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Everything posted by Taloon-

  1. What is a very populated server to play on? Im currently on prophecy of the five but im just curious as to if there is a pvp server that is very poplated bc i like to be on very populated servers thanks for the help
  2. I prefer more bursty damage kinda of like a rogue but a little bit more survivability do melee classes fair well in this game thx for the help i just dont wanna waste time and i know that i prefer melee classes and i just want a class to stick with right off the bat to hit cap thanks for the help guys ^^
  3. Everyone knows that the heroes always win even when they are underdogs with their faces shoved in the dirt adversity makes the better players/heroes and good always triumphs nuff said Id personally rather have a challenge if all this is true everytime empire loses they should feel like pieces of crap and i dont rememebr where i saw it but i believe it was somewhere around 43% of the time lol
  4. sounds good man will do ill roll the mirror on republic then appreciate it
  5. really that sounds nice im playing republic so im guessing the mirror is vanguard?
  6. yea currently im playing a commando liking him a lot though im only lvl 12 ^^ i have yet to try a scoundrel out debating it now hmmmm..... lol just curious as to what pds classes in general seem to do decent burst damage or is it just that the game is very balanced?
  7. really appreciate it i played a marauder and sentinal honestly didnt feel like that they hit the way i was expecting ut thats just me i guess now sniper/gunslinger smugler/operative is something im interested in hearing about and how they are faring like waht their gameplay is like in pvp etc.
  8. oh so its another guy that says that about operatives/scoundrels LIES!!!!
  9. ty scratch that off my list appreciate it what seems to be able to do steady consistant dps im used to the more rogue or mae style where i can cc and get away and nice i actually have a commando lvl 12 right now was just curious as to if i should maybe try another class out im mainly used to melee
  10. Ive been debating and rolling a lot of classes and just cannot seem to find a dps yet that i really prefer in wow i played a rogue and mage i like the more on demand kind of bursty dps that i can drop people with quicker but also im squishy ina sense like a glass cannon is a good way to describe it is there any classes out there that are faring decent in pvp that hit very hard i appreciate the help and the answers
  11. I have re-rolled a million times looking for a dps that i could possibly really enjoy for pvp the two i have not tried are marauder and operative which are the firs two i should of tried :/ I prefer straight dps and like to be able to deal consistant hard hitting damage which class would be decent for this im sure yall have heard this a million times but i greatly appreciate it im tired of re-rolling this will be the 7th time ;( atleast im dedicated but im just wondering what i will have to trade off for picking what class i pick like marauder looks very appealing
  12. just curious as i am about to make a new char on the sith side on my server and was curious as to if i could mail him my money appreciate it
  13. yea man you should be able to play just on low upgrade tho asap bc trust me i play on max and youll love it!!
  14. might wanna upgrade but it would still prbaly play on low settings im sure man
  15. Yea but the populated servers are where the competition is i would assume and is the most active market/auction house etc im down for lots of ppl not anyone at all
  16. I just started playing and im curious as to which server i should join for a very good competitive active pvp environment
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