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10 Good
  1. Space combat is optional, but it IS there. It's cool, kind of reminds me of Lylat Wars. Which is a good thing. I like the way Bioware haven't been scarce with their mailbox placing, props to them for that, but i agree i dont see the point of them. Instead i see your ship being used as a massive hub for you. Why does GTN even exist within the respective 'home' base? you could slap whatever you wanted in auction all from your ship? Maybe that is too lazy, and it doesn't really promote massively multiplayer if everyone does everything from a reclusive place. But it's a thought. The fact that you can engage in space battles is an awesome addition, and one i didn't expect, or look forward to. I love having my own ship, i just feel like they could do so much more with it - and i hope they do! A friend suggested a co-op space battle scenario, which could be amazing if done correctly. A wingman if you like. Incase you were wondering, yes i do play the ACTUAL game too .
  2. Aloha. Whilst i understand fully well that this game is not complete just yet, these are things i see as not being touched without some sort of player input. Forgive me if this sort of subject has been posted before. Onto the points! 1) Why do they wanna force smugglers to be so much like Han Solo with the Falconesque ship? I hate that ship so bad in comparison to others. It's an annoyance to navigate as it's just one big circle. The ramp is on the side of the ship, meaning (yes this sounds lazy, but it's actually just inconvenient) that you have to run pretty far to even get into your ship. Not to mention my distaste for the Ancient dirty feel. I personally hate the outside look of it as well. Have you seen the sith equivelant class' ship? There's no comparison. 2) Am i the only one who would like a mailbox on their ship? I don't understand why there isnt one. I have a letterbox on my front door...? I don't want to reroll, i like playing the smuggler. I just think it's a little unfair you get no choice of ship and are stuck with it. I get the Star Wars movie references i really do, and i also understand a lot of people love the fact they have a MF of their very own. Which is why i wish you had the choice. Choice is always good! Coming to a possible solution to my problem i was wondering if at some point in the future, if after you hit max level, you could aquire a different ship? Maybe have a personal collection of ships? Or maybe ship parts actually affected appearance? (if they do, please point this out. i haven't seen any changes with what i have right now.) Anyways, these are questions and opinions, not tainted by rage in any way. I wont stop playing the game just because i don't like my ship. <3
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