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Posts posted by LadyHF

  1. Update the daily/heroic can be fixed by example going to Black Hole(one of this weeks daily) pvp instance, you can pick up the weekly there, and that seems to trigger the daily/heroic into updating to this weeks.

    But the ops weeklies are still bugged-and yes I tried to switching to different instances of the fleet, didnt work.

  2. Going to the compatibility tab on the launcher and checking Run as Administrator and Run In Compatibility with Windows 7 is what have done it for me.


    doing this and what it says here is what worked for me. maybe just the first thing woulld have worked too,, not sure as i did this first and didnt try logging in before the other one.

  3. there is a workaround:

    4 people types /stuck before you pull the boss that puts the 4 of them on the bottom floor. the other 4 fight him until he goes immune. once that happens, he will go to bottom floor where the 4 there will fight him until immune again after which the whole grp reunites to kill him on the bottom.

  4. For the new augment mats it was already stated it will use the current mats-I will assume in larger quantity though


    we will see how it will work out for pvp, they did say its not gonna provide any advantage in there,, but who knows, according to them these are for NiM raiders(their word)


    as for class balance they said we will get utility changes(some of them I can guess right away), and something to do with skank tanks, but we will see the details.

  5. I havent noticed any lower drop rates then what it used to be, though I have most of my toons at 300 so the 248 drop rate there is not high anyway, but been getting quite a few pieces, or if not then 246's at least. For lower tier you wont get high drop rates until you are close to next tier, but I did level up 2 toons and by the time i got to tier 2 i got more then enough 230's and extras to fully gear her out, and same with the other who went from beginning of tier 2 to i believe Command rank 210ish, and got more then enough 236's-maybe i was lucky but i didnt notice any lower drop rates.
  6. I just ran into the same issue is this going to be fixed on tuesday ? new boss is coming out that day, kinda pointless if we cant even walk into it.

    also ops leader couldnt see ops frame and when he typed in chat it said he wasnt in an ops grp :(


    p.s. apparently this is only broke on star forge, i just saw a stream of someone doing it with no issues

  7. I dont know what BW did to break group finder but its up to the point its ridiculous


    Snv today, 1 guy DCes, eventually we kick him, 2nd guy has to leave

    que up for replacements, we are in que but if we try to leave que nothing happens, the group leader cant leave, the others are seeing cant que, we never get replacements, and then when we inv them they cant leave the group


    this is on Star-Forge

  8. This is mostly affecting a friend of mine but I have had it happen too.


    Lets say I am on a vanguard in dps spec, groupfinder role is set to dps as well, and only dps, not dps and or tank, then why on earth does the game think that I am queing as a tank and if I get a master fps pop it says I am tank ?- i dont take the que, since I dont have tank gear.

    Tried the following-setting the role to something else, then back to dps

    logging out, logging back in and doing the 1st point again-this has worked before but now even this didnt.

    In dps gear in dps spec, role set to DPS ONLY, why does the game think I am queing as tank ? anyone any ideas ? or how to fix this ?its quite annoying

    sometimes the same thing happens on toons that can both heal and dps

  9. You are understanding it right, and no from what i can see there is nowhere to see how much bonus you get right unless you calculate it out, going to givve an example:

    base cxp for ops is 5k you get +5k for double cxp event and lets say at 75% bonus you get 3750 cxp 10% from legacy perk you get another 500, which ends at 14250 cxp per ops mission without command boost

  10. I have 4 at 300 2 sage, 1 shadow, 1 commando.


    I am currently looking at 176 CXP for my slinger for aldaraan heroics.


    Base 75

    have 10% personal bonus 7 (cause I am suere the numbers round down....)

    double CXP event 75

    light side controls the galaxy... um 12?


    75+75+7+12 = 169


    That leaves 7 points left to figure out.... the bonuses aren't working. not even the original 25% by the looks of it.


    have you logged onto you lvl 300 toons ? the thing is not working until you log onto all of them

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