70.


    Solo / small group content

    • Continue your class story if you haven't completed it
    • Level your crew skills
    • Level your companion's influence
    • Seek out datacrons and other lore
    • Level characters of different classes
      • You will get bonuses for completing chapters 2 and 3 of each class
      • You obtain legendary status for completing all 8 classes


      [*]Planetary missions (dailies / heroics)


      • Makeb
      • Shadows of Revan (must be completed prior to starting KotFE and KotET)
      • Chapters
        • KotFE - Knights of the Fallen Empire
        • KotET - Knights of the Eternal Throne


    Group content

    • PvP
    • Operations
    • Uprisings
    • GSF - Galactic Starfighter

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