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Posts posted by DuranuLithdel

  1. and again, you're making my argument for me.


    historically, general forums are where the forum trolls hang out. anyone who has more interest than trolling, generally hangs out in server forums and/or class forums, maybe stuff like tank/heal forums if there are those subdivisions.


    by not providing those, BW is dumping the non-trolls into the trolls den.


    but it's ok, they can search by topic..


    oh wait.


    So what your saying is Lets take away the forums people use that legitimately want info and that they should not be concerned about by BioWare, and to toss them in with the trolls where anything goes and their chances of getting relevant info is slim to none?

  2. so, what you're saying, is that you're exactly the reason why BW thinks server forums are unnecessary..


    the irony, it's delicious.


    How is finding the stupidity in what some people say deem server forums unnecessary? BioWare Doesn't want anything to do with people on the forums. Have you read anything on General Forums lately? They might as well rename it to General Spam.

  3. And all of your complaints about the Official Forums is why you should use the Unofficial forums. Use them or not its totally your choice no one is forcing you to use them. Next you'll say "We shouldnt have to blah blah blah they should have all that in the official forums." Well you would think so but they dont so atleast look at the Unofficial Forums where they have server forums and a search function. Some of the Server forums dont have posts but thats because you players need to use the forums before they have anything in them, the posts in your forums are provided by you the players in those servers. There is General Forums, Guides forums, class forums, Starwars forums, Off topic forums where just about anything is allowed, and many other categories. So take a look it's your choice. Links in the Sig.
  4. idk if anyone has said it i dont feel like looking to find out. I have seen two of the schematics myself 33 power comes from Belsavis, 33 Endurance comes from Hoth. I have had the Magenta Endurance crystal made for me. The Adegan crystal isnt that hard to get once you know how to do it. Hardest part about the whole lightsaber crystal is the WB fights for the schematics. Also the schematics bind on pick up so dont lot unless you NEED it or you screw everyone over including yourself.
  5. I do one of 2 things during maintenance:

    1. Play Skyrim

    2. Play SWTOR... because the test server is still up during maintenance and during maintenance the population on the whole server goes from 5 people to 30 people.


    Yes but you unlike many others you can comprehend the fact that Things dont always go your way and do not revolve around you also you resort to doing other things instead of flooding the forums with random ranting


    Props to you

  6. They try to do maintenance when it will affect the least amount of people. Just Because atm the Majority of the Players are from the US does not mean that BioWare is saying screw you EU they are just doing what they feel is best and I mean really complaining about Maintenance time is ridiculous Get some fresh air, Spend time with Family, Watch TV, play something else, etc... If the relativity short maintenance times are that big of an Issue for you you should probably play games just a little bit less don't you think?


    <Flaming responses Initiate>

  7. Magenta Crystal Schematic Drops from Belsavis World Boss. Video Supplied




    I did not make this video just simply found it google searching for the world boss. The most important part of the video is the ending make sure to enter full screen for best results. If you Look you will notice that the bottom drop is in fact, Schematic: Advanced Magenta Resonating Crystal which assuming the video is legit which i see no reason to believe that it is not, The Video confirms which mob the schematic drops from.

    1. Click a Link in my Signature
    2. If you register be sure to add Duranu in the Referred by spot :D
    3. Start posting in your server forums to help get them started or participate on many of the other forums starting so far
    4. Profit

  8. One thing Bioware could do is a mentor type system.


    STO has this kind of system in play and works well for when I want to play with my lower level friends or help them.


    How it works is basically the player you want to help invites you to the group.There is now an option that allows you to down level to match their level so say you are a level 35 going to help your friend at level 15.He invites you to the group and you can now downrank to be a level 15 character allowing you to help him or play with him and not effect his XP at all.You will still have all your skills etc but they will be down ranked to do damage equivalent to the level you are dropping to.


    FFXI did that but you don't keep your high abilites its just like you would be a lvl 15 player again until the sync was removed which FFXI was released much earlier than STO lol. Also should note im not saying anything bad about STO im just adding this in case you are a rage-a-holic like many other people on the forums lol.

  9. The one problem you would get with the level sync in FFXI is that your skills dont go up as you level but the cap for each skill did so you had to kill things for your Classes skills to increase as you used your abilites and such. Because of this you would get the stupid players that lvl up in lets say a lvl 30 area but they are lvl synced to lvl 26 players, but their unsync lvl is 70 sure they have the skill stats to be efficient at lvl 20-30 but when they were in major event groups they were about as useful as a wet paper bag because they didnt go skill up.
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