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Everything posted by ElitehunterDS

  1. Probably because GM told us so, but devs said otherwise, from now i take anything i ask to a gm with a grain of salt, those guys probably have no access to no great guide or anything of what is in-game.
  2. Well im just gonna say a big thanks to those Gamemasters ingame who said it was in the game and wasted our time.
  3. Probably that The fact that only the republic side can do the quest would be a terrible design idea and it would be something more neutral
  4. Was looking at the bone of the Krayt dragon on Tatooine, i saw a pile of bones on the floor, havent found any info on it yet if its used in a republic quest or another class quest i dont know. Loc. -1201, -799 What are those bones for?! :/
  5. Seen it drop on the last boss of Black Talon in hard mode, same thing with http://db.darthhater.com/recipes/570/tionese_combat_medics_relay/ yesterday.
  6. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mabari Your lack of knowledge is disturbing..
  7. it give a buff to health regen for 10min to all party member.
  8. In theory its fine, but in practice would it be easily coded, can they use those coder for something more useful? Probably. Seeing that i only crashed once, since Tuesday i don't think its really needed.
  9. This is the main issue that i hope never come to this game, it killed the community of servers, gave power to *** that just want their gear and wheres the social in that thing? Seriously i hope they never add a dungeon finder copy to the game, maybe adding categories and other option to the current lfg tool would be enough.
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