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Posts posted by Ergecrs

  1. 8 minutes ago, Chryptyk said:

    i don't know what server and discords you are in, but on SF there are lots of pug groups for watchdog and kanoth being run off some discords.  a lot of those groups are willing to take someone new and give you a shot at kills as long as you can get the mechanics down.


    that being said, only being able to get it from R4 is decidedly very annoying.  after running it over and over, it gets rather tiresome.

    I do agree with this. IMO, i would like to see tokens added to the older nim Ops, But change them to specific pieces. So for example, Nefra drops Belts only. First bosses should drop junk gear. 

  2. Casuals aren't doing nim's prior to this. Also hate to break it to you but those of us completing R4, were also completing nims prior to R4. Casuals just got an easy boost to 336 without having to do much. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

    Tank grabbing their loot and delaying you for 1 second, oh the horror! 😱


    That attitude is exactly what drives people away from group content.  We don't need that on top of tanks and healers being eliminated by BW. We need more people who want to do group content, not less. If you can't play as part of a group, don't use GF to find one. Play solo or make your own. If you want people to get better, let them do their own role and learn. 




    He isn’t implying the tank grabbing their loot is bad. He is saying the tank cannot hold aggro which is 95% of the case. Especially with geared dps helping others in sm or vm. They are not used to having to know their rotation to hold aggro, or having to guard dps because half the pop still thinks healers should be guarded no matter what. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Crystal_Mind said:

    That's awesome! Congrats to the group. :)

    Yes, I was a bit unclear and slightly exaggerated in that statement. Fleet PUGs advertised as Tech Frag runs are mostly what I had in mind, but even so I've found myself pugging SMs less and less as the months go on. It's just not enjoyable for me at this stage.

    It isn’t fun. Sm are just faceroll.  

  5. 14 minutes ago, Crystal_Mind said:

    And that just makes it worse, because then they don't have to learn. We've gotten stuck in a cycle of toxic laziness when it comes to casual raiding. People who know better don't PUG. People who might want to improve are either A.) turned off entirely by the SM PUG environment and never bother looking further because they decide all raids must be that level of boring, or B.) find themselves stuck in limbo because there's nothing in the game to challenge them except HM... and they're not yet ready for HM. (Again, they get bored and leave). Which leaves us with what the OP and I have both noticed in-game -- sheer misery.

    SM Ops should be relatively painless, but they shouldn't be speedrun like this outside of a well-tuned group. All it does is reinforce bad habits in both players and the community at large.

    I do agree with this. Except that as someone that knows better than to pug. I do it often. I actually have a pug discord I help with. I have been teaching them some HM mechanics. Sunday I helped them work thru HM TFB. We ended up doing prog on 3rd boss but ended up killing it. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Crystal_Mind said:

    OP, I sympathize. I have a list of everything I have seen go wrong in an SM DF Fleet PUG at Brontes without a Tank:

    • No one kills fingers / no one stands on fingers
    • No one turns hands away
    • People stand in lightning
    • Brontes cleaves the group / all dps stand in front of boss
    • Kephess cleaves the group
    • If I am not the healer, 50/50 on whether nanites is cleansed

    Undermanning, no-tank comps, etc. can be fun when it's with people you know and you're all just killing time and hanging out. SM is boring if you don't spice it up a little. But Fleet PUGs are a different ballgame. At least half the players don't know what's going on, and the groups are too caught up in their momentum to explain it to them. They just know 'stick with the group and I'll get tech frags.' Without a tank, no one wants to take responsibility if they have aggro, and things spiral from there.

    It's all rush-rush-rush, and the fact that 1-2 competent players can carry a group through all the problems doesn't help, because then folks don't learn anything, they just keep blundering through until they find themselves a PUG without those competent players, and then they rage in genchat because they don't understand why the group failed. SM ops at the moment are not conducive to a healthy raiding environment at the casual level. (Neither do they incentivize nor prepare new players to step into HM Operations.)

    I would argue the majority of people do not want to learn. 

    pugs half the time have at least 2-3 players not out dpsing a tank when they are in the group. People don’t know simple rotations. People don’t listen when you do tell them. 

    the majority of players in the game don’t care if they are good or not. Which is why sm got nerfed in the first place.  

  7. But this is pure copium, no amount of gear would help...either you can or you can't, not to say gear is useless - bit if the player clicks abilities it is.


    There will always be people that are not good clearly. They won’t be able to get the best gear in the game. Why I proposed is something to help them gear up to the tier below. Maybe the additional stats will help some people. Some people it won’t for sure.

  8. I disagree with the sale runs part, they should be eliminated from the game because some sellers are selling their credits to gold sellers, and others will buy credits from them, and both are against ToS. They are not "helping" anyone. They are getting paid for carrying someone through an operation and with the new gearing system they are selling BiS gear. Those same people moaned about everyone getting BiS gear without being "worthy" of it, are now selling BiS gear, which is just hypocritical. Their elitist attitude is not the best one either, this game would have a healthier community without them.


    You cant blame an entire community off something one person said they do. Not everyone that does or has done sale runs sells credits to farmers. Some people do it to make credits because they only raid. You are going to have elitist in every aspect of the game. it is up to the devs to decide how to run. Clearly the devs don't listen to them as much as you think. They are nerfing R4 already. We all new it was coming.


    I am sure you would think I am elitist because I believe the best gear should be challenging to obtain. At least at first. They should do like they used to which is give a buff for modes. When its new its harder and after a few months they drop the buff so everyone can have it. I think it was mentioned in another thread that so many SM tokens should be able to convert to a HM token. I am good with that. But they need to leave purples behind the HM bosses. I do agree some of the bosses needed to be balanced. I think the watchdog and kanoth are balanced good they just require you to do mechanics which i think is how it should be. Make it worth something to kill.

  9. So, my opinion is going to be one that you all disagree with. Inflation is only an issue if money is hard to come by. If the rich are rich and you can’t obtain that thru in game means. This is not the case. Over the last two weeks I ran my credits down to 70 million. Then ran them back up to 2.5 billion in less than a two week period playing fairly casually. Mainly on weekends. When you can early 500 million credits in roughly an hour. 🤷*♂️ Are credit farmers annoying ? Yes, if you don’t use them are they actually hurting you ? No,


    Sales runs may be against what you believe in. They are not against the tos. It’s essentially a group helping another player with terms. Why are you against that help ? I just don’t see the problem. I’ve done multiple mail transactions with friends where I will tip them for crafting me something. This would eliminate that completely.


    I don’t think the economy needs reset I don’t think prices have gone up like you think they have based on the time it takes to get said credits ow vs a year ago. It’s actually easier now than it used to be. My two cents.

  10. The top parses on R4 are all Vengeance. Check out the operations statistics on parsley. The median Vengeance dps is higher than the highest dps from any other spec.


    Sure Madness will do a little more dps than Lightning. But as explained this is fluff dps at best, reducing group dps on boss (by shorting your Vengeance juggs single target dps) at worst. There's a reason more people play Lightning on that boss than Madness (again you can see it in parsely's operation statistics page). Lightning is a better pick than Madness, even there.


    It is by far not the best of the specs to use. Just because people play a spec doesnt mean its the best. I wasn't stating its the best damage overall i meant between the sage specs. A lot of the fights appear to leaning towards balance. Very few get out parsed by lightning sorcs. Maybe just not a lot of good ones play. Maybe i dont see a lot of good lightning sorcs. Not sure, But in all the groups I run with most sages either play balance, or they are mid pack dps.

  11. Viru and Madness have pitiful rotational AoE, that doesn't even nearly make up for losing out on the single target dps and superior burst that Lightning offers. There's a reason there's more Lightning parses on parsley even for R4 final boss (which has quite a lot of AoE) than from Madness and Virulence combined.


    Sure these classes can set up for AoE, but they'll be tanking their already worse than Lightning single target dps in the process. Currently on R4hm Lightning is the best performing ranged spec on every single boss.


    And yet the top parses for R4 last boss are all madness ??? That is both SM and VM

  12. I don't think it needs a nerf.


    Like half of the mechanics can be directly ignored. Yes, some are punishing, if you - for example - push the whole group from the Lady, then yea, you probably fail the dps check. Maybe start noticing the evil circles.


    IMO it's actually bad that other SM operations tought people they can ignore many mechanics, so they just ignore them.


    Should be the dps/healing checks be lowered? I wouldn't say so, IMO they're not that big, but OK, for SM they can lower Lady by a little to give SM players more chances. IMO people are focusing more on numbers and less on the fact, that you do less numbers if you fail the mechanics.


    Should it be nerfed? No.

    Should it be in the group finder? Yes, Gods are there too.


    People in gf don’t do gods or nop. At least not prior to this patch. Gf isn’t even used as a gf, it’s just for pre made pugs to get more coms.


    SM is meant to be easily passed by pugs. Lady Dom is not.


    Simple nerd would be to lower the number of knock backs on recursive blast to two people. It still teaches the mechanic but it doesn’t kill the group.


    B. Monstrosities shouldn’t spawn in SM. They can be a hm mechanic. This would easily teach pugs the mechanics without checks that eliminate The ability to carry bads.

  13. I agree, having to do 123k dps to kill a SM boss between 4 dps and tanks is crazy. Much less a 8-10 minute fight for a sm. DF you can complete the entire ops in 12 minutes. It’s just way off. I love harder content. I think the first three bosses are not to far off. The last boss is definitely in need of the piñata service from the nerf bar wielding devs.
  14. Yes, the new operation is really good with all the mechanics it has. Downside is that you can't pug it, not even story mode. You need 8 competent people with voice chat.





    So, which boss exactly drops us let's say... 340 main hand in the old NiM ops? Because that's what you are claiming when you say we get gear via ops. We don't. We get gear from ONE operation. Don't use plural when we have only one operation we can get the gear from. We will be sick of it before the whole raid group is geared up, some of us for multiple classes and roles. I'd much rather see real MMO gearing: where we get proper loot from all ops, with a non-RNG loot table we had in 5.x. Then we can talk about gearing via "ops".


    You seem to despise farming one boss over and over. What exactly is the difference between that and farming on 4-boss operation over and over? Because I don't see the difference. It's still just farming a tiny portion of content.





    You don't have to do them if you don't like it. Or if you want to make them more challenging for you, you can just equip a main hand and take 7 other naked fleet pugs. Some of us do like them: it's fast and relaxing, and we are actually getting something out of the time spent doing it. Not everything in game needs to be a slow, boring grind fest.


    Last boss in R4 drops main hand if I remember correctly and it’s hard mode.


    I am not saying I don’t like them. I said they needed them way to much.

  15. I love 7.1.


    The new operation is challenging. It requires you to do mechanics. Over I think it is a win.


    For those still complaining about gearing I love it. We are back to our SWTOR roots on how to get gear via ops. Certain bosses drop certain gear and I love it. Thank you BioWare. Give us a reason to complete the operation not just farm one boss over and over and over.


    To those that hate gearing sorry it’s not longer super say. MMO’s are designed to be played for long periods. Making gear obtainable in a week is stupid imo.


    The nerf to the old ops seems a bit drastic. Some may have needed reduced but when you can run a SM op in 12 minutes and get 2k tech frags it’s a little ridiculous.

  16. Pretty simple explanation, aoe dr is required for class diversity and the ability to clear content in endgame raiding. The thing that gives it away is that AoE heavy fights like Apex or pretty much anything in Gods have not been cleared on nim, and barely anyone cleared it on HM. I don't understand how Bioware could mess with raid balance this much, classes that do not have AoE dr (excluding healers) are pretty much unplayable in any NiM raid with strong AoE damage going out, Sorcs aren't even played anymore and neither are other specs without AoE dr. It wouldn't fix all problems in raiding, but at least it would be a step into the right direction to roll out AoE DR on all classes and to balance it around that instead of having most endgame content unplayable.


    Cleared Apex HM no issues. Cleared a lot of the NIM bosses with a little work. How many groups would actually try that in previous expansions ? We are basically attempting to clear bosses in 296 gear, if this were 6.0. It sucks they didn’t release the top tier of gear at the start of the expand but it’s what we got and we have to get buy until it comes out. Again, at 340 it will be a lot different conversation. I know I’ve tested the gear on pTS.

  17. Pulled this fight once at the end of raid got to 25% when people died to the explosion in the middle haha. Fun fight. Seems better tuned for SM than the first two bosses in the raid from what ive seen. We basically ignored the mechanic for the most part just messing around on our last pull of the night.
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