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Posts posted by Gorrdan

  1. Everything with Turrets or Walkers is totally out of balance. I have complained directly and sent in bug reports. the number of issues that cause unplayable game areas, I'm beginning to want a free cartel coin grant, or a free month, or something.


    this is exactly why I unsubbed for 2 years. Now I'm back for 4 months and here we go again.


    What, Devs, don't you WANT customers???


    I returned recently and iokath almost made me quit again.

  2. Came here to say this. The walker makes a quick work of me and this is labeled solo mission. Its bugged or it's intended considering this whole area is pain in the *** with over tuned mob and bosses. And since no one even bothered replying tells me that this area is really dead and no one even does these missions anymore.
  3. Bad enough they stuck these icons over all the NPCs and vendors, but the revamped versions of already existing icons (like those above mailboxes and cargo bays) look horrible, like low rez clipart. Honestly, all the UI and icon changes look horrible--busy, confusing, seizure inducing at worst, and awful on the eyes in general. Why did you waste time and money redesigning things that didn't need changing and now look worse, EA?



  4. .. It has begun, 959 members between two guilds, 2 people online, the influx in players has begun! ;)



    all you people that believed there was going to be this huge increase in players/subscribers after the movie launched..... ROFL :eek:




    Fanboys live in dream land. I had no idea what made them think that new movie will bring new player in masses? nt all those who enjoy watching SW movies enjoy playing MMOS.


    Silly and stupid fanboys. My guild actually is quite inactive. 4 people online that is it.

  5. I knew that there would still be boosted XP after the white acute modules became obsolete. Even as I start in on the KotFE content, I knew this, attaining 65 in a leisurely couple of days. But then came a new alt...


    I hit level 10...immediately take a trip aboard the Black Talon. After three turn-ins from ONE flashpoint run (the FP itself, introduction to group finder, plus one at the dropbox whose name escapes me at the moment), I'm halfway through 16 towards level 17.


    This is, in a word, nuts.


    I have never previously encountered anything in this game I truly disliked to the point where I'm unhappy with the experience - there's always been a way for me to work around it. But this is insane - I'm taking this toon back to finish Korriban at level 16? Sure, the effective level is 12, but that's not the point. Level 16? Really? And combined with more insane XP for just the daily warzones, I'll be what level before I'm even off of DK?


    Sad panda. :(


    8 characters planning to level some more so thank you i love the leveling speed. I don't want to slog through same content i seen zillion times already to finally get to where i want to enjoy the en game content.

  6. I have read a lot of comments about SWTOR and the Live Stream today. To coin phrase, get a life, will you people?


    Everyone is complaining about the rewards announced today. I will admit, there was nothing there worthy of the hype. However, keep in mind they do NOT have to give anything. No one has "a right" to anything in this game and all the whining and complaining about "no new ops" or "story, story, story" is going to change it. Bioware is a business and their bottom line is to make money. Period. They will run things as they see fit. If you like it, great! Subscribe and help pay for the game and keep it going because at the end of the day, if the game doesn't make money, it goes away.


    That being said, if you don't like the game, do yourselves and all your fellow gamers a favor and leave. The constant threats of "I'm cancelling my sub" is getting old and makes you sound like a whiny brat crying you didn't get your participation trophy or that jilted Ex that is too obsessive and dense to know it's over.


    At any rate, Bioware owes you nothing. No one is forcing you to play SWTOR and nothing was promised to you. I'm sick of people posting on the forums that Bioware owes them everything and should give it out for free.


    Let me guess you are a huge fan who love the game and always have Biowares best interest in your thoughts? and that is why you are asking people to leave which means less revenue which means less content which means game losing more players and ultimately it shuts down.


    Yep..this is why i always say that so called fans are worst nightmares of any gaming company they claim to love so much. They are devoid of logic and rational thinking.

  7. But no, they decided to milk the cow as much as they can.

    Now I really wornder how long this game has before it shuts down.


    Should have put this in beginning so that i had ignored your post after reading it.


    People are having wet dreams about SWTOR shutting down since it it was in beta. Not gonna happen. Move on and find something you enjoy.


    All MMOS are solo friendly and group oriented now days. Depends how you chose to play it.

  8. Another patch has come and gone, and Bioware/EA/Eric have still not fixed the bug where you never lose duability and therefore never have to repair.


    This is a slap in the face to all swtor players.


    Credit sinks play an important role in the stabilization of an MMO economy. Over the last year, credit sinks have progressively been removed from the game. The result has been ingame inflation.


    If the durability bug is not fixed soon, I will have no option but to unsubscribe.


    Who wants my stuff?


    Posts like these blow my mind. People would complain about just anything.


    And please stop using the term 'slap in the face'. Its overused and a cliche and makes me want to slap you in the face.

  9. Comp healers have been buffed back and it's far too much. Running around as a level 14 bounty hunter I literally cannot die. I've tried pulling three groups of mobs but Mako can out pace their damage by a long shot. It's just not a game anymore because I can't die and therefore I can't lose. I can literally beat the game by making a cup of tea or if I'm feeling rather adventurous I could press the number 1 key to see what happens, then press it some more. People wanted to remove the grind from the game but going through the entire story just pressing one button is nothing but tedious.


    I was quite pessimistic when Heroic 2+ missions were being targeted as too had to solo, and maybe it's just me but are some people too stupid to know what the 2+ means in Heroic 2+? It's intended for 2 or more players. Buffing comps to the point that Heroics can easily be done solo makes them far too powerful for the story class missions and has no doubt ruined all of the solo content as Mako can even solo all of the story bosses.


    Heroics 2+ missions were not hard to solo in 4.0.2 but you did need some good gear and a decent comp, which some people were complaining about. Doing the Heroic 2+ missions rewarded you with gifts for your comp so they wouldn't be under powered for long, so what were people doing with these? Selling them on the GTN? OMG I think that's it. Farmers were complaining about the time it took to farm these gifts and sell them while everyone needs them to make a quick turnaound, which has just gotten a lot quicker thanks to the buff.


    Like any RPG it's not about the destination but the journey. Quite a shame really as I only had my bounty hunter left to complete in order to achieve the Legendary banner. My sub runs out in a day or two and I won't be resubbing which means I also won't be back to listen to all the bickering below. Enjoy the so called game.


    Huh? i have never died at lvl 14 since beta. :D

  10. Yeah, I knew about the Gold Post, but I agree that's not really going to reach most of the players in advance. That's why I appreciated the change to the Launcher that includes the pop-up alerts about "Servers will be down on [Day X] from [Time A - Time B]", since that's something everyone playing the game should see.


    Surprised we didn't get one for today's if that's the case, though. But the corpse bug + companion controversy did lead to a lot of downtimes lately (relative to the SWTOR norm), I suppose this one slipped by their announcement setup.


    I think it is all about adapting yourself. I have a made a habit to check the stickies for new announcements before i log in to the game. Just in case. :)

  11. that's true.

    But did anyone see a post that maintenance would be in play (please pardon the pun) this morning?

    I played Eve online and we always had an hour downtown for maintenance everyday that I did play and would get "emergency Down Time messages as well" ahead of time.

    best thing about tor is they don't do what eve does every dang day of your life.


    I posted the link in last reply. its been up since yesterday.

  12. So you're in the middle of a flashpoint, all of a sudden you get the warning "Servers going down in 15 minutes."


    Well, ****. Time to rush, hurry, skip all cutscenes and hopefully still finish it before the servers go down. And why? Surely somebody could trigger that alert shutdown message an hour in advance? I can't imagine somebody decides they have a fix for a problem and decide to implement it 15 minutes later, so it seems to me like the warning could -easily- come earlier than 15 minutes prior to shutdown.




    It was mentioned way in advance.

  13. Your point is irrelevant in a game with a market. Everyone needs the same potential to use the game's mechanics to their best advantage to compete in the market, or else the economy wouldn't work. If making use of the mechanics is consequentially boring, then it is more likely that the people would just stop competing in the market entirely and leave the game rather then handicap their ability to compete just to find a sense of satisfaction in game play.


    1111w, loot.... 1111w1, loot..... 1111w, loot.... is not rewarding game play. Its a spectator system. Even the people who are advocating for the game to be accessible to the lowest skill possible are going to get bored of it, I am not sure the current state of the game is going to encourage people to pay $15 a month, and invest in the cartel market.


    Yes because 11,22,1,22,3,1... loot


    Makes it so much more engaging because you pressed two extra keys. :rolleyes:


    You are in wrong genre bud.

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