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Everything posted by Malphai

  1. Not true Aradain. I stated that the game is very instance based. Which is a fact. Then my opinion is stated after that, which i already said is MY opinion. Not fact. There is a difference between the two.
  2. Correct Xmok. That's one of the points i'm trying to make. Thank you.
  3. If you lost intrest after "isn't a mmo." Why did you take the time to replay to this thread?
  4. If you want to compare to WoW's phasing it's not the same. The phasing in wow doesn't divide their playerbase. If everyone has done the quest or is on the same quest in WoW, the phasing doesn't put you into different instances, and you can se everyone that is in the same area. And i know that my second point is a bug in the game. But the fact that is wasn't fixed. Eventhough it was pointed out LONG time ago, in closed beta. Shows that they rushed the game out to the market before it was finished. But still charged people full price for an unfinshed product ready for sale.
  5. Is Counter-strike a Massively Multiplayer? Yes, it has alot of servers with alot of people. Only difference is that in Swtor, you can chat between the servers. Is Counter-strike Online? Yes. Is Counter-strike an MMO? No. Just a multiplayer game with alot of servers. Only difference is that Swtor has a General chat between their servers. While CS or games like that usally doesn't. Is Starcraft 2 a Massively Multiplayer? Yes. Is Starcraft 2 Online? Yes. Is Starcraft 2 an MMO? No. Again, it's a multiplayer game with alot of servers, dividing the players into different servers. Just like Swtor.
  6. The dark / light side choices doesn't change your storyline. DArk / light side options only makes your character look different and changes the options of the look of items later on in the game. But it doesn't change your class storyline.
  7. This game is a less grafic intense version of a KOTOR singleplayer game, with multiplayer functions in it. But not a real "MMO".
  8. Before i start to point out FACTs about this game, and then say my opinion. *Fact 1 (with my opinion)* This game is an instance based game, like Guild war 1 was. Everything is instance based. Even the "open" worlds are. If you enter any planet, regardless which one. You will see that it's devided into instances. "Balmorra instance 1" ect. So even if there is 300-400-500 people on your planet, you will never see more then 20-30 of them. Since the rest is devided into another instances. Which removes the feeling of an "MMO". Also if you want to play with a friend which is in another instance you need to transfer to his/her instance to be able to see them. This isn't the most annoying thing, the thing is it has a 30 min cooldown time to transfer to another instance again. So if i make a group quest one friend, then want to make another group quest with another friend. I can't join my other friend if he is in another instance, since i have a 30 minutes cooldown to be able to be in the same instance as him. Even in the "open" world. So having big open world pvp battles is almost impossible since everyone will be devided into instances. Also the world to me atleast feel alot "scripted". I can't walk around whereever i want to. Since the path Bioware want's be to walk is surrounded by big mountains, to make sure i stay "on the path". *Fact 2* The UI frames doesn't always update correctly in operations. (raids). So being a healer in BGs is completely stupid, since you can't see who takes damage ect. This is a bug that has been reported since closed Beta, but still hasn't been fixed. A major game mechanic that has been completely ignored by the game developers. *Fact 3* Bioware said that every class has their own unique storyline, with 8 classes on each faction. But in fact there is only 4 unique storylines. Becuase the advanced classes for each "class" share the same storyline. This in it self makes the advanced classes more as a spec then an class. Since the advanced classes also share alot of spells between eachother. So in reality there is 4 classes on each faction, that has different specs. Which you can't swap between without making an Alterative character, and play though the exact same storyline again. I'm not going to list all the other smaller bugs in the game, but the things i've listed is the biggest issues i see with the game. When i read this forum, i see that ALOT of other players share my view of the game. And before people start to replay with the standard replays, please atleast give some good replays or your view of this. "The game is new, you can't compare it to WoW. Give it time" That excuse is stupid. You would never use that excuse if it was for any other product. If you want to buy a Car, and you ask a dealer to show you some cars. And he shows you two: A ferarri And the new car from a new company.. The new car doesn't have a working engine, it explode after 10 miles. BUT if you give it time, it will all be fixed within 1-2 years. Which car would you buy? As you can see, we compare products all the time. To see which one that is the best. So the whole arguement that "it's a new mmo", doesn't work. Becuase if they deliver a inferior product compared to what other product of the same type that already exist. Then why should people buy it? And saying "If you don't like it, don't play it?", doesn't work either. Since i don't know about these flaws before i buy the game. And since everyone that acually tries to warn other buyers, or atleast gives them an honest opinion about the game, get's spammed with useless replays. That's why i would like people that acually think i'm wrong or incorrect about the points i stated earlier to replay. And to discuss these in a civil manner.
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