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Everything posted by OasisKid

  1. Greetings. As fate would have it NAM is building it's second Group within guild. Linked is our recruitment thread. Not sure how casual or hard core you want to be :-) http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=942409
  2. Greetings Folks. I am pleased to announce that we are now taking applicants for all roles as we construct our second raid group within NAM. Raid nights are looking to be Weds and Sunday nights 7 30 to 10 30 EST. The vision for the group is to be Nightmare clearing after group cohesion is established and the natural progression of things. Linked is our guild website. HM Experience and Nightmare Experience are both highly sought after however no one will be over looked even if you are new entirely to SWTOR after all there are other MMOs that could give you an edge coming into SWTOR. Happy 2018 lets get to work folks https://notanothermeme.enjin.com/
  3. Hey don't you play Imp Side and if I recall you were n a PVP guild with Backstab or some Op ..... What you do on Tues and Thurs nights?
  4. Update. We officially have needs for 1 Tank and still a healer. We would prefer a Sin or Jugg Tank but would consider a PT. We are looking for a Merc healer but would consider a Sorc. We have cleared every Nightmare or Master Mode boss in 5.0 and all timed runs minus Dread Master and we have yet to pull HM Nahut. We raid Tues and Thurs 7 30 to 10 30 EST. Please reply here or in game mail Frozyn. Thanks for taking the time to read and pls do not troll. Thank you all
  5. Greetings Star Forge. <NAM> a Nightmare clearing guild. Is currently looking for a healer. We raid Tues and Thurs night 7 30 to 10 30 EST. We are looking for a Merc or Sorc Healer prefer a Merc. We will be holding healer trials starting Jan 2nd 2018. Please have cleared all HM raids including the first two of HM GoTM or at least Tyth. Also the more Nightmare experience you have on tier and at level the better. Please in game mail Lophen or Frozyn or reply here to get things moving. Thanks
  6. Can someone please address the messed up "cast bars" with UI issues from players and enemy's? Also why is the Master Mode Operation Material dropping from GF act ivies but the ranked material is just in ranked (not counting crates) Can we get an answer ?
  7. I can also confirm Master Mode Operations are not triple the amount of UC Components and there is def an issue with "cast bars" not only on yourself but also on bosses. Devs can you please at least acknowledge these issues?
  8. Can someone please address the "Cast Bar issues" on Enemy and Friendly and self in the UI issues? Also NiM Operations aka Master Mode were not tripled they are still giving the same what gives?
  9. Bumping. This needs to be addressed and something said in the Dev Tracker to acknowledge this. It is not good for raiders or PVP'ers .... Anyone really
  10. I can confirm this is also happening on Star Forge. We noticed it in Niaster Mode Dread Palace. I am not sure what caused it but it really needs to be addressed soon like within 48 hours. I know DM casted by Tyrans takes a second to show up but there was 3 to 5 seconds where the cast bar stopped and then applited DM. I also noticed that some of my own cast bars were messing up as well. Others in my raid group and guild have said the same thing. Help and Thanks
  11. Hello. I am not sure if this will ever be read but I would like to talk about a "known issue" I first want to say the Activities Window is very streamlined and very good. My issue is this. As someone who does NiM or MM Raiding that new material is rather easy to get. You added it into GF which is fine. However my true concern is the other material that is needed comes from Ranked PVP and RNG in crates alone. So please tell me Devs why you decided to make the NiM material for the Legendary Augs come from Daily GF but not in reg PVP?
  12. I just wanna know if I can apply that is all I want to know... I heard you were making a new group and I want to help
  13. If I apply to Tragic Heroes will I be accepted now since I have cleared everything post 5.0?
  14. Will you still be able to play Mara at a high caliber level with the Carni nerfs? And what are you parsing atm and what is your experience in SWTOR?
  15. Greetings... a few members of NAM and TPR will be running a Co-Op Group on Weds and Sunday Evenings 7 30 to 10 30 EST.... We will be starting the week after US Thanksgiving. We are actively seeking a tank and perhaps a DPS but definitely one Jugg or Sin Tank.... In game mail Medicoò or Lophen or by all means reply here. Thanks. This is a new Nightmare group separately we have cleared almost everything as far as NAM and TPR
  16. Nice that you are able to do sales runs.... you're all talented folks.... That said you all crack me up in a good way... How goes the server formerly known as THP....
  17. Well we currently have a Jugg and a PT.... We will be losing a memeber in Dec and I do not want to add a third mDPS... I am guess you do not play rDPS well?
  18. Can I apply now? I have a Scoundrel and I am 26/26 in NiM Raids and 4/5 Timed Runs Post 5.0....
  19. Greetings from the new Star Forge Server. NAM a NiM clearing guild is currently recruiting a Tank or a rDPS for our core group. We have cleared every Nightmare and Hard Mode boss post 5.0. We have achieved From Beyond, DragonSlayer and Gate Crasher. We are currently working on Dread Master. We will accept all applicants with experience being preferred. If you are applying as a DPS please have relevant parses and be proficient at more then just one DPS spec. When it comes to a ranged DPS Sniper will be favored over any other class. We raid Tues and Thurs 7:30 to 10:30 EST ..... Reply here or in game mail Frozyn or Lophen. Thanks
  20. Anyway we could get them to have a sub set where you could do "Guild Recruitment" which was basically a seperate part of the forums like they used to have?
  21. just to add to the original loot from FPs that dropped in 1.0 esp the orange gear and named weapons bring them into Master Mode FPs that would give people an incentive to run them more often since Master Mode old FPs don't drop gear worth using tbh
  22. I would like to see "named" items from FPs drop again that were around in 1.0. They do not have to have mods or enhancements etc just the vanity part of it for players who may have missed out on them. I would like to also see old schematics come back that were removed and or color crystal schematics. I would also like to see the mounts for "Gearhead" to return as well that includes the ones that were on planetary vendors that are now removed. I basically would like to see the cool gear sets and vanity items that used to drop with cool names or effects be brought back so they can be gotten by new players that came back or new players in the future as in I am confident players will return once GoTM is completed. So please bring back the things from FP and Ops and even Heroics missions that were rare and fun to farm for. I remember farming "Martial of Balance" light sabers for my Mara that is still level 42 that I have had since launch. I am sure this is lengthy now just bring back the fun stuff and unique items and schematics even if they are tied to some new event that you all make or something
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