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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by brentonj

  1. No. Nobody is. On the whole Interwebs.


    I personally would LOVE to see every person who posts about quitting actually quit. Sure, the numbers might drop by a few thosand, but what a better community it would be without them. I also suspect that many people who take issue to the OP's post are a rare breed of homind often refered to as "real adults". That subset of humanity have the capacity for two things that are not in evidence within the original posting:


    1) They remember other game launches realistically, without rose-colored glasses.

    2) They have realistic expectations for patch release schedules


    Even "totally ready" games, MMO and otherwise, lack features that groups within their respective game's community want at launch. Every game, from MPBT:S to UO, even WoW, WaR, Rift, etc. all have lots of people telling whoever will listen that this or that should have been available at release. The first few patches are full of "well 1.x.y.z is really just what should have been in release" comments.


    Kindly unsub for the good of this community.


    This "community" you speak of, has lost well over 400 THOUSAND PLAYERS. And yet you continue to live in denial that there aren't serious issues with the game (among a host of problems).



  2. stop trying to make people unsub... just unsub yourself and let who is happy with swtor to play!




    What on earth are you talking about?


    All I have ever stated is that my guild (and possibly over 500,000 other players) are completely unsatisfied with the direction of this game.


    Therefore we're now standing by our statement, and have decided COLLECTIVELY to UNSUBSCRIBE.

  3. Just to clarify my guild has UNSUBSCRIBED.


    We don't feel this game is worth $15 a month, and we are simply not having fun anymore.


    We believe the direction of the game has turned into an absolute nightmare, and are completely confident BioWare can NOT turn it around.


    Nor that they have the technical ability and vision to do-so..

  4. Just an update:


    Tonight my guild and I decided it was over. The ToRtanic has truly sunk. With no new content planned for months, and little-to-no innovation going on, we felt it was best to move on.


    It was fun while it lasted. Ultimately BioWare only has their incompetent development to blame, as our guild really enjoyed playing with one another.

  5. I feel too isolated playing this game. Getting anywhere other than where I already am seems like such a chore. If a guildie needs help and Im not on the planet he's on.. hes not getting any help from me. I feel bad.. but really.. by the time I got all the way out their he could probably level up a few times and solo it.


    This is the best solo player game ive ever played. But Ive finished the campaign and im going to go play an MMO now.


    Excellent post. Though I'd hardly call this "the best single player game".


    It's mediocre at best, and the MMO aspects are utterly dreadful.

  6. If you don't like being a marauder- or you don't play the 12 hours a day required to have full WH gear- pvp in this game is broken.


    25% of subs lost at a time when they were bribing us with a free month- that is how terrible 1.2 was. The game was keeping strong at around 1.7 for months until 1.2- such a large loss of subs should tell them something.


    I'm not surprised- every sorc and merc I know unsubbed shortly after 1.2, disgusted by BW's stupidity.


    I'll keep playing for a while- but marauder's getting a bit dull now that everyone's a marauder and it's nothing but root root root everywhere you go. That- and pre 1.2 we had 3-5 games going at the same time all day- even at early morning you could get a match in 5 min or less.


    Now, you're waiting half an hour for queues to pop even at prime time- Fleet is down from having two instances to under 100- you only see the same WH geared pub premade in pvp when you finally get in- and proceed to lose to 20k health team with your team of 13-14k health recruit geared noobs- and every imp pvp guild has disbanded or is down to the point of having to pug for their premades.


    So it's not a question of if I'll unsub if 1.3 is out in May.


    The question is what 1.3 has.


    Does it greatly increase TTK, and nerf marauders heavily and sins, juggs, PTs at least a bit?

    Does it buff merc and sorc dps specs, and make weaker heals more viable or the stronger heals shorter/put in some sort of temp interrupt protection or alacrity buff off spells/procs (like 1.5 sec DI for example).

    Does it make healing as useful as DPS.

    Does it make WH gear reasonable to get- or lessen the massive difference between it and BM gear?


    If the answer to these questions is no- then ya, unsubbing, the game had great pvp balance pre1.2, whining ruined it- and the loss of 400k subs proves that people loathed it- there's a reason the only people who widely and loudly support the patch are marauders- anyone with a brain would support a patch that made their class EZ mode and guaranteed to win every fight they enter without trying.


    Excellent post.

  7. I unsubbed a few days ago. Bioware is ignoring us and there won't be any patch coming, plus there's some major MMORPG's / new RPG's coming out to try out :) One being a game releasing in a few hours from now


    Majority of my friends / guildies are unsatisfied with two things:


    1). Lack of innovation

    2). Lack of motivation from the developers


    I agree they've completely ignored the community at large, and it shows in the recent subscription numbers.

  8. I would but the free month takes me to 20/6 so it has to be out by then. If they say summer does not begin till July so early summer has not happened yet by then, they are gonna hear from my baker.


    hmm, thats a good joke, i'm gonna put that in the other thread.


    Indeed. Most in my guild have our free month left, and that's about it.


    The game is completely dying, and guild activity has plummeted.

  9. So 400k people thought they bought WoW with lightsabers. Should have done better research.


    This game is a carbon-copy of World of Warcraft.


    Except by your logic, it's everyone else's fault this game has a plethora of bugs, missing (basic) features, decreasing populations, dead servers, and lack of overall innovation?


    Please enlighten us on your "research".


  10. Why do you think BW/EA gave up a free month? You and I both know the sole purpose was to pad the numbers until Q2-Q3 numbers are released.


    I would bet they lost 1/2 of their subs from initial sales numbers. I think there are more servers like mine:http://www.torstatus.net/mind-trick/trends/7d#!/kinrath-spider/trends/60d

    Than they care to admit.


    This game has brought nothing innovative to the genre, not a damn thing.


    IThey have to put on a face for their investors. This game is in a financial crisis right now, and the silence coming from the top is truly deafening.


    I have yet to see a single notable developer comment on any of the serious issues facing Swtor right now. It's all generic responses to irrelevant topics discussed in the weekly Q&A's. Which to be honest, could very easily be manufactured questions to begin with.

  11. This game IS NOT worth paying $15 a month to play or (not play) on a dead server. Otherwise, IMHO it is. The content is fine, I just wish I could experience it , but you can't get 4 level 50's together on my server at the same time to even do a HM FP.


    If you're unable to get four level 50's together on any server, then things are A LOT WORSE than anyone anticipated.


    I know servers are dead, but my god that is terrible.

  12. My sub runs out today and Im not renewing. Was decent experience but planets were totally barren and lack of players to group up with for world group content was the final straw.


    Indeed. Almost EVERY single server is DEAD. Completely. No matter how much new "content" or irrelevant legacy fluff they have, it's clear that gamers in mass numbers (over 400,000) believe that this game isn't worth spending $15 a month on.

  13. I think hes a dev, but i don't think he or anyone on his team is playing this game, and if they have it's probably for fifteen minutes and they say to themselves, "this is great, I'd pay to play this." but neither him nor his team have gotten to level 50, and realized at that particular moment there's nothing left to do.


    So his plan is to have player play ALL of the alts... Byproduct is everyone has every crafting available. Congratulations James Ohlen you've made crafting essentially useless in less then six months


    I completely agree. I think it's obvious none of them are actually playing the game. At least not on any serious level.


    Instead they're just actively throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Considering 400 thousand people have quit - and the quality of the game is diminishing, I'd say it's safe to assume things aren't going to get better anytime soon.

  14. I personally think you and your guild should unsub. For the simple reason that you shouldn't pay your hard earned money for garbage. If it doesn't live up to your expectations, then there is no reason to stay. Just following the arguement to its logical conclusion. Will BW lose money, sure but I'm sure they will eventually go F2P, this game is really on shaky ground whether or not the biodrones will admit it or not but that is a story for another thread :)



    I appreciate your feedback and completely agree with everything you said.


    I do believe that a change in direction and leadership (per the development team), will be the only thing to "save" this franchise.

  15. it is more than 400K it is a net loss of 400k with 400k more copies of the game sold..it means as many as 800k people quit the game in the quarter and as many as 1.1 million quitting in the first 5 months. 2.4 mil in sales wth only 1.3 mil remaining active.


    Interesting. I didn't even think of it that way.


    The game has SO many problems right now, and yet it continues to bleed and hemorrhage subscriptions - without generating any positive news or excitement.

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