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Posts posted by Spiggeh

  1. Actually no I have a better idea, before whining and people been all "this needs sorting" and "so OP" try play a Sentinel or a Marauder. Go into the warzones and watch how you get ripped the pieces, watch how other classes (who aren't pure DPS, yes all our talent trees are DPS nothing else) out DPS you, how their max damage on crits are higher than yours by about 2-3k. Then look at the fact that your healing only happens through crits so you have to work damn hard AND have to be in range to hit someone.


    Oh did I mention that until you get really good gear youll be sub 14k hp easy? Did I mention it is only medium armour and not heavy?


    Please stop whining BW wont change the skill or remove it without seriously weakening the class so if they are to do that I would like some high and I mean higher than any other class burst damage abilities to replace it.



    We work through staying alive long enough to do sustained damage not burst, when a Sorc / Sage can 1 button win or even a BH / Trooper or how the other classes have log invis skill and a lot of hard stuns knock backs and pulls. We have none of that we get a tiny invis which unless you spec right is rather pointless, we get 2 stuns one which locks us in place and another which gets broke by damage... Did I mention most play DoTs so that's rather pointless... Did I also mention we have quite a few AoE skills which break that too?



    I often end up in a fight against Marauders when I PvP and as soon as I see them glow red I pop my slows and move away from them and save my focus, if that doesn't work I force stasis them until it wears off, then guess what? I hit them really hard in the face and watch them die.



    Honestly I can not work out what you guys are whining about when the Sent / Mara is one of the most underpowered and hardest classes in the game to play.



    Prove me wrong roll one and link us your WZ screen shots of how "OP" you were in them. I garuntee I wont see any (current good Sents / Maras do not count).




    Enjoy whining, I have cheese if you'd like some.

  2. Just seems odd that other classes without popping every buff they could get they still hit harder than us, just a bit weird when we are pretty much the only full dps only class there is... I know others can spec dps but I mean which ever tree we go we are dps.


    You'd think we would hit harder.

  3. So I was being nosey in the PvP forum and found this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=357877&page=2

    Now as we are a pure DPS class I figured the big hits should be something we could do well but when I saw the damage numbers that these people hit for I got a little confused. Either they are against very badly geared people or they hit way too hard. I usually crit at 3k again other PvPers...


    Any sentinels got any high damage single hits?

  4. Hey guys.


    *stands up*


    My names Fean and *sniff sniff* I'm a sentinel, I might not have any force push or pull abilities (I think all the sentinels had that day off at the academy) and hitting from range well that doesn't happen often, but when it comes to BH spamming Tracer Missiles. Well there the fun begins ;)


    You see there is nothing funnier than spotting someone who actually HAS to stand still for them to hurt me, better yet they have a cast time that I can interupt with 4 different skills... I lol at BH who spam tracers it's like a free farm in a WZ.


    So without further ado please keep spamming the tracers, other people might not like you but myself and I'm sure all the other sentinels out there find it highly amusing.



    Papers fine, Rocks OP. ~ Scissors ~

  5. Gone this way due to Imps and the exploits way back and BW doing nothing about it.


    Break rules ruin PvP, we wont tell you off or punish you. We will however change it so the bonus you got for the expoit means nothing.


    Good move from BW.


    Depends who impresses me the most, then again being republic the better players stand out a mile away.
  6. So being one of the hardest hitting classes in the game isnt enough? You do realize a marauder can kill any class right?


    You need to talk to some BM marauders and L2P.



    Get a clue mate almost everyone hits as hard as Sent / Marauder our burst is dire and our only good point is slow and constant damage.



    Do some research on a class before talking **** about someone elses post.

  7. I would like to point out that if a marauder has a clue you wont be going invis, having been a sentinel I would have presumed you knew how to counter this but it is obvious you did not know the class very well at all.


    Also enjoy being nerfed while we get left alone or buffed how awesome.


    I would gladly fight you and 1v1 as I am sure you would soon find out just how strong a sentinel can be.

  8. I used it when I first got the skill to try it I found that.


    - The animation was too long and was blocking me from using other skills quickly (may have sorted that but whatever)


    - It was hugely expencive for the damage it deals


    - Having a skill I have to wait for with focus is just not useable in a fast paced PvP situation



    So I dumbed in about 5 minutes after getting it.

  9. I was in a war zone last night and the biggest threat to us was a Sith Juggernaught.


    The tracer spamming noobs aren't an issue you jump them and interrupt them then they die.


    Sorcs... well they're sorcs lets just leave it at that.



    But this battlemaster Jugg had 3 of us on him at one point and it took us almost a full minute to kill him! Now that is a powerful player, I'm not saying Juggs are OP I'm saying that guy has worked bloody hard and was really strong proving that if you work hard enough any class can be exteremly strong.

  10. It is all dependant on so many things, for instance easy to play classes such as BH (tracer spam) or sorcs (i r like nuke people hehe) in big groups are very hard to play against but you catch them alone and without back up? They run screaming for help and usually die shortly after. An IA on the other hand popping out solo will hurt like hell whereas in a group fight in the middle of it? Yea they're pretty weak.




    Worst to play against:


    - Class playing to it's advantage while exploiting your disadvantages.


    Easiest to play against:


    - People who get the above completely wrong.

  11. I believe they took away the medpacs giving medals as I've not got one for that since they patched it.


    Damage, kills, Assasin sometimes if I can get someone alone, total healing again sometimes depending on how well I do, defender for the turrets / doors / wall etc... We can not get Protector medals yet which seems a little unfair I think the 10% from trancendance should give us a protection that for the 10% stopped but that's just me.


    Generally I hit about 6 medals per game and I've hit 9 a whole once!


    Medals don't win Warzones objectives win warzones and I've found the more I play to objectives the more medals I win naturally.

  12. I was doing from memory I know I have over 100 comm 1 relic and 36 bags.


    I've been marking them down.


    Why not be a normal human being before being a troll?


    My point is I'm dealing with it instead of whining, I think BW are morons and I've reported in game several times that it's a joke I've not got a champ piece yet (relic so doesn't count) but as of yet I've had auto replies and no actual comments from a GM.


    So I carry on with the hope that I will eventually get Champ items as I am Valor 32 also I'm not at the point where I can stack or open Battlemaster bags.

  13. I have 0 Expertise and still own people in PvP seriously get some skill and even as an underdog you can win, which I do oh I'm a Republic Sentinel btw you know that underpowered class on the underpowered team with none of that overpowered expertise stat?


    Grow some seriously.

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