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Posts posted by Justbee

  1. Yes...all 5 of you have been very vocal on the GSF forums.


    So i am 1 of that 5....i just dislike gsf, slow boring, no real action and no joystick...sorry but i wait for real content 2.5 and 2.6 block(ed) slots for real content, and it seems that there are not enuf gsf fans out to do real tests on ptr?


    mb bw should hype that mini game even more...

  2. There has been some tension by some on these forums lately regarding the lack of a vision statement for 2014...well...I won't keep you in suspense any longer!! If I steel some of your thunder Bioware my apologies!! You guys there in the Austin office can feel secure there IS NOT a leak....or IS there? ;) joking of course...relax..


    These are in no particular order (though some will certainly come LATE in 2014)


    1.) A QOL adjustment, most likely around 2.7-2.8 allowing the ability to queue for both GSF AND WZ simultaneously...

    2.) GSF skins of our class ships-look for these around late summer...

    3.) Legacy wide GSF comms-this will NOT come before #1 due to being a bit more complicated to implement..

    4.) A new huttball WZ set in Quesh...

    5.) TWO new Arenas...

    6.) A new 55 hard mode of False Emperor (though they may ultimately decide on Directive 7)..

    7.) TWO new GSF maps with different rule settings(one of which will be last ship standing)


    Now...so far..not bad(especially if you dig GSF) but not GREAT right? It's toward late summer/early fall through the end of the year that we start getting the heavy hitters...


    8.) Ship Decoration-WOOOHOO....NO!! Calm down!!..It will NOT be player housing per say..it will be items sold via the cartel market/legacy unlocks for some for items that can be placed in PREDETERMINED locations in your ship just like the target dummy, mailbox, GTN kiosk ect.

    9.) New player Race-THE VOSS purchased via the cartel market..(sorry Togruta fans..the clipping issues are not going to make it worthwhile)

    10.) A new companion(faction neutral and obtained similar to Treek)

    11.) At least the START of SWTOR's version of an epic weapon OR armor set(not both) quest which involves the mysterious ancient tome on tatooine...now..why I say the "START" is because it ties directly into #12

    12.) Yavin IV-this will be roughly the same scale as Makeb in both size and story. The mysterious ancient tome's origins involve much of the sith/jedi lore from Yavin IV. This planet will also bring with it #13,#14,#15--a new OP, FP, and daily area respectively that are all tied to Yavin IV. Yavin IV WILL NOT see a level increase if they manage to hit the 2014 target date/will be march 2015 if they go with a 5 level increase.


    *Note: Things you will NOT see in 2014 are as follows-Class specific story continuation, A new class, any sort of instanced player housing not mentioned in #8, Legacy wide datacrons, mini games such as pazaak or swoop races, cross server queues


    Yawn....i mean ohhh coool wow, awesome more boring gsf stuff a minigame iw ont play again....hope this list isnt real...

  3. Game Update 2.6 first and foremost will mark the launch of Galactic Starfighter! That will mean the introduction of:


    wow pls more GS hyping. Did u ever waste a thought on that ppl who dislike GSF ? Are u aware that a lot of ppl wait for real content in pve and pvp and no mini game ? still no nm mode on DF and DP, still no real crafting, class balance is short (guardian ? real buff for mercs ?) no new ops, no new story ?


    my GTC is running out, and it seems i wont ever activate a new 1.

  4. I would rather they focus on improving the core gaming experience instead of space mini game.


    Agreed, GSF PvP is boring. Doing PVE Missions means to create an AI, seems to hard for the bioware guys. MB they can ask at lucas arts, they did a good job 20 years ago with ai in xwing vs tie...


    the core gaming experience is low atm. boring ops, no nim, no real crafting just doing meaningless dailies for worthless basic comms is fairly senceless. but for the next 2-3 month nothing will change, they still hype GSF Mini Game, expect next real "bigger*" pve content at march. i bet 1 new boring daily-quest hub and nightmare mode for DF and DP.


    *bigger for swtor meanings, u get more content in 1 wow addon then we got in 2 years of swtor...


    i havent logged in since days, havent played or weeks, and i wont use another gametime card. this money is better invested in WoD, TESO, RoS or anything else with more PVE Content.

  5. 2 Years have passed sind SWTOR was released. Doing a summary shows what we get in this period:


    - 1 new planet, with a little basic q line, and some mini qs for both factions.

    - 1 new warzone and arenas in pvp

    - some cm stuff fur rp players emotes and dye modules

    - 2 returning events (gree/bounty) and 2 one-time events (raks n chevin)

    - a ****load of new boring meaningless daily quest hubs

    - 5 New Ops (i dont considers goldenfury as an extra op...)


    well in most other mmos u get this amount of content in less than a year...


    ok gsf is out, but i and most of my guild mates dislike gsf. its slow, boring, 2 maps, no joysticks to much for arcade fun, far to less for a real simulator. AND i play a mmo, i wanna play my char(s), if i wanna do some flight simulation stuff i play world of warplanes...

    gsf is a minigame for me, something extra....like fishing in wow...but u hype it like it is real content ?

    for a mmo ?


    the problem is, i luv this game, really...its star wars, its lightsabres....its fun but its getting more and more boring. if u do hardcore raids u have nothing else to do. doing dailys for basic or elite comms `why ? as hc raidplayer u just need ultimate comms.

    but the only chance to farm them is in operations and some in hc fps. there is no chance to farm them at the morning or in the late night or at least some in solo play.

    so i log in do hc raids with my guild and log of.

    leveling an alt ? i got enuf of them, and im not interested in doing more of them on the old planets...even with double exp, its boring.

    and what if they lvl 55 ? again i need hc raids to improve their gear...


    there is no chance to improved ur char without ulti comms....

    so what to do ? i dislike gsf, i dont really like pvp, crafting is meaningless as hell...(78 gear still not craftable ??)


    now a big amout of my guildmates went inactive, so doing hc raids is getting harder and harder...i dont think u will bring fast new pve content, ur still hyping gsf. so my time seems to be over. i wanna play this game and not wait 2-4 hours a day wating for an operation group.... raidfinding tool stil not provide DF and DP, still no 16 mode ops...not even golden fury...


    sorry for my english, germn poster here, btw we are no 2nd class customers. we wanna talk to some1 yellow too, we pay the same subs, we buy the same ccs.


    i wont buy another gametime card, i dont think there will be new content soon, and i dont mean nightmare mode for dp and df, only 5% of all pve players will play them. i mean real content for pve, chances to improve ur char. options to spend time with meaningfull things, no 1 needs elite or basic comms besides making money.



  6. For all the nay sayers I have to ask. What is it you DO want? Assuming a starfighter element of some type came out, what is it you wanted vs. what it actually is?


    well assuming a starfighter elemnt comes out, i would wish PVE content......and playable with joystick or at least far better controls for my spacefighter.

    next would be far more speed. all trailer vids show fast spacecombat, i nearly fell asleep playing GSF..slow ship bad aiming, slow wepons, etc.

    this complete expansio nfeels slow.....

  7. Exakt genauso verhält es sich mit Makros und Addons. Folgerichtig dürfte es dann nur heissen: Makros und Addons darf es niemals geben in diesem Spiel. Basta!


    Aber es hält euch ja keiner davon ab, wenn ihr euch auf nach Azeroth macht... da hat es sogar Dualspecc....


    Also Dualspecc wäre schon sinnvoll, ist einfach komfortabler. Macht sschon einen Unterschied ob man nach einem klick seine Punkte alle neu setzen muss, seine Leisten wieder neu einstellen muss und sich dann noch umziehen muss. Da ist das 1 Klick-Systemdurchaus komfortabler.

    Ich specce schlichtweg nicht um weils mir zu sehr auffen Geist geht.


    Was die Makros und Addons angeht, brauchen tut man sie nicht, aber nice to have sind sie schon.

    Und genau deswegen gibt es sie bereits nur vermutlich illegal. Google einfach mal. Dot-Tracker addon gibt es ebenso addons bzw. makros für programmierbare mäuse/kbs.

    sinnvoll faend ich es schon wenn es das einfach vom spiel her gaebe.


    und ja gerade sowas wie dot tracking ist megasinnvoll, bei den mangelhaften interfase einstellungen.

    versuche mal als hexer deine dots auf nem 16er op boss zu halten und richtig zu erneuern, wenn 2 andere hexer noch in der grp sind. oder effektives multidotting.


    alles in allem wirkt das swtor interface halbherzig und steinzeitlich. da sind die meisten anderen mmos deutlich weiter.

  8. Ich habs im englischen forum bereits geschrieben, die Expansion ist für mich Schrott. Alle reinen PvP MMOs un MMO-Like spiele sind eingegangen oder Krebsen am Minimum herum. Und was macht BW ? Erst einen PvP Patch, dann eine reine PvP-Erweiterung....sehr clever....


    Wobei man kann ja froh sein, PVE Content wäre vermutlich wieder ein liebloser langweiliger DailyQuest oder Event-hub gewesen, wo man bedeutungslosen ruf und noch bedeutungslosere Marken farmen kann.

    Raidmaessig waere es wohl maximal NM content geworden den nur 2% der spielerschaft überhaupt sehen...


    Content der den Char weiterentwickelt, gibt es nur in Gruppe, alles darunter ist witzlos.


    Oder ganz einfach ausgedrückt, wer HC raidet, meldet sich seine 1-3 Termine die woche zum raiden, danach is essig. Warum Daily-grütze machen für Elite oder Einfache Marken ? Vielleicht noch twinken, aber das wars irgendwann auch....wenn man zum 12 mal alderaan sieht und nicht skippen kann, hängt einem auch der plani zum hals raus


    sehr enttäuschend, zum glück war die expansion free, wenn ich fuer den langweiligen kaese bezahlt haette haette ich noch heute mein abo gelöscht. werd ich aber sowieso tun wenn nicht endlich mal richtiger pve content kommt.

  9. I came back to the game because of the new focus on PvP on space and on the ground. :rak_03:


    Well all pure PvP MMos died or are dying. And what is BW doing ? A pure Pvp Expansion...good idea...u came back for the new pvp focus, ill unsub if there is no good new pve content in near future. this expansion was very disappointing for me. and the worst of it, it wasted a slot for a real expansion...with real mmo content....


    PVP. Yawwwwnn... What could have been more boring?

    the next boring dailyquest hub, where some1 can farm meaningless basic and elite comms would habe been more boring.


    Hey BW what about some content for pve players that wont need a group and can be done during nite or morning, and improves ur char ?

    crafting = meaningless

    pve space combat = meaningless

    daily quests = meaningless if u do raiding


    all swtor not needed was a pure pvp expansion.


    sorry i luv this game, but my time playing but my time playing it seams over....


    2.5 still not updated raid finder tells everything

  10. This. Make alts, try real life, play another MMO.


    Well, mb there is a missunderstanding. I dont want BW making new Content faster or just for me. SWTOR is ok for me as it is. I just asked for some "little" changes a lot of players would benefit from. I dont wanna quit TOR, and RL sucks. (Good graphics, but bad gameplay...) and i play multiple games but i would like spending my time just in SWTOR.


    @OddballEasyEight im not able to work since 4 years now, i have ******** of time due to hard health problems



    again i hope my english is good enough

  11. There will always be players, who got enough time to consume content faster than it can be produced, by any realistic planning.


    You are one of those players, so unfortunately you will have to wait, or actually consume the whole product.


    For the time being aim for getting all achievements to 100%... that should keep you busy for a while.

    yes ur right, its my personal problem. and its ok, but i think the suggested changes would benefit all kind of players. the casual will get better gear faster, the 24/7 player like me can equip toons faster and better.

    its just about the feeling of doing something usefull for the own chars.


    acm i dont like at all, i do some, but its just timesink. it suseful like targeting the 1 billion cred amount...its an aim, but pleasing me at al

  12. hi There, pls excuse my english, german poster here. But the german forums are kinda unloved by BW and Eric, so i post here. Hope its understandable with my 20 Year old school english.


    Well my point is:

    I really love this game. There is no better MMO out there in my opinion. But i have have a real specific personal problem:

    I'm an intensiv player, means Legacy 50 was done a Year before, all Class Stories are played. And im Raiding in a Guild. So ican just repeat i love this game and spend a lot of time in it.


    But there is nothing for me to do! If u are Raiding, basic and elite comms are quite meaningless, so if u wanna do something fpr ur mainchar or good equipped alts, u need to farm Ultimate Comms. But there is noch chance to this alone!

    Thats ok we are talking bout an MMO. But its fairly annoying standing on the fleet waiting over an hour for a simple heroic flashpoint. on t3-m4 waiting at monday 1 pm is pointless u wont find a random operation grp or u have to wait 1-4 hours. grp finder offers 2 old operations in boring 8er mode. and u have to wait for them again hours..at strange times like 4 a.m. u just cant do anything usefull for good equipped chars even with waiting.



    this means im doomed to wait and wait and wait.


    ofc i can do other things like daily or weekly quests and i do them, but i dont need basic or elite comms, its just timesink. i wanna pimp my chars.

    i really loved sapce-mission but u only get meaningless fleet comms and meaningless basic comms. crafting is pointless too, no cool rare reciepes to farm, no chance to farm the worthy crafting materials...u have to wait until ur comps finish their missions.


    so i desperatly ask u for some changes, that will help, and im sure other players will love that changings too.


    pls, update grp finder to oricon operations for 8 or (far better) 16 players.

    pls benefit tansk and heals using grp findet with some kinda extra reward, this will reduce waiting time

    pls give at least 1 opportunity to farm ultimate comms without a grp. like a hard weekly quest for 6 comms a week or something like this.

    or adjust weekly reward for makeb, cz and orican for at least 2 ulti comms a week.


    right now im forced to play another game (wow in that case) and no this is not a wow rocks posting. i dont really like wow, but there i can do some usefull stuff for my good equipped chars, even without a grp, even at 4am.


    galactic starfighter sounds funny, but i dont really like pvp, so i wont play much pvp space combet and with 12 vs 12 u will have to wait again until 24 players are listet...


    pls do something...cuz im not far away from unsubbing and playing a game i dont like much as i do swtor.

  13. Der hier bereits genannte Status ist ganz simpel: Serverübergreifende Gruppensuche ist weder für PvP noch für PvE in irgendeiner Form angekündigt.


    Und das ist auch gut so. Wegen mir müsste es gar keine Suche-Tools geben, ist immerhin ein MMO. X-Realm mag standard sein, wenn man sich jedoch anschaut wie versifft die mmos und ihre comms mit x-realm tools sind, verzichte ich dankend gerne auf die anonyme scheisse.


    wenn man nur nachts spielen kann, oder oftmals nachts einfach spielen will (zu letzteren gehoere ich auch) ist es natuerlich ärgerlich, wenn man nachts wenig machen kann. gerade content der ultimarken verspricht im pve geht ja nur in gruppen.

    im pvp das selbe, man kann ja nicht alleine tapferkeit oder auszeichnungen farmen. jedoch gibt es durchaus nachtraids, und man bekommt auch nachts um 3 durchaus noch pvp invites. halt nicht immer.


    die einfachere lösung wäre mehr "ertragreichen" solo content zu bieten, aber das wird bw wohl eher nicht machen.

  14. - Fix unload munching...

    - make possible to activate an new skill in row without clipping the last ul tick

    - better ressource management

    - rise dps to 95% of marauder(guardian and sniper

    - what about a raid buff like the def shield (sniper) or off buff (marauder)

    - the setback in casting while getting hit is nnoying, why gunslinger dont suffer from this ?

  15. Öhm,


    kann es sein das man bestraft wird wenn man als Low Level Spieler sich Kompetenz zulegt ?

    Ohne PvP Equip laufe ich mit 2018 Komp rum (lvl 36).


    tauschei ch beide farbkristalle in lvl 10er 41 kop versionen und ändere sonst nichts bekomme ich deutlich weniger komp im wz ??

    Das kann doch nit so gedacht sein, das wenn man sich fuer pvp pvp equip zulegt, man bestraft wird ?

  16. There will not be a new planet and there is no increase to the level cap with this expansion. We really wanted to focus this expansion around space off of rails where you get to fight your friends (and enemies!) :)


    To that point, there will not be any Space based PvE content with the Digital Expansion. It is only going to be PvP.




    So there is the reason for a free DLC.


    Actual Spae Combat is meaningless. No new Mission, Fleetcomms worthless, Basic Comms nearly worthless, Credits low.

    Now u announce a sssp, and its only pvp ? im not interested in pvp spacecombat....like other ppl. u bring new content and ignore all the pve space combat players ? havent u learned anything ?

    im very disappointed :(

    if u wanna serve all kinds of players, make space vessels to real housing, bring pvp and pve sc content. i wont spend a single coins for pvp space combat stuff in cm......sad day

  17. Also das Neulinge den Thread nicht finden/lesen kann ich wiederlegen, ich bin Tank-Neuling und hab ihn gelesen und versuche auch "auf Stand zu sein" während ich mein Dickerchen hochlvl.


    Aber mit drängen sich 2 ganz wichtige Fragen auf zum PT-Tank:


    1. Warum soll man Abstandn ehmen (3m) bevor man spottet ?


    Ich hab mir jetzt beide Skills und die Talente nochmals angesehen jedoch nix gefunden das mir erklärt warum ich Entfernung aufnehmen soll ?



    2. Die Spottrota.


    Also ich kenne Spotts aus anderen MMOs eher so, das wenn man spottet man exakt die Aggro des aktuell führenden übernimmt, für die Dauer des Spotts angegriffen wird, und quasi in der Zeit eben Aggrovorsprung aufbauen muss, sonst ist der Mob gleich wieder weg.


    Macht es dann nichtm ehr Sinn, abzuwarten bis man die Aggro verliert und dann zu spotten ? Man übernimmt dann doch mehr Aggro, und normal müsste es doch so sein , das melees bei 110% bedrohung aggro bekommen und ranged bei 130% ? spotte ich also nem ranged den boss ab, habe ich richtig aggro dazugewonnen und besagter range muesste wieder 30% mehr bedrohung erzeugen. oder hab ich da jetzt nen kolossalen denkfehler drin ?


    achja eine dritte frage habe ich dann doch:


    but man in sein 55er eq (ich bin erst 32...) angriffskraft mit ein fuer mehr schaden/bedrohung oder geht man wirklich stur auf def werte ?

  18. Erstmal an die Rechtschreibkreuzritter:

    Einmal bitte den Stock aus dem Rektum ziehen, und dann Platz machen am PC des Lehrerzimmers! Wir befinden uns hier in einem Internetforum für ein Internetspiel. Oder halt ahhh brutaler Fehler, wir reden hier natürlich vom Internetz...


    Dieser Forenabschnitt hat nichtmal wirklich eine Moderation und hier wird sich über Rechtschreibung aufgeregt ?

    Und nein der Versuch hier User zu einer tollen Rechtschreibung zu bekehren ist einfach nur ein Kampf gegen Windmühlen. Und letztenendes ist es völlig egal wie ein Post verfasst wurde, wichtig ist der Inhalt.



    Entweder Buff-Item oder abschaltbar würde alle Probleme lösen. Ich werd zu dieser Zeit schlicht keine Twinks spielen.

  19. Ja das man Hammerschüsse einbauen muss ist klar, ich denke auch ich spiele den nicht schlecht (vermutlich aber auch nicht richtig gut).


    Wie gesagt der Sölli hat diese Probleme nicht, der kommando irgendwie schon, ich werd heute mal rumprobieren, respeccen, Zellen an und aus, etc.


    wie gesagt ich spiel den schon lange und bislang auch ohne probleme aber normal kann ich bei meiner spielweise son elite gegner umhauen und stehe danach mit voller muni da, wenn ich jetzt bei gleicher spielweise nen elite vermoebel brauche ich im kampf "Zellen aufladen".


    ih probier mal bissl rum, wenn einige das beobachten muss es ja nen grund fuer das problem geben

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