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Everything posted by grucho

  1. This is a big step to making this game enjoyable. Now only do something with lagging Illum, and performance overall (I know there were some improvements this patch but honestly we need more). And some class balance and we are done! As I mentioned before I am giving this game a chance till march (patch 1.2) if they fix it by then I am on for a longer ride.
  2. That's interesting point. I had a Dooku fan who was insisting on Windu having no chance as Dooku is probably the best user of Makashi in history of galaxy. And Makashi being purely form for duels that would supposly outmach Vapaad. And ofcourse for the fact back in the day he won a sparing duel with Windu which doesn't mean that much.
  3. Ok so who would win if they dueled. In some novels it was mentioned that only Jedis who outmatched Mace Windu in duel was Dooku and Yoda. And it was also said that Dooku never managed to win with Yoda in duel. Ofcourse this is all back in the past when Dooku was still Jedi master and they had only sparings so not a proper live or die duel. Now fast forward to the new trilogy. AOTC - Yoda doesn't win with Dooku but you could say Dooku flees from the duel. ROTS - Windu beats Sidious and as we know Sidious was Dooku's master. I think also Obi Wan mentioned in AOTC to Anakin that he might one day be as powerfull force user as Yoda and as good swordsman as Windu. So yeah, who would win in duel, Dooku or Windu? I personaly think Windu mainly because he created his own fighting style Vaapad which for me is the best form.
  4. Having 3 times the people in Imperial Fleet on servers such as LoL makes you think how much easier making a FP group would be. From my WoW experience I know how much high populated server influences your gaming experience (in good way). Making server transfers free with long cooldowns wouldn't do much harm. It's either that or server merging.
  5. I really don't get all those orbital stations, that's the only part I don't like about traveling.
  6. When can we expect server transfers? After free month is over my server is pretty much dead. I don't really wanna start leveling the same character all over again on different server so this is only reasonable solution. Also don't make the same mistake as WoW did and make it a free option with let's say 90 days cooldown. Or atleast one free transfer per account. PS. Mistake WoW did being fact some people just cba to pay for transfer from dead server and decide to quit the game instead.
  7. This is the first time ever I post on official game forums but I felt it needed to be done. I am an ex-WoW player like many here, dissapointed with the direction Blizzard went with it. I found SWTOR to be my remedy as I didn't want to end my MMO jurney just yet. The first month was great, questing wise, there is nothing better on the market. But sadly this game is bugged beyond recognition. Bad performance (thanks to engine I guess), very unresponsive combat, awfull class balance (especially advantage of range classes in both pvp and pve and super underpowered sith warriors/jedi guardians) plus many more minor stuff that just adds up to the bad picture. I really loved my first month, no doubt about that but now I enter the phase in which I am lvl 50 and my patience is growing thin. Maybe I am just too used to slick and pretty much bugless game like WoW but cmon Bioware you had so much time. You had so much time to learn from Blizzard and other companies how to make this game work well from the start. But it seems you were overconfident of your capabilities (3 months open beta test is a joke, should be atleast 6-9 months for such huge game). I would rather play this game in 2013 just for you guys to fix most of the bugs. But now it's too late, game is released and people have to start enjoying it now, you dont have years to fix the bugs, you have months or even weeks to do it, or most will leave. Including myself. I am gonna stay here for 2 more months, till patch 1.2 comes and if by then this game is as laggy, unbalanced and unresponsive as now I will have to say goodbye. I really want you BioWare to succeed but it must happen fast, or you will lose everything you worked so hard on and on what people waited witch such huge anticipation. 2 months... make it count!
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