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  1. Ever since leveling was made to be so horribly fast and non-challenging (and not fun anymore either), and super high power powered gear is now given as heroic rewards, there seems to be no use for all the loot anymore which has killed the economy. We used to be able to sell loot to other players and actually make money. Now, all it does is clog up mailboxes, inventories and the gtn with no one buying anything, and people trying to sell it for more than the ridiculous pittance the vendors pay. This stuff is important to the game as part of a working and reasonable economy. There's more to the game than a mad dash to the top level spending real money for cartel coins to buy stuff from the store and then sit around in the game not doing anything. There's a reason there's more to do and we shouldn't be forced to be broke while we actually experience the game and have fun with it when there's plenty of ways to have an economy just like we did until a couple months ago when it died. Please bring back the economy! Give us a way to make money while enjoying the game and not forcing us to grind out the same heroics every week and being bored and frustrated! Make loot worth something again and bring back the economy! Please!
  2. I'm not sure if this is related at all to the rest of you because I haven't started the new expansion of stuff, but all of my toons who had companions before 4.0 have not been able to summon them since. As a test, I created a new toon and levelled to the point of getting a companion and after getting one I get an error message when I go to open the crew skills window or clicking the little tab next to the portrait...the error message says that I must have at least one companion to open these windows....yet I do, and I made sure it was after the guest stage (finished that quest and accepted it with the reward of a customization for Vette). The first time I submitted a ticket about it, I was told they couldn't help and to submit a bug report. So I did and was told it would be fixed with the next patch. It wasn't fixed, so I submitted a ticket again over 2 days ago and have had no reply at all. And not only am I missing the summoning ability for my companions, I'm missing skills as well on a couple toons.
  3. Okay, I haven't read all 23 pages of this thread as it's giving me a headache, but what I'm getting from this is that once we're high enough and to the point of starting this new stuff, we lose all our companions and are forced to PVP to get them back? After all the hard work we went through getting their affection topped out and everything, we have no choice but to completely start over? As someone with wrist problems who can't physically pvp because things are too fast, and someone who hates pvp with a passion because it's usually just jerks doing it (experienced in 6 games so far including this one), this will most likely make me leave the game when I get to that point with all my toons if they don't fix it with some other option. I suppose, thanks to this, there's no reason to purchase the expansions in between either. Why spend the money on something the game will be forcing me to quit? Great move Bioware! *heavy sarcasm*
  4. I've been having about the same issue with all of my companions on all of my toons that have any except that they do show up in the crew skills window so I can craft with them but that's it. There's no portrait health area for them, even when unsummoned too. And C2-N2 has been completely gone everywhere as well. I submitted a ticket and they admitted it's a bug that "will need to be corrected in a future update" (they don't say when), and to submit a /bug report about it. It's a real pain because there's nothing we can do without our companions. Really want to play and go hunting, and I can't.
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