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10 Good
  1. As a girl smuggler, there are quite a few guys you can bump uglies with, though alot fewer then what the men seem to experience. We also only get one romance option. Actually this seems to be the case with all the classes. Men almost always get two options. We're stuck with one. (and lordy do I loathe Corso.. seeing as I'm dark side, even after questing with him up until I got Risha, he's still at 1/10000 affection..) But anyhow... I did get down a dirty quite alot anyway. First up, Darmas (I think that's his name). On Coruscant. The twi'lek on Quesh, I think? Your Voss guide on Voss. The Sith during Lightspring (sort of.. you go into her ship and exchange "fashion tips.." The noble on Alderaan you flirt with quite a bit but hey, atleast you get a nice dinner, and pissing Corso off, which is always a bonus in my books. Pretty sure there was one more but I can't quite recall how and where. You do get a flirt option quite alot in dialogues though. But clearly more as a man. And then there's Corso, of course. Although if there was a dialogue option that was "shut up, Corso" everytime he opened his mouth... If anyone needs a shock collar it's that man. I really hoped that I could get Ivory to warm my bunk after he joined the crew but alas, he's just standing around on my ship looking pretty. And yeah, I suppose there really only is one man in your little crew, I mean.. Bowdaar and Guss would just be.. no. Just no. Still feels like you get cheated as a girl when it comes to the romance in this game, no matter what class you're playing.
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