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Everything posted by Polly_Pocket

  1. Sorry, but that's not good enough for today's expectations or environment.
  2. AFK'rs in warzone matches are rampant. AFK'rs in warzones destroy the game for everyone. AFK'rs will decrease your bottom line, because many people will quit. Do something, let us know you are taking care of it, get your GM's off their fat asses and have them start dropping ban hammers. BUT FOR GOODNESS SAKES STOP LEAVING US IN THE DARK. http://imgur.com/nvYVl The most notorious afk'r on our server, hundreds of reports have been submitted, and guess what, he's still sitting in warzones doing nothing while trolling chat.
  3. O snap, they forgot to change a name on a mob. It's the end of the world and the sky is falling. As for your first gripe, have your tank zone in first, eat the first cleave, then turn him around for the second cleave. Your raid zones in right after the first cleave goes off and nobody gets hit. As for your second gripe, keep a body's length distance behind him while the cleave is going off, not 1 foot. Problem averted again as you'll never get hit. HOLY MOELY THAT WAS HARD! RAID TACTICS ARE SERIOUS BUSINESS!
  4. Yep, it's absolutely f'n moronic. I'm on my 5th implant already, and have friends who were so lucky, they got full set in 2 days. Bioware is retarded.
  5. I've tried both specs, have main tanked every raid encounter and most of the non-bugged hardmodes. Defense is the way to go. You take less damage and generate more threat with hilt strike in your pocket. It's really that simple.
  6. Not getting inner peace is a mistake. The damage reduction and extra time on enure is too good to pass up.
  7. It's definitely gamebreaking if used properly. Not many do though.
  8. Never had an issue with the lightning circle. Only times people died was when they were too slow. Last run nobody got hit by it once. The saber throw can hit you twice. You need to save your CD's for that, if you're not, you should expect to die.
  9. Endurance -> Defense -> Shield/Str For tanking. Working well for me so far.
  10. Sentinels are not made of tissue paper. They have some great defensive cds at 50, which are honestly better than DPS Gaurdian cooldowns at 50. You can dps ok as a guardian, but sentinel is the way to go imo.
  11. This is my current armor, looks a million times better than the pvp crap. This is the style I want my armor to look like, with the option to put the hood down. http://imgur.com/ecGcU
  12. Doesn't matter much imo. I decided to go artifice/arch/TH to create my own hilts/enhancements and crystals.
  13. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500fMG0uMZhGrMMhzzM.1 Using this to tank Hard Modes and PvP.
  14. The meaningful reason to spec hybrid tank for pvp is that you can almost never die, you can keep your healer alive forever, and you can hold points like a champion. Tank spec gaurdians at 50 are absolutely godly with a healer, but even without one, they are still very good. Focus spec is a 1 trick aoe pony that's gated by another cooldown, which I personally don't like. You are also a lot more squish as Focus spec, since you won't be buying the Defense/Endurance gear. Both are viable though, I just think defense is miles ahead of focus.
  15. You need to re-state that a pre-50 defense spec gaurdian can die in a stun. Classes barely touch me 1 on 1 at 50. I can solo almost everyone 1 v 1 as well, albeit slowly.
  16. You gave some 'ok' advice up until you said this, which is just wrong and shows you have not played the class extensively and I would not recommend your advice. I play a 50 Gaurdian, and while the class does get outshined in some areas it is still very strong in the right hands. First thing to note, I wouldn't even think about PvP'ing until you are 50. The Gaurdian is absolute garbage before then because it lacks the utility 40-50 abilities grant, such as Gaurdian Leap. PvP'n low level will just cause frustration, because Bounty Hunters and Inquisitors will destroy you every game. Secondly, I play a hybrid defense build and very often am the #1 player at the end of the match when due to my high Gaurd Rating, High Objective Rating, High Kill count, and medium damage. The best medal count I've received is 11, which is extremely high. Hybrid tank Guardian goes 18 / 23 / 0. There are a number of guides for this build on the forum. I would suggest looking them up. Finally, you need to recognize your job as a Gaurdian. It is to gaurd. Your primary role is not to deal damage. Make sure you keep taunting people, gaurding those getting low, using your AoE slow, and guardian leap to protect allies. In between all of this, you deal damage.
  17. http://i.imgur.com/UlXy5.jpg ...
  18. Bring a level 50 friend. I don't think it's even possible otherwise. I had a 50 trooper come along and we barely beat it.
  19. A few screenshots for your viewing pleasure. Tell me this doesn't scream wanna be trooper with a samurai helm on. It's absolutely atrocious. Jedi Knight's wear robes. Terrible job Bioware. http://imgur.com/Vc1n9
  20. When a Bounty Hunter with no buffs, and 1-2 pvp pieces crits me for 5-6k, yes I believe that with full t2+every damage buff in the game he could crit a level 20 for 10k. And lets not even talk about how this requires the focus tree, which is primarily trash and the ability itself only crits when used after a long cooldown. Sorry, but get a clue.
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