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Everything posted by Allenaki

  1. True Story happened 30mins ago. Old member of our guild is back in game. He finds himself guild less cause of inactivity so yeah everything fine I will whisper an officer to join them back. Lucky officer was me that I had to tell him: Yeah, well, you know, we want you back but unfortunately we are full atm. You should wait till a spot opens. How this is fun either for me or for him? This has nothing to do with conquest, it's about playing with ppl you like. Fix the guild member cap so we can enjoy the game without worrying about this stuff anymore!
  2. I'm still looking for guildship so if you are interested reply or pm me.
  3. I want to buy a fully unlocked Republic guild ship on the Darth Malgus server along with the empty guild it belongs to.
  4. If cap is removed big guilds will get bigger so small/medium guilds will not have a chance to win conquest - If you are GM or even simple member of a small/medium guild there is nothing to stop you from trying to make it big. It doesn't require so much recruiting spam as organization and hard work from the motivated ppl to attract ppl. And no conquest is not the only way to attract ppl to your guild. - If you are not willing to do that or if you don't like big crowds and you prefer to stay in a small guild but still have a chance in conquest then its not "x big fancy guild's" fault, and at that point it doesn't matter if the cap is 1000 or 1million. - The conquest mechanics indeed favor populated guilds but that's again not guild's fault, so saying don't remove the cap (which is something that affects primarily the big guilds) because I am losing at conquest it's like punishing a group of ppl for something that it's not their fault and it's not gonna solve the problem.
  5. Signed as well! Let us play all together and enjoy the game without constant adding/removing characters all the time!
  6. Very good idea!!! Give us the schedule so we can have fun on crafting weeks and also ppl need to know when the conquest event they miss from their achievement list!!!
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