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10 Good
  1. I don't have a problem with HM PVE. I usually top the damage scoreboard in most of my fights (usually 2500 plus). I don't think the devs hate pts as much as they hate melee dps. For the record I am a long way from being fully geared and I do not run the hybrid spec.
  2. Pyro mercs could use a boost too. At least 95% of the dps mercs I see are running in arsenal anyway (on po5 server). In pvp I find pyro lacking the punch to take out a good healer without assistance. Not that it is easy in AP but I have soloed the same healers that just laughed at pyro. Especially with a tank guarding them AP flame thrower will burn the tank and the healer energy pool really fast.
  3. My dps on the dummy is about 100 lower in Pyro than AP. That might possibly be an indicator that Pyro needs a buff as a area spec should never outperform a single target spec on a single target. Obviously that doesn't take into account the intangibles of mobility and fast target switching. I would like to be able to switch around my spec a little more during a hm op to fit the fight instead of almost always running in AP. I propose a buff to incendiary missle. What if rail shot had an extra 15/30% crtit chance while attacking a target with the missle on them? Maybe also give a an extra 15/30% chance the rail shot reset will proc as well? Pyro also seems to be the only tree missing a buff to shoulder cannon.
  4. Instead of only using 1 companion on everything make a few tweaks to some of the heroics and group phases to allow for 3 companions just like they were party members. That one time at the end of the class story line where all companions are in play is fun but please develope that concept a little further.
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