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Posts posted by Remulan

  1. My main argument was DPS sages arent weak healers, You can, and we have run ops using a DPS specced Sage as support healer when the usual one couldnt make it.


    Also, communication, when I'm running TK specced the main healer doesn't shield the MT as my shield is stronger, the force he saves, he uses for heals...


    What would you prefer? A normal strength shield on the MT or a 20% stronger shield on the MT?


    Also, there isn't just bosses in Ops. We clear content without checking numbers, and no, I'm not being carried before that pops up. Which knowing these forums, it will. We do it, succesfully, our way. Dictating otherwise is pure BS.


    At the end we have fun, we clear, we have fun. We don't need to know who does how many DPS or whatever. As we are not playing a spreadsheet. I've raided from EQ1 onwards, as all roles, Tank, Healer, DPS, Mezzer, and debuffer.


    If you spec for shield talents as a dps you are missing actual dps talents making your spec subpar. Not to mention any sage/sorc healer will have the 20% shield talent anyway making your point completely moot. DPS are brought to a raid to do damage to the boss, that is all, they are not brought because they can off heal really poorly.

  2. I hit up to 6k rail shots currently. My HSM with every popped will do 7.3k. Without cooldowns, HSM does 6.5k.


    I don't believe any of those numbers. You would have to have a ridiculous amount of power making your crit and accuracy non-existant to go along with your fully augmented full campaign gear in every slot to even begin to approach them.

  3. lol your funny go to vornskr my toon is javier. reason i said that is because i know how to play commando healer. i heal much better at single healing than a sage go check me out i do 1.1k-1.3k hps (even with crappy aoe heal) and my single heals as med probe, adv probe, and bacta infusion always hit around 3k and crit from 4.5k+ while med probe crits go even to 5.5k and at some occasions 6k and seeing from experience and talking to sages they said after 1.2 force restriction is up there with ammo ;) i can outheal a sage in single healing in the first 3 second if we were doing a timed heal to see who could heal one person in 10 seconds the most. do adv. probe, bi, med probe, instand med probe with no ammo cost then hs, and the rotation id do in those 10 seconds id be far ahead. oh also my crit chance is 40% with crit surge of 74.8% so i crit a lot and do high heals most of my time so get your facts straight :) just in those 3 first seconds i could pop from no crit 9k (thats saying adv.probe, bi, med probe, and second med probe dont crit plus relic and prev. med on adv probe)- 20k+ (all crit) oh and did i say i usually always crit?


    So please tell me what change in the below patch notes made you say "after 1.2 we have a much easier time resourcing and managing our ammo"? I'm interested in this.


    Combat Medic

    Field Training now increases critical chance by 1% per point.

    Field Triage now reduces the cost of Medical Probe by 1 (down from 2).

    Kolto Bomb now affects up to 4 targets (up from 3), improving reliability in group and Operation situations.

    Kolto Residue now increases all healing received by 3% (down from 5%).

    Psych Aid no longer reduces the cost of Field Aid. It now causes Field Aid to heal the target for a small amount.

    Supercharge Cells now restores 1 Energy Cell (down from 2) when used and increases all damage and healing dealt by 5% (down from 10%). The shield applied by Kolto Bomb now reduces damage taken by 5% (down from 10%).

    Trauma Probe now costs 2 Energy Cells to activate.

  4. The ship droid has about 3 abilities at lvl 50, is very hard to get gear for, and some slots are impossible to fill like the most important one, mainhand weapon.


    I would imagine leveling with the ship droid out would be almost identical to leveling without any companion out.

  5. Tell me how to run away much less kite a glow stick that has decided to kill me in pvp? I am not even talking about trying to do any damage to them, just trying to escape.


    No one can tell you how to do this, because it isn't possible if the person trying to kill you has even half of a clue what they are doing. You will perma-snared making your 2 sec snare that you apply to them pretty worthless. If you create space with your knockback, they will either a) jump right back on you, b) speed boost their way to you, probably while invisible, c) root you in place and run back to you, or d) just kill you from range with their lighsaber throws that hit harder than your demo round.

  6. are you bashing commando or no? (no offense) either way commando does much more damage then a sage in pve and pvp its easily one of the easiest classes to kill in pvp i never had a problem with a sage to be honest i had a problem with sents/maurds and slinger/sniper prolly cuse there oure dps class. Secondly yea sages do have nice aoes but single healing goes to commandos and after 1.2 we have a much easier time resourcing and managing our ammo i learned from experience, going to the topic the guy said no commando is not a lost cause but if your a pvp fan which it seems you are right now yes commando isnt such a good class for pvp im sorry :( though we can easily kill sages and sometimes scoundrels in dps :) lol so we might be semi lost cause in ovo but in pve heals and dps were far from a lost cause


    Really, when you post stuff like the highlighted section, people know that you haven't played the class.

  7. the difference in armor pen applies to only rail shot. 30% vs 90%. that doesnt correlate into 3x more damage tho


    against a target w/ 30% damage reduction from armor, 30% armor pen reduces that to 21%.

    against the same target, 90% armor pen reduces that to 3% damage reduction.


    take an example hit of 4k: 30% armor pen = 3160 damage

    90% armor pen = 3880


    noticeable difference for sure, but insurmountable? no


    Merc's also have to channel either powershot or unload to proc free railshots, rather than using instant cast abilities. Mercs also only have a 16% chance to apply the cylinder dot, while PT's have 100% chance.

  8. *Snips the rest.*


    Translation: Whine, moan, whine. they nerfed me, whine, moan, growl, they're bad for doing that, moan groan yell.


    DPS is fine for the most part right now. Most classes are close to each other. Sure some might need a bump, but really, if you look at the patch notes... Not many people got touched by the nerf hammer. In fact. The only one's who had their wings clipped really were Sorc's and their healing, which they've adapted to, and Marauders got a buff.


    Let me highlight the part of interest to you.


    "The only ones who got nerfed were Sorcs."


    I would not consider the fix of the stacking thing to be a nerf, as it was a fix for an issue. So, if you were using that to get Mad DPS. Well.. Adapt. If you're not a merc, then your DPS didn't go down. If you're playing a Marauder and your DPS went down. Well.. Sir. Then you're just plain and simple doing it wrong.


    Please explain to me how my merc's dps dropped so dramatically on the target dummy on my ship due to them "fixing" merc debuff stacking when I was the only one dpsing?

  9. Seems like a lot of folks in this Commando forum would be better served with a Flavor of the Month forum.


    Jano Vas - Jedi Guardian

    Guild Leader: Spark of Hope

    Vrook Lamar


    Why are you berating people for being disappointed in their class when you don't even play it?

  10. Hi all, I played gunnery commando prior to 1.2 (full battlemaster), but even before the patch I started to play around on alts. Now I've returned to my commando and found him to be rather useless in PvP. What suggestions do you have as far as builds and rotations (I'm not trying to stick with just gunnery, any dps build is fine)?


    Your best bet is to reroll to any other advanced class if your focus is pvp and you want to enjoy it. Once rated warzones are released you will not be getting on even a half decent team as a commando/merc so if you reroll now you can have another class geared and ready to go when they are released.


    Of course, if you don't want to do that (and who really does?) Diablo 3 comes out next week and GW2 comes out in less than 2 months and neither charges you monthly to dissapoint you.

  11. Do people realize that a class that is designated as a Healing class (by which I mean that they have healing skills whether they spec for it or not) is just not supposed to be top-tier damage as a pure-damage class?


    I think that the only way to really make the OP case would be to disable the base Merc healing skills while in any spec other than Bodyguard. Otherwise, you're being disingenuous with the "we're broken" argument since you simply cannot discount the added benefit of even minor heal optionality.


    You can really tell the people who don't play a merc when they make posts like this. If you had ever played a dps merc before you would know how piitful your heals are and that if you are ever casting them in a pvp or pve situation the fight is already lost.

  12. but I am not seeing much other choice other than maybe just playing my sniper exclusively.


    If your focus is pvp that is your best bet really. Both merc dps specs are the worst pvp specs in the game due to mediocre damage and lack of utility. People say "pyro is great for pvp", but what they really mean is that pyro is not AS bad as arsenal is. You may be able to put up decent numbers by the end of the round as pyro, but good luck ever killing a healer or someone who is being healed since all your damage is dots (cleansable) and medium hitting shots. You can however spread those dots around and pretend like you made a difference.

  13. I'm curious...


    OP.. is this a concern about your Arsenal Merc in PvP or PvE? I can't vouch for it in PvP, but my arsenal merc in PvE routinely stands up with the big boys in dps and survivability. Heck, I just did a 2 BH (my arsenal and a guildies pyro) Heroic 4 on Alderran without any problems other than the pyro overheating all the time..lol


    Just looking for some clarification here. I will say this though, either way, I won't be shelving my merc. Your more than welcome to however.. I figure if enough of you do it the equipment/armor/mods I need for mine will plummet in prices on the market and I'll be sitting pretty :)


    People in this thread are talking about max level mercs. Everything before level 50 is very easy and you could complete it without even using talent points. Duoing a heroic 4 is not all that great, my lvl 27 sorc solos the heroic 4 on alderaan for the armoring that is awesome at that level and my merc soloed the same heroic 4 while leveling up a few months ago.

  14. I've crafted 13 campaign relics and no augment slots. I put in a bug report asking what's going on, but all I got was a "we have confirmed with our specialist team that in fact this is not a bug, and is working as designed"

    so either they're not supposed to have augment slots, or we're both extremely unlucky.


    If it's bad luck, there's an 88% chance i should have gotten at least once by now, and 96% for you if you've made 20.


    It's not looking good.


    That's not quite how statistics work.

  15. you should specify which play style you are talking about


    Well he's talking about campaign gear, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess he might be talking about.....raiding???


    For the OP I noticed the same thing, the new gear is pretty badly itemized compared to Rakata that has been remodded to proper accuracy levels.


    I guess if you still had default Rakata with it's 120% accuracy, some of the new gear would be a nice upgrade since you would be dropping your useless accuracy.

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