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Everything posted by Whiskey_jak

  1. This fact alone means that you are inexperienced with the class and need to learn it before posting a video that supposedly tells others how to play a Gunslinger "The right way". You never thought of the fact that you should keep your energy above 60% for the most damage over time??? Energy regenerates much faster above 60 percent which translates into MUCH more damage over time. This is a core principle of Smug/Agent dynamics.... It is OK that you are'nt perfect with the class, most aren't. My point is that people may watch your video titled "Gunslinging done right" and think that they can use it to learn how to play right...
  2. I hate to be a downer here, but your video was full of novice mistakes and things to laugh at (with?). You made a comment in the youtube comments section that you didn't even know that your energy regenerated faster when you have more, and less when you are empty. You should learn your class before posting a video claiming that it is showing how to play the class right... that does a disservice to those trying to learn to play it, and mistaking your video as something they can learn from. By the way, I would love to see you make another video after you get some experience and learn the class completely. I enjoy watching good players have fun with, and use their class to it's full potential!
  3. What this talent helps with is in-combat speed. People who do not spec sneaky will have their sprint canceled while in combat. Thus, they will be moving at 100% of normal speed, instead of 135%, as is with sprint on. With Sneaky trained you will move at 115% normal speed while in combat. Your sprint is also canceled, but your natural 115% run speed is still active. Many people confuse this talent as adding 15% to in-stealth speed, which it doesn't do. This is a very useful talent for not only chasing people down running from you, but also running away from folks pounding on you! They will move at in combat speed (regular speed/100%) while you move at 115% speed.
  4. Which is it? in the first paragraph you are complaining that you can't stand up against 3 mobs your level (which is B.S.), and in the second paragraph you are complaining that you can't seem to aggro all the mobs to you...
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