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Everything posted by Abomsta

  1. ^ Thanks dude! Can you tell me roughly which areas on Belsavis/Corellia and what enemies? Sry if that's hard to remember, have been looking all over the place on both and haven’t found anything yet, i'm prob just in the wrong places. Thanks again man!!
  2. ^ dude how did you get the Greaves? From a drop etc or the market? If a drop where abts? Thanks man!
  3. Looking to buy the Jedi Battlelord Greaves on Shadow Runner server, got plenty of cash and artifice 400, can make 31+ endurance yellow crystals - will gladly craft for payment also if preferred!
  4. Looking to buy the Jedi Battlelord Greaves on Shadow Runner server, got plenty of cash and artifice 400, can make 31+ endurance yellow crystals - will gladly craft for payment also if preferred!
  5. Hi dude, how did you get the whole set? Was it purely through the GTN or world drops? I've got some parts but all through the GTN so far, do you know where these drop? Which planet, enemy type, location etc? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!!
  6. Dude what's the name of the chest piece? Thanks!
  7. Ah cool! Which level of Treasure Hunting tho 41-48 or 49-50? Thanks!!
  8. ^ Yea good question, does anyone know where to farm this set or where they drop? I've got the chest and boots so far - both from the market. Does anyone know any specifics like the area on a planet and which enemies they drop from? Thanks!
  9. ^ thanks man! Need to do more pvp i guess cus hav hardly done any really, no gear from it yet so that's prob it. Thanks again dude!!
  10. Hi can someone please tell me how to get higher hp, i'm a Jedi Guardian just hit lvl 50, trying 2 go for tank spec but am like 13k hp, no idea how to get it much high to even like 18k. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!!
  11. Hi can someone please tell me how to get higher hp, i'm a Jedi Guardian just hit lvl 50, trying 2 go for tank spec but am like 13k hp, no idea how to get it much high to even like 18k. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!!
  12. ^ I so hope that it's actually something you can get but you guys are probably right. Probably is more bioware trolling of "look how cool this looks, oh wait yea you can't actually have it in-game".
  13. Hey guys can someone tell me which armor the Jedi Knight Guardian is wearing in the screenshot on this page, looks really cool and has the hood down: http://www.swtor.com/info/founders?sourceid=eag3396 ^ Thanks in advance for any help!
  14. Found Jedi Battlelord chest guard and a few other similar armours now with the chest plate, still looks better on the character creation screen tho lol! How about a simple "Hood up/Hood down" option in the settings Bioware? Not a total removal of the hood like when u put certain headgear on, but a proper option to let you have either the hood up or down, shud be something standard, please do this!
  15. Honestly where the hell is this armour in game! I mean they have it in the damn character creation menu for crying out loud, why not anywhere in game that's reasonably accessible? Sry 2 rant, but really is such a frustrating thing to have the same cloth looking robed armour from like lvl 17 that you've had 2 mod up until lvl 42 and hang onto because the stuff you were hoping to find (i.e. the armour on the cover art and on the actual character creation screen at the start!) isn't in the game anywhere it seems. All you get is cloth robes or stuff that isn't nice really at all, the lvl 50 pvp gear with the ridiculous shoulder pads is ott way to flamboyant for a jedi - just looks stupid. Just give us the armour most of us were looking forward 2 bioware, please it's a giant disappointment!
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