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Posts posted by Spiggeh

  1. You seem to have missed my point and proven what I was saying.


    No one class is OP, team work, skill, items and not being an idiot is key ;)


    Thank you for agreeing with me by the way.

  2. PvP is PvP, if you don't like PUGs take a pre-made, if you don't like that then hell what are you doing?


    Yes some people are terrible but I'm sure they're trying, the worst thing you can do is whine at them as effectively it takes 2 people out of the group not 1.



    Someone not doing it right? How about ask if they need help? Strange concept I know but give it a try.



    Also without PUGs and Pre-mades there wouldn't be any warzones so chill and enjoy.



    I totally crap my pants everytime I see a guy called Iceinferno on my server because I know he's a beast. He can roll up on his own or with a pre-made either way his team are most likely going to win.

  3. It would appear that there is a post on here about ever class being OP.


    Maybe it has something to do with a Rock - Paper - Scissors thing, and when you're the Rock and the Paper is owning you, well you whine. But when as Rock you're slapping Scissors about you're happy as can be... The problem then is that Scissors goes off and whines about Rock being OP!


    Basically what it comes down to is choosing your battles, items and skill.


    If you are Rock and Paper rolls up going "sup man wanna fight?" point at him laugh and say "no thanks man I'm off to hit Scissors in the face", hell if you have to fight Paper when you're Rock make sure you bring some Scissors with you to help out.



    So what I'm basically saying is, can we stop the whine and just get on with it already?

  4. Ok so I said whine less and people ignored it how about this one then.


    Get some skills and get better gear?


    Honestly when Sorcs were (and still are) OP in warzones people whined to hell, what happened? Bad players whined more good players started countering and killing them.



    The whine will never end when bad players are allowed to play games.

  5. I think all Sentinel talent lines are good and I have used all of them.


    I am yet to do all 3 in 1.2 as I've had a break but I intend on trying them in PvP and seeing how they fair. I do think people are right about this line being better now though, the hard stuns we gain or dissables anyway make peoples ability to kite us much lower, all have credit and all are good.


    The only thing I would like to jump on is the guy who said 280 ticks of healing, are you kidding me? what's your max health like 12k? Mate I heal for about 400 per tick you need some more endurance if you want to play the healing spec correctly.



    Anways good luck all :)

  6. I think this comes down to a number of things.



    Whine less.


    Play more.


    Whine less.


    Learn the other classes.


    Whine less.


    Count how many skills you use in PvP.


    Whine less.


    Count how many buttons mara/sent use.


    Whine less.



    Just play the game for gods sake.

  7. I'm sorry to hear as a Guardian you are getting beat on so easily by an OP but I must point out that the OPs doing this to you must be very good (gear wise) and you must be quite undergeared.


    I struggle with OPs as a sentinel but they can not 2 shot me it's usually about 6 hits in my back to drop me and if I can take control I can usually survive / win.



    Also 20 hits to kill somone? Are you hitting Juggs who are fully kitted? I mean there is a guy called Iceinferno on my server as Dark Side and he is one MEAN Jugg, I mean he almost took me and a healer down the other day on his own. I would try and find out what he does and do it because I can not see any OPs ever hurting him!




    Anyway I would look inward at my gear and also look into stims and medpacks and into stun immune etc...




    Good luck buddy :)

  8. Sorry but best bit of the vid is when he hits for 1337 damage at 1:30 priceless :)


    Also try not spamming 1 button and hoping to win before you whine about someone using many buttons.

  9. In the early (I mean you know before Sents / Maras got BM gear) people laughed at us poked fingers at us and spammed us with their 1 spell win buttons.


    What they dislike is that because of how much damage we can do in the space of 5 seconds is high enough to completely ruin their day, well they plain can't have that!


    Stop the whine, learn how to properly use your own skills instead of that 1 button you love so much and start PvPing properly.



    Thing is Sorcs we see loads because you can 1 button win, mercs we see loads cause you can 1 button win. You will not see loads of sents / maras because other than that 1 skill we have another what 16 skills to cycle through in EVERY single fight we have as well as watching all the CDs and what buffs and debuffs aren't just on us but other enemies.


    That alone puts people off, yes at the high end were a strong class, you are lucky that most PvPers aren't any good in this game. If all the good players spun Sents / Maras you'd **** bricks and the whine would really begin... The sleepers have awakened guys now stop moaning.

  10. Everyone seems to whine about everything to do with everything in this game (hey even me isn't it fun?) but the things I see the most are these.


    It's not skill it's better gear.




    If it wasn't for your items you'd suck.



    And so on and so forth. What I suggest which I think would be quite amusing, would be if BW did a week or so of PvP where they had a completely free PvP set which could not be used anywhere but in WZ which was higher statwise that any other gear in the game.


    Why? Because everyone would be at the same level, there would be no "It's cause of your items" oh no they would have to finally accept that it is because they are just plain bad... now if the "better" players lost without an item advantage, well they would also have to accept that they were plain bad.



    My point behind this would be to shut people up about gear, PvP is meant to be competative not about who has what armour, give away PvP armour (they seem to be doing that anyway) but make it usable only in PvP areas (not sure how PvP servers would work sorry guys I'm not a dev) yes people might say "what's the point of PvP then?" well how about your ranking? Epeen? Valour? Or maybe they could bring in some sort of way to get the PvE items through PvP? Who knows but it could be done.



    Anyway just a thought, something to try which I think would be fun and would balance the Warzones to be about the skill of the players and not what items they have on their backs.



    ~ Spig ~

  11. It's good everyone is hitting around similar amounts, I don't understand why we hit so low compared to other burst wise. Maybe they will re work the other 2 lines so we're all not just watchmen.


    We can but hope, anyone got a screeny of watchmen with over 5k hit?

  12. It really is but it needs to be built up and its not sustained, that line needs some work before its properly worth while to us. I'll accept a 5.5k from sweep but I'm talking single target hit without the buffs as I've seen so many other classes able to spam high damage single target hits without any charging up of abilities it just seems a little odd that the true DPS class in the game doesn't have the highest hitting power.
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