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Everything posted by RattyRattail

  1. Has anyone else noticed that certain abiltities that are just root abilities and not CC abilities are preventing us from going into cover while active on us? The problem I have is that other turret classes can still use all of their ranged abilties while in this effect. Snipers on the other hand are severly handicapped when under this effect as we can't use cover to do our main abiltiies. Javan Makoan 60 Battlemaster Sho-Chii
  2. I've been running into a problem the last couple of days where my instant snipe I get after going into cover has not been working in PvP. My character will go through the animiation of raising his rifle to fire... and then... nothing... when I hit the button a second time the shot goes off. Ambush has also been running into an issue along the same lines. The cast bar will fill and then... nothing... no shot... There are many threads I've seen on ability lag and such, but this is the first time I've run into this while playing my sniper. Are any of you experiencing this issue as well? It's incredibly frustrating when you're PvPing and these abilities are not working as it's the difference between losing and winning a fight. Javan Makoan 60 Battlemaster Sho-Chii
  3. I really do not see the point of having the normal mode be a pre-requisite for level 50s in order for them to do the hard mode of said flash points. Right now it just seems to be a five to fifteen (depending if you can speeder through mobs) minute time sink to run level 50 players through the normal modes to unlock the hard mode.
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