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Everything posted by Taorus

  1. People are saying what they want, EAware is not listening. The apologists then swarm the forums and tell people that they are acting "entitled" and if they don't like it they should leave. They are leaving....Are you not happy? You are getting what you asked for.
  2. Nice dodge. The poster I originally quoted wasn't suggesting some should go F2P.
  3. Nemmar was a very strong supporter of this game at one point. I had many debates with him on the whole Makeb debacle. But alas EAware did something to radically change his view. Sad to see it. Stop encouraging people to leave, they are in droves...again. But hey EAware can always merge the servers again. Maybe the third time's the charm.
  4. When I read comments by the apologist this always comes to mind: First they came for the Pver's, and I did not speak out-- Because I did not pvp. Then they came for the Story Players, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not in to the story's. Then they came for the Operation runners, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not in to Operations. Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me. This comes from a famous quote, I changed it to reflect SWTOR.
  5. I love the apologist. They get proof people are leaving, and they encourage more to do so.
  6. So, using a pun negates the question? I guess it is true that a leopard cannot change their spots.
  7. In general chat, I have sees people use the N-word or use the derogatory word for gays/lesbian, Just about demean or degrade their fellow human beings at every opportunity. Not sure using General Chat as a moral compass is the way to go.
  8. Thank you. You have restored my faith in my fellow gamers. A reasonable critique. But alas the apologist/fanatics will shortly come in and tell you how you are comparing apples to oranges or some other such nonsense, That you are either flat out wrong or your opinion does not matter. No voice should ever be silenced, That path leads to tyranny.
  9. I have given up enough, I gave up that this will ever be a quality game.
  10. Thank you so much for proving my point. Not a single one of you can resist the overwhelming need to defend absolutely everything EAware does. It crosses into the realm of fanaticism. Oh, and a weak jab is easily counted by a strong right hand to block. Then a quick jab with a left to the chest followed by a cross to the head. Its called a counter combo. Cue Apologist retort in 3...2...1
  11. Seems to me the Op was asking a simple tiny question? Was it a typo or will the event last just four days.
  12. I have never had need for you to spell anything for me, But you seem to have the incessant need to do so anyway.
  13. Good to know we have such a dedicated militia to discern what is chaff an what is wheat. The maker forbid we make our own minds.
  14. Who made a fuss, let alone a HUGE fuss. Looked to me like someone asked a small simple question. Are folks now not able to ask the all-power EAware questions?
  15. So...Let me get this straight, The apologist are now defending typo's. I guess it is true, there is nothing they will not defend.
  16. So...You clicked on his name read some of his prior posts, then followed him in to another post? Sounds kinda stalkerish to me.
  17. The Alpha Hero engine EAware used cannot handle greater speeds.
  18. Par for the course for EAware, they half arse most everything.
  19. How do you know he complains about everything? Are you stalking him?
  20. I agree flat-earthers are really silly, But they have been gone since the fifteenth century. Speaking of people in denial. Oddly enough people did not believe the crew of the Titanic that it was sinking, even when the North Atlantic was flowing in the portholes.
  21. So your arguement is " I know you are, But what am I?" How grade school.
  22. I concur. Damn the Torpedoes, full speed ahead.
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