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Posts posted by Milly_

  1. Milly's mental process-


    1. Come to a discussion thread about how to make pvp better for your faction.

    2. Refute someone's claims about min/maxing while giving no supporting evidence.

    3. When given detailed explanation to the contrary, use hyperbole and strawman arguments to refute the other person's claims - again giving no supporting evidence.

    4. When confronted about my horrible arguments, troll.

    5. Troll

    6. Troll

    7. Log in to SWTOR and lose more warzones.

    8. Log back into forums and troll.


    Your faction is filled with people like this. That in a nutshell is why you guys are losing.


    Actually, I don't lose very much on either side.


    Way to assume!!!!!!!!!!


    You are just ignorant bro,..


    See, Kraykray gets it!

  2. TL;DR: Get max expertise if you want to win. If you want pretty numbers against scrubs, use PvE armorings and power crystals. "


    I suspect the reason people think they don't need max expertise is because they're fighting the ignorant masses who also don't max expertise.


    So, what I'm gathering here: the majority of good DPS whether it be Imp or Pub are complete tards. Good to know.

  3. PVP STATS - Expertise is the most important stat for pvp, you need to get it as high as you can and THEN worry about your other stats.


    If trying to get people more aware, you're doing it wrong. 1220 seems to be the sweet spot for DPS.


    If you want people to min-max better, they won't be sitting anywhere near the current expertise cap.

  4. Imps really are not bad over all, I dont know where or how this started. I've gone 8 wins 1 loss so far today and the loss was just cause someone was disagreeing with a strat.


    So did you solo queue those 8 wins, or were you with 3 other Uncensored? If it's the former, congrats.

  5. Can someone please show me the skilltree for the famed "hybrid" spec? I assume it's a combination of MM and Engineering?


    I am currently striving for the 35/3/3 build, curious as to what hybrid can offer.


    There is a engi/MM hybrid that has great burst to it as well, but these guys are talking about a leth/engi hybrid.

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