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Everything posted by Klarence

  1. If a major part of the budget was spent on voice acting. I think it begs the question, Is it sustainable? I don't see them being able to have voice overs on 95% of the quests as they do now. Which I think will be a let down to some people. But only time will tell.
  2. This game does not need add-ons or macros. All we need is a combat log, No need to have some in-game dmg meter. The majority of complaints seem to be about not being able to figure out your best rotation. Which all we need to fix that is a combat log so we can parse outside of the game and figure that out. Nothing else is needed. If you need more than that you are a bad player.
  3. The only reason SWG closed was because Lucasarts didn't renew the contract. I think we all know why that happened. Also, 99% of games that are skill based in their character development have a skill cap. Just like SWG did before they changed everything and turned it into crap with the NGE. Most games don't do what Darkfall did. And honestly I think the OP seems more like a troll post than anything else.
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