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Everything posted by Jiraiya_Goketsu

  1. Never said it couldnt be...you are the one that made the jump from there to 24 hr cycles. silly.
  2. What is logical about defending game flaws with statements like i guess you want everything in 24hrs...you kids today, no wonder we are falling off.
  3. And if its so *********** hard, then that 200 million dollar budget and a pocket full of EA isn't enough? Then maybe you should or rather they should know their limitations and be up front with the community. Reality is a *****. Get over it. You're delusional. Ok time to grab my popcorn. See where you drones go next. p.s. i'm starting to get concerned about your sanity. Be cool. You are making leaps and connecting dots that aren't even on the paper man.
  4. You never asked me that 1st. Second I never implied 24hrs. The average development time for a full-scale MMO is 3-5 years, though some have taken longer, and smaller projects and browser MMO's sometimes take less. so its hard and takes time is not a reason it's an excuse still. They time to do the hard work and took time doing "to get it right". Next.
  5. Still waiting for a logical educated response. guess i'll go get some popcorn.
  6. I'm still waiting on you bub. He never asked me that. WAKE the **** up! i picked up on this convo from here "It's not a "justification" perse, it is the fact of life for the Development cycles. It's an education piece for those who are ignorant about software development and think things should happen immediately and magically outside the space time continuum." Again where is that question you magically inserted into my life?
  7. And then when you answer that, then you can tell me how he made that leap from my previous post that he quoted and then took out of context?
  8. You're so far left or far right with your replies. The extremities your going to and leaps you are making, are out there man, like space cadet ****. Grab a rail and put your feet on the ground. Are you bipolar?
  9. I think i have seen this somewhere before...... http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg Ah, yes now i remember.
  10. Then why did they lynch SK for Too Human? it's the same thing man. You can't just get by saying it's hard or you try it or it takes time. cycle this cycle that. that's an excuse not a reason.
  11. http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?searchid=864575 Your the expert, you tell us.
  12. You can thank EA and their addiction to beating other games out for release(GW2,TSW,TERA, ETC.). **** the bugs, **** the quality, **** the gamer. **** the staffs desires and needs. **** EA. BW i'll continue to support you out of respect, but gain control or get out fast! All they care about is the bottom line and while im sure BW loves the deep pockets, they are hating the way EA does business. I guarantee it.
  13. There is no difference between this and blaming the players machines for all the myriad of problems. It's the same tact. They fuct up something and then Urkeled out on us again. Prolly on orders from EA. EA it's kinda gay.
  14. You can thank EA and their addiction to beating other games out for release(GW2,TSW,TERA, ETC.). **** the bugs, **** the quality, **** the gamer. **** the staffs desires and needs. **** EA. BW i'll continue to support you out of respect, but gain control or get out fast! All they care about is the bottom line and while im sure BW loves the deep pockets, they are hating the way EA does business. I guarantee it.
  15. No. Been reading a lot since last night about the current state of the game.
  16. AoC had similar numbers. Does that mean this will fail? No. Does that mean this will succeed? No. It will never be a total failure no matter what people say. It's Star Wars!
  17. i'll never understand how games like those get such high marks. Don't get me wrong they are all good games. But when you have people experiencing game ending bugs or ones where you can't play anymore, i just don't see how they can get 8-10's. But then again we live in an age of mediocrity so i guess i'll be labelled a troll here.
  18. Not to split hairs, but aside from saying GW,GW2, DAOC, what is a proper pvp title to you? Namaste
  19. Well I was wondering about logging into the game again, after reading the boards and this and after having an honest open thread deleted for the wrong reasons. I'm glad I have made the decision I have made. Thank you for this.
  20. What can you do? People gotta have their WoW in some form.....lol.
  21. Try Hunter Blade if you like Monster Hunter but with an mmo twist.
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