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Everything posted by LadyHF

  1. I just encountered the exact same issue. Can not progress on that quest because of this. Resetting doesnt work. Also this seems to be a problem only on republic side, at least for me. I have had no issues leveling in this exact same way on imperial side.
  2. yes, there is deffinietly lag, though as everyone said its mainly an ability delay lag, which can be very annoying. from what i have seen it starts coming up when instance population hits about 20 and above 35 it becomes horrible, up to 5 sec on activation delays.
  3. grats on th kill guys and damn, 150+ wipes, huge determination right there to get the boss down.
  4. you can buy a legacy name change for 1000 cartel coins.
  5. http://imgur.com/jzbZqp3 4th highest damage done and 2nd highest dps for commandos. sigh, long ancient hypergates
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