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Posts posted by Justbee

  1. Hey folks,


    I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


    However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




    seems to many of the last few raiding-players have unsubbed....

  2. BTW, from what I heard Bug'o'ware is recruiting a new team for a NEW MMORPG. Is that for real? If it is, then why on earth you are making plans to make ANOTHER game when you can't make THIS one work ?


    doesnt matter. even if they create the newest, coolest and best mmo out there. i stopped buying Bioware/EA Games after SWTOR. that was hard at some times, but im not interested in giving them more of my money, besides that subbing fee.

    and ill stay on game strike until they give swtor the love that this great license deserves.


    my gametime expires in about 30 days...i wont add more to the game. mb i ll return to swtor someday...but only if there is better grp content and a not broken game.

  3. What's the big uproar in the fact there are no ops planned? everybody knew this already as they indicated 4.0 is a story expansion and had also indicated that ops would not be worked on until chapter 16 was finished (around august I think).


    Th Problem ist, SWTOR is a MMO and MMOs need grp content. They focus on new players, thats ok. New players experience tons of content, a lot of ops, easy to gear out. but new players leave fast again, when game starts feeling boring.

    they dont care fr the old, loyal subbers. these ppl who stayed here, when game was tumbling down. a lot of raiding guilds lost many of their players, and to be honest, i will leave too. i wont add more gametime to my account, and when they reall bring a nw op in oct or nov, i wont beh ere to play it.

    im not interested paying 13 bucks for ~1 hour of weak story content, i want to raid. and in autumn 2016 there will be a new wow addon with a ******** of ne grp content to experience.


    eaware is milking this game, but they dont really develop it. as mentioned before, mmos need grp content and a good balance between solo content like dailies and grp content like ops or pvp.

  4. I know a lot of people (myself included) who are looking to tomorrow's stream to help decide whether or not they'll continue being a subscriber. If you're doing the same, what would you need to hear tomorrow in order to keep your subscription active?


    For me, I'm going to need to hear that we'll have at least one new operation before KOTFE Season 1 is over. I know that means I'm all but out the door, but I can at least hope.


    After their broken promise regarding new op times, i wont believe anything they say. no talking, no promises they need to DO it.

  5. I'm starting to consider unsubbing from this game again....there's nothing to do outside of ops.



    well thats not true! U should visit the cartell market, new content every week, even during holiday times!

    Reak fun, weekly sales, new packs, cool items to sell in ghn...oh wait...ok some of the cm stuff u cant sell on the bugged gtn atm, but hey they will fix it in 2-3 month.


    andthe best is, if ur playing cartell market on swtor....if there is a bug, even a minor 1...they will fix it asap. but if ur waiting for new op content...ull have to wait at least 8 month i bet. or may in 3-4 month eric will promose that i wont ever be again such a long time without new op content, and ull have to wait a little longer...


    they made swtor a solo game, with some mmo features (often bugged) so deal with it, or unsub.

  6. In order to make a new class (2 actually, rep and imp versions). They would have to write and voice 2 new 3 chapter stories. I certainly would feel cheated if I rolled one of those classes and there was no story


    The might do it like Blizzard. Hero Classes, starting at 65, playing the new "all get the same" storycontent. or a new advanced class. but better dont hope for it. they are trying to make everything way easier for them.

    all comps are the same now, all comps look equal (means ever laana looks the same)


    so better dont wait for anything fun like a new class or advanced class.

  7. Selling crafted items and such is such a big part of the economy. I'm not sure about everybody else but I am feeling positively stifled not being able to buy certain items with ease on GTN or being able to easily sell certain items, especially augmentation kits and augments. I know it its still possible to post and find these items with endless amounts of clicking and looking but it just makes the experience so much more............. drab. GTN has always been the biggest part of SWTOR for me and without money to make and waste, feeling kind of dead in-game :(


    Well, dont expect tooo much. MB they are still on holidays.....but hey they released the most important part of SWTOR Content....the new weekly sales...$$$$

  8. If you are unhappy, just leave without all the fuss.



    Thats no good suggestion. last time, when all unhappy ppl left the game, the developers went saaaad and unmotivated due to the realisation that their game is nearly dead. u remember ? the game went f2p that time.


    what do u think will happen if 30 or 40% of the old loyal subbers leave due to no op content ?

  9. To OP:


    I started playing something else. I just log in to SWTOR to see my friends and play some 3 times recycled ops.


    I have some month playtime left, but i wont add more gametime until they start develpoing that game again. and i mean develop and mmo and no pathetic singleplayer game.


    loggin into the game i soooo boring atm....they ruin it....


    oh and im 2410081 :p

  10. They copied World of Warcraft at every step. Bioware/EA have no thought of their own, just mimic whatever else is on the market and hope it does well.


    This! But they ignore the fact, that wow is dying a long painful death aswell. I stopped buying EA and Bioware games after SWTOR. it was a good decision.

  11. The sad thing is, at this point, we're all just venting. Nothing we say can really change anything. Even if the leadership at Bioware reads through this thread and has a complete change of heart. Even if they decided right now that they need to get an op out as soon as possible, and put a heavier priority on end game group content, it wouldn't make a difference.



    I abbandoned my hope in Bioware. Star wars license was too much for that company. they go back to known stuff, single player rpgs...like mass effect. but this is noit the way a mmo works. they made bad decisions since launch, and the havent learned.


    A MMO with an expansion without any new grp content....epic fail! so yes swtor will die...a long bitter dead....


    ill wait till that livetream, no new infos , no apologies bout that broken promise considering operations...and ill leave and wont come back...


    lets hope disney will gift us a real mmo....bioware failed it

  12. There are also rumors of Disney being in talks with another game studio for the creation of a new Star Wars mmo based in the new movies time line.


    pls, let this come true! maybe we get a star wars mmo with real endgamecontent like other real mmos and not thi 3 times recycled buggy raids we have here. mb we get a real game for mutliplayer and no cheap sad mass effect clone for solo players. sry i was a loyal player since the release. i bought a lot of coins, but with the anouncement of now new pve grp content in the next month ill leave. and i dont think i come back, bioware failed.


    so pls disney give us a real star wrs mmo, pls!

  13. I'm not sure what genre SWTOR is anymore tbh :p


    Its a poor dying single player game. mmos need grp content to work, to keep their communities (pvp, opertions, and so on)

    bw decided to recycle old quests and mke a big fat grind out of them, old ops are farmed the 3rd time (1st gear, 2nd acms, 3rd decorations and 4th gear again) they focus on story, but to be honest, the story is strange, weak and the replaybility is low.

    the farming grind feels real unrewarding when u reach lvl 20 on that alliance specialists.


    and to make bad things worse they release 1 chapter every month....in 3 month....1 hour of playing time and they expect their subbers to pay 15$ for this....solo games need more content to survive. so well bw is killing a good game. swtor will get bigger with the release ofthe new film, but i bet most of the new players will leave the game faster then the loyal old players in disappointment.


    We hope that this addresses some of the concerns that you may have. As always, I will pass on updates as I have them. Thanks everyone.




    Yes, thx for the claryfication that i dont need to add more gametime so my account anymore. No new raid content, a broken promise regarding new op times (no ziost was no real op, it was a storyless joke...)

    means that all my concerns are adressed. after my gametime expires ill leave and i dont think i come back.

    u really expect ur subbers to pay 15$ a month for 1 hour of gametime in a weak soloplay storyline ? remember this is a mmo......


    thx for nothing

  15. Hey BW it seems u wanna get rid of all player that like to raid ?


    i mean its 1 thing do bring only solo content for month in a mmo. the next issue is reccling old and boring content for the 3rd time. every normal raider know the mechanics. and now, u decide to reward braindead hardmode raiding with better loot than nightmare operations ?


    i bet when u relase a new operation there are no progress players left.

    1. Devs release an expansion barely a month ago
    2. Expansion includes an alliance system that has more replayable content than any of the other expansions
    3. Devs announce that within a few months, we will be getting content updates every single month...providing new storylines, gear, companions, crafting levels, and potentially more
    4. Devs announce a subscriber rewards program to give players who stay subscribed unique opportunities, as a "thank you" for supporting the game
    5. Devs make all of this available to subscribers for FREE, while other MMOs charge up to $60 for expansions with far less content, and far less content updates
    6. People on the forums still find a way to complain and show their overwhelming sense of self-entitlement


    that alliance system is boring, really unrewarding grind

    content upgrade every single month means 1 chapter for ~1 hour of playting for 15$ even a visit at the cinema i cheaper

    where is the new content ur talking about ? a really ridicolous and weak story, 9 chapters for about 5 hour of playing time...

    i would love to spend 60$ for a real expansion with new flashpoints, operations, planets, events, warzone(s), conquests. i would luv to buy a xollextors edition of it with a hutt statue or satele...


    i would even spend money for an expansion that just changes that horrible engine t oreal one...but eaware is milking this game out. more cartel packs then story or operation content. think about it


    im not unsubbing for now, but im getting more and more disappointed

  16. + Renewed emphasis on storytelling

    + Much better character dialogue and jokes

    + Companions can be set to different support roles

    + Reduction of equipment slots for companions

    + alliance system


    - No real consequences based on your choices

    - Lack of diversity in new party (it's mostly humans)

    - Inability to access pre-expansion content once started

    - Lack of things to spend crystals on

    - Story is kind of weak so far

    - Level sync

    - No new real MMO endgamecontent like ops, due to a lack of replayability in the story its getting boring

    - Companions lost their "specials"

    - More cartell packs then new content; stop milking

    - 1 new Chapter for about 1 hour of playtime is the only conent for the next 3 month ?

    - subbing fpr 1 chapter every month, means every visit in cinema is cheaper, with a better story

    - No possibility for companion conversations

    - Long waiting time for old companions in the stor

    - No new planet, Questhub, nothing

    - underwhelming experience to reach lvl 20 in ur alliance factions

    - Annoying Star Fortress Grind, i did all the acms i wanted during the first week, i wont visit them again, boring, timesinking, unrewarding (the weekly lawl!)

    - No companion customisation, all look the same -.-

    - No Strongholds, BGs, GSF Maps/Ships nothing just recycled boring old content.....

    - Crafting still sucks

    - New planetary conquest system, nearly no solo content to get ur points!

  17. I subscribe to support the game and hopefully get more content from the game producers in doing so. Also, I am excited that HK-55 is coming back since he was the most likable companion from the recent story line. IMHO if you are subbing just for the rewards then you are subbing for the wrong reasons. You can even freeload and complain about everything being controlled with micro transactions but even the free players get loads of content. Play the game and have fun or don't.


    well man, we get 1 new chapter after 3 month of waiting...1 chapter means 1 hour of gametime and new content. they collect a lot of money from the subbers and they collect even more from the cm, but it seems most of that money is NOT reinvested in the game itself.

    we get more cartel packs than story think about it. the game is fun, but with the 3rd recycling of content is getting boring

  18. Well, something new would be fine. A new Event ? A new conquest for Ziost or Zakuul `?


    A new operation ? or maybe a questhub on odessen (beautyful planet).


    im playing swtor since release. im playing the operations the 4th time period.

    1. was for gear

    2. for acms

    3. for decoration

    4. again for gear


    it getting boring so pls anything new ?

    u cant be serious the we have to wait again 2 month for 1 hour of new story in chapter 10 ?

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