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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by LadyHF

  1. one set piece a belt and also a 230 OH, a blue earpiece and some random green where i took out the enhancement, since those are BiS in them bunch of schematics some for the crew skill on the toon some are not. this is from 13 crates also had a crate where i just disintegrated everything as there was literally nothing useful in it.
  2. I am honestly not sure what BW is trying to achieve with this new system I have seen that stream too, i dont give a crap that that green gear is moddable i sure as heck wont keep it and there is a chance we might not get anything else with a bad RNG hell 10 GC lvls in a row ?

    300 GC lvls? if thats true by the devs estimate u get 1 crate/hour at least at the beginnig thats at best 300h/toon and you have a good chance you wont have full set of top tier gear by then which still noone knows at what lvl its gonna start dropping since at 96 still tier 2 was.

    I am more then likely done with this game when 5.0 drops, though my sub runs until January I dont have the time for that kind of grind and i know lots of my friends both pvp/ and pveers are feeling the same way.

    Someone said today BW might change this 3-4 months into the expansion but by then there is a chance it will be way too late

  3. yea taking away PW from the class that originally got it... doesnt make any sense

    that reflect is nice so is the heal on force cloak.


    yes FL will get taken away, but depredating volts is staying, and i guess it will be granted earlier then it is now-thats the only thing that would make sense.


    same with crushing darkness, demolish is staying in game, so probably going to be granted earlier

  4. my sub ends in January, sub renewed literally 2 days before the galacctic command system info came out. I will stick it out until then thats for sure. After that it will depend on a lots of things, how gear grinding is through the GC system, how tedious it is, and tbh whether i will still have any friends to play with. my raiding group said already that they are for now staying, bbut thats only once a week and the friends i pvp with sme are staying some are leaving, will see where it goes.
  5. I agree with this suggestion 100%, and its a great one but as many said this would have to be very closely monitored and the rules enforced or some could abuse their priveleges then more bad then good would come out of it.


    snapshot we already have in a way, if you report someone from chat for anything other then spam-for some reason then it doesn't, the last roughly 90 sec of chat is included in the report-they could expand on that. whether BW is ever going to implement this? who knows. it would deffinietly help out in banning the players who are breaking the rules, espeially during the weekened when the mods dont work and tickets aren't even getting looked at most of the time until monday.

  6. i just checked the CM-all the weekly passes are gone, not just the wz ones, I am a sub right now so it doesnt affect me really, but an explanation wouldnt hurt. I guess with wzs as someone said they might remove the restrictions for lowbies, 65 pref and ftp wont be able to get the gear anyway and either way its not a secret you can bypass the whole thing by just grouping up with somene and they que the group instead of you.


    Removing the fps pass though makes no sense, as eric stated that fps are still gonna drop gear-at least lowbie gear, so unless they remove the restriction there too, it makes no sense to remove the weekly pass.


    currently dont have a theory for the ops pass.

  7. now harbinger seems to have issues i just had 2 20k+ ms server lag spike in a matter of 30 sec, cant even log back in into the server.


    p.s. it seems all us servers are having issues cant login to JC either

  8. I had this happening yesterday, every few min the game would freeze up, not responding, i could be just standing around in my house, if i went to stealth on my sin or came out of stealth it was very noticable. During one of those freezes i didnt wait for it to start responding but force closed it through task manager, have not had the issue since then. no clue what could it be causing it though.
  9. I have no clue how that typo made it to the forums, as even on the livestream they clearly stated that you had to be subbed on the 1st of July to get early acess and then also clariied somewhere when it was pushed back that as long as you were originally qualified, aka sub on the 1st, you got early access.

    for those who should have been qualified for it, but arent send in a ticket, though i doubt that they will fix it, since it goes live for everyone soon.

  10. sso, have i missed out on it somewhere in the patch notes, or did they really not mention the fixing of conquest and priority ops ? if i missed it sorry, if not does that mean its not getting fixed tomorrow ?
  11. If it's on my launcher, does that mean I'm getting it? Before a couple days ago I was unsubbed for months and not even playing.



    yes if its on your launcher and you are subbed that day you are going to get the 500 CC.


    as i explained earlier, this has been done before(couple of months ago) and they are randomly selecting certain amunt of players-regardless whether you are sub or not at the point they are chosing them, who get this promotion

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