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Everything posted by sMooMs

  1. il bet u any ammount of money u have no chance against a bm healer sorc... id like an op to prove this not say it.... when i chose this class it was unknown that it would be hitting for 9ks , i looked at what class was played least so i could benefit from easier gearing. played right yes the class is ok, but you dont need to be a scientist to see its at a disadvantage in group combat, and this is a group combat game. im speaking purely from a concealment perspective i dont see any other class having this kinda thread in there forum. (maybe they do, but i didnt notice it) seems to me alot of Ops are stressed out atm, not just a few, like 90% of them
  2. i have 638 expertise 40& crit/81% surge and with relic ext popped im hitting for as little as 700 sometimes.. figure that out
  3. the op is kinda like babe ruth (after he got fat and old) you can still hit the occasional homerun, cant really get around the base's very well , and the memory of when we were great is whats keeping us alive moreso then the current state
  4. Wouldnt be my choice if i had it to do over again
  5. the usual baddies r still dying just as easy, the equal geared players are ALOT harder to kill, especially healers and tanks..they should have waited to nerf atleast untill pvp was tested on an equal high level playing feild
  6. Bioware nerfed my PvE because metrics(subscriptions) showed that the abilities damage had been miscalculated(amount of sorcs rolled) as several criteria had not been taken into account(more sorcs would rage quit then ops). Once they realised their error they fixed it.(sent the minority packing before there sorcs cried till they died of dehydration) useewhatididthur ^^
  7. i dont have much trouble killing people after nerf so thats not the issue(any class can do well 1v1 if u know what ure doing), it is harder to kill people now, yes. we need to use all our tricks most fights.(and sometimes this wont solidify the win anymore)as opposed to say a bh spamming 1-2 spells over and over.(i know some bh that use 4 different spells, leme get some ice to cool off there brain) (i have played my friends sorc they need to apply much less effort to get kills then we do) i couldnt care less about the opener nerf, acid blade nerf hurt, extra available stun is nice, but our utility is ****, every other class has a push/pull/knockback we seem to just flop around and try to burn down ballhandlers which we arent as effective at as before, this kind of game play will tend to get boring fast. im just disapointed that they only nerfed the Op stuff and didnt really give us any hope as to adjusting the frustrating things we have to deal with. (i would love to see a defense cd that prevents knockback for x amount of seconds or give us a knockback, why not everyone else has one. ) with our damage nerfed our weakness's will be more visable
  8. id like to get some skil that would make us more usefull in this warzone structure
  9. mind posting ure spec, when the game came out i looked at all the advanced classes and actually chose operative cause of leth build, but found it to be lackluster, if ure havng so much success id like a little more info, if ure willing. thanks
  10. if the 1.5 sec jarring strike does not fill the resolve bar then i think it will be fine, however if it does fill the resolve then imo its extremely unfair to us.... with no real defense cds or gap closers, to rely on a 1.5 sec stun and nerfed dps, i coudlnt imagine having a fair shot 1v1 against equaly geared and skilled class "x"(add any class but ops)
  11. many advantages? i dont much see it that way no utility, no sustainable dps, no defense cds, we had our burst out of stealth, outside of that i feel quite useless in hutball for example, no knockback, gap closer (im just repeating whats been said and is well known, by everyone except you.) i fell as if concealment ops had one great thing going for us and they took that away, im not quite sure what our role is from here, but we will see, i hate leveling toons, il stick with my op gimp or not, but i think this nerf is fkn retarted imo, just the result of a bunch of crying sorcs and what have you that was taken to heart since they are such a large part of the player base and ops are small in comparission and deemed insignificant
  12. im tired of the "holier then thou attitude" i been gamning a long time , i can tell u this nerf looks to remove ops/scound from the elite chart meaning idgaf how skilled u are, mara/sin/sorc/bh/sniper even will eat u now after this, u players who think you ****amazing and it dosent matter how much they nerf u makes me laugh, when u hs on a sorc now and it dosent crit and u do 1k damage for ure opener and then knockback/dot electrocute ect.... and u cant close the gap or do anything significate to compete youll be quiting or rerolling
  13. this is a joke right? (stealth now only lasts 10 seconds (3/3 skill point to 18 seconds), cooldown lowered to 3 seconds)</~~i mean this better be
  14. problem is obvious, sorc is way over rolled, op/scound counter sorc, so a majority of there players are crying cause something can actually kill them, being that there are few op/scound they dont giv a fok they just nerf the **** outa them to make the majority happy.
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