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Posts posted by Senden

  1. One bug I found was inspecting other players only to have it inspect my own character but in the portrait show my character in the gear of the player I was inspecting.. could be just because he was wearing the adaptive armor sets.
  2. How are they supposed to take you seriously when you are admittedly not wanting to resub?


    Well ofcourse he doesn't want to resub, they've taken away his ability to use half his abilities and stripped his game down. Loads of people who were subscribed will come back to check out the f2p see what f2p has become and quit because they were discouraged from their initial experiences. Just face it, EA dropped the bomb in enticing old members back, they could have at least offered 7-14 days free full subscriber access so they can properly see the current state of game without spending anything first.. seeing how BW/EA have made a huge deal of how non committed every MMO gamer is these days, you'd have thought they'd have taken that into account on their big f2p release day.

  3. You know if you really want some good input.Go to the fleets and planets.Sit back with a cup of coffee and listen to what folks say.There is too many people that think they speak for everyone.Wrong frelling answer.That is your best bet.Take a break..smoke if you got them and I think you will get a good idea what folks feel needs done or fixed.


    That's funny, republic fleet is filled with former subscribers hating what f2p has become, the skill bars costing money being a noteworthy mention. The fact is, the majority of responses here is the sad truth and EA are playing dumb to these problems and once again it's going to cost them when they are further forced to downsize the dev team when f2p fails.


    The sad thing is, the idea of the state of game is to help communication between developers and players and not only to keep us informed but for us to feel like they care. Sadly, it has the exact opposite effect and there is so many things wrong with what is said that it's blatantly obvious that bEAware (sorry but it best describes the developers) are completely out of touch with the loyal fans of this game or they simply just don't care. I could argue with every single of those three points mentioned however it would read almost identical to what the guy some posts above mine who has been playing for a few months has said.


    I'll finish off by saying that I won't be reading state of the game anymore. It saddens me with what is put and further reminds me of what this game could have been if the decision makers weren't incompetent half whits and it wasn't so painfully obvious that the same incompetent people are still there while the talented ones have moved on. Keep trying though bEAware, hopefully when f2p fails, some higher ups heads deservedly roll.

  4. Didn't follow the cartel market much however was quite eager to see it come f2p going live seeing as I have 2.8k coins to play around with. Tbh, as a subscriber I feel quite underwhelmed by what is available. Some things like the adaptive armor sets for instance could have been awesome if they could be used from say level 1 and the stats go up as you level similar to the heirloom sets.


    The packs were kind of cool and can see some idiots going nuts with them seeing how the random nature can be quite addictive. But with the exceptions of xp boosts which I can live without, I can't see anything in there at all which makes me want to buy cartel coins. While some people will say that's not what it's designed for but lets be honest, I've been an active subscriber since early access, registered on this site since day one and people like me are the ones who are most likely to part with our cash to buy stuff on the cartel market.


    While I won't go into detail on all the different stuff I'd want to buy, one thing that comes to mind would be sets similar to heirlooms on WoW. Seeing as I'm at the stage now where I'm going through each classes second spec like Jedi Sentinel (my main is a Guardian), it would be nice to be able to buy a set that looks cool which I could use from level 1 that works the same as heirlooms giving me good stats without the need to upgrade most of my gear throughout the leveling process.

  5. Can't say how frustrating I'm finding 10-49 warzones on this game. So many just flat out idiots and sometimes it's really hard not to rage when you're trying so hard to win yet your teammates are so terrible. Just played a game of huttball where my team's range dps just stood at the edge of the score zone trying to burst down a marauder only to have him leap at them. Wouldn't bother me if it was a one time thing but five times in one match? Then there was Mr assassin going around doing force lightning with the ball in our own scorezone surrounded by 3 people. Fortunately their team was just as bad with ball carriers throwing the ball into flames and other such /facepalm things.


    I'm no pro by no means but you don't have to be some amazing pvper, anybody with common sense and half a brain can get the basics right.


    Things like


    - Keep an eye on chat for call outs and coordinated attacks


    - Fight on the capture point


    - Be aware of where the ball carrier is


    - Stun defenders when someone is planting a bomb



    Why do these simple basic things elude so many people? Worse yet the MVP voting system most of the time awards the adhd tards who go around looking where the action is without a care in the world for winning. How often does that lone guy at snow/grass/east/west get mvp votes when he selflessly does the most boring thing in warzones and calls out everytime he needs help?

  6. As opposed to how seamless (sarcasm) and easy (sarcasm) it was to find big space battles in SWG and play them without having to grind 30 levels (sarcasm) before you could play them and not get vaporized by anything over Tier 1? Yeah, those were great. (Sarcasm)


    Oh, and cause getting to finally fly an X-Wing was the simplest task ever.

    SWTOR's space battles: last minute mini game addition just to say they have space battles.


    SWG's space battles: Full expansion upon itself and something that belongs in an MMO.


    Those were the days of MMOs before WoW came along and brought all the ADD kids who want everything without having to work for it.

  7. What we have now is enough.. When 1.5 is released it will be free to subscribers.. At least that is my understanding..

    Dual spec has nothing to do with having enough, it doesn't count as content.. it's a utility feature and a very handy one people have been asking for as long as this game is out. Don't see why they don't put it in tbh as it's a huge inconvenience not having it in there.


    And thanks Rassuro, I knew I was fairly certain that they said it was coming at one point.

  8. I also had a really hard time deciding at that point in the Trooper story :( My female Trooper and Jaxo were good friends. In the end I decided to save Jaxo, but... she never recovered from that horrible experience. One of the toughest choices in the game.


    Thanks for being the first post in this thread and posting a spoiler without tagging it, moron!

  9. I know initially BW said they didn't want to add it however I'm fairly sure they went back on that and mentioned that it would most likely come in a future patch.. well what happened to it? Playing a class that can heal, I really feel like I'm missing out on it.. would love to heal in warzones however I'm not leveling in a healer spec.
  10. Never really bothered to look at the server list however to my dismay it seems they've literally merged all the eu servers at least to 1 server type per language covered. As a TOFN player since early access, I can't help but be worried that as the only English pvp server, come f2p, we're going to get an insane amount of queues. Have EA/BW addressed this at all because I seriously think the first few weeks are going to be as bad as early access with 2 hour + queues if TOFN is the only English speaking eu pvp server.
  11. Only just noticed this actually after making a Jedi Sent however Sith Warriors have force scream something jks don't have and is very useful in pvp.. what did the jk get instead to make up for this?




    Disregard this, it's their version of blade storm.. took me longer to write this than it did to search for it lol.

  12. Yes I do.. that's why I rolled on a pvp server. You guys don't want pvp? Good, go join a pve server. No problem right? Wrong! Because too many people who don't want wpvp still go on pvp servers. I've seen too many times in general chat people talking down world pvp that it's just a gankfest and griefing.. this begs the question why are they on the server if they don't want wpvp?
  13. I hear this class has the worst story out of all of them and was wondering without spoilers, if someone could say if it really is that bad? Got a Sith Assassin and thought that story was pretty weak (compared to the Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior/Agent ones) and now made a Jedi Sage however doing dps as a Sage just seems kind of tame and I'm thinking of making a Sorc.. with that in mind, would I really be missing out on much not doing this class story?
  14. The F2P launch is due in November.


    Like every major patch, we'll find out more as we get closer to the time of launch.


    Well it's November in less than two weeks.. how closer do we need to get? My point being is that if they are going to hype up Cartel Coins, the correct way to do it would be by showing us some stuff instead of all this keeping us in the dark rubbish.

  15. So it seems EA have started plugging cartel coins a little bit more these days and was wondering what the vendor for cartel coins actually looks like? What items does it have? How much do they cost? I cancelled my sub shortly after f2p and surprised I'm back tbh (what's a bored star wars fan to do?) and as far as I can tell, absolutely nobody can answer my questions.


    Please don't tell me EA/BW are trying to get excited about cartel coins/f2p etc when nobody knows what we have to be excited about? They're not actually further making the mistake of keeping us in the dark while plugging something nobody even understands truly yet?


    Keep sailing towards that iceberg, not even James Cameron can save the incompetence/arrogance associated with this game and he was even able to raise the bar to get Honey Boo Boo off television (South Park).

  16. Ironically this seems to be the sort of strategy they are going for.. tbh everyone wins but EA as far as I can see it. As someone who loves both Star Wars and MMOs and has been playing MMOs for 10 years.. I'd say play this for solo/story then go play a real MMO if you want to give your subscription somewhere. People will hate on me no doubt for saying that but all the things this game does well will be free while all the poorly designed stuff like the MMO features can be avoided and you won't have to pay a penny.
  17. I am so sick of the pvp'rs complaining. Pvp is a small part of any mmo. Go play Xbox Live if that's the type of gaming experience you want. This game is and will always be about pve. Go children. Go drink your Red Bulls and tweak out somewhere els.


    I know that is a generalization. No disrespect to the players that enjoy all aspects of the game. But the "more more more" insanity is getting irritating...

    And I am so sick of all the pve players who somehow think pvp isn't a part of the game. It's called an MMO not MMOPVEG(mmo pve game). Not only that but this is a STAR WARS game.. this game is based on a huge war between two factions, if anything pvpers have just as much right if not more to want new stuff. Pvp is a small part of any mmo? You really don't have much experience then with the genre. Perhaps you should go play Hello Kitty online or something which is more suited for those who don't want pvp.

  18. Registered in October 2008 or whenever the forums came live and have been actively playing this game since day one of early access however sadly I no longer plan on staying loyal to the game. The only reasons I still play this game will be free in a few months and with GW2 out tomorrow and the Pandas around the corner, just don't see the point in supporting the game any further.
  19. Cancelled my subscription today in no particular order of preference:


    1: F2P - everything I like about the game is going to be free soon. As I see it, cancel my sub, play GW2 and MoP then when f2p comes, come back to swtor to finish my story quests.


    2: Other MMOs - Guess I touched on it with 1 but GW2 is shaping up to be a great pvp game and despite not caring for Pandas or the Pokemon ripoffs, MoP will be of high quality and worthy of a few months playing.


    3: Lack of Immersion - Doesn't feel like you're in a "universe" let alone a Star Wars universe.. the world has no soul and feels completely void of life. Everything placed feels like it's there for no other reason than to either level or to stop the world feeling empty.


    4: PvP Mechanics - I really dislike the amount of stuns/knockbacks every class has and it's extremely frustrated getting stunlocked constantly and only having resolve pop only after I die.


    5: Poor communication from BW - Don't really want to support a game where the developers have such poor rapport with their fanbase. With the exception of a weekly feature which from my experience answers absolutely no questions people actually want answering, there is no communication from BW. They have a terrible rapport with their fanbase and seem more interested in bringing in f2pers than salvaging what fans they have.


    Special mentions - Hero engine, no sandbox mechanics, tacked on space combat, generally bad forums.

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