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Everything posted by Warjoke

  1. There is no need to change anything regarding guilds, guildmanagement. Go to a starter planet and wait for a random invite. Sooner or later you end up in a big guild. This is the way it is handled in this game. Random invites are the way to go ! Advantages: 1. Players and bioware dont have to care about anything. 2, You will end up pretty soon in one of the biggest guilds (important for achievements). 3. Bioware can totally neglect developing/working on guild/management and guild conquest. 4. Bioware can totally focus on important glitches/bugs, issues like: " in the moviescene xyz my companion looks weird. Can you fix it? " In the last 3 years i only experienced ONE improvement regarding guilds/management. And this one is maybe unnoticed by the majority of players. But several downgrades ( guildconquest ). And 7.0 wont be the big deal for guilds, especially the small ones, family driven. It wont have an impact on hardcore players (conquesters), but will hurt casuals (the price for flagship plans already went up on Satele Shan). To give you an idea about the conquest changes in 7.0 .The new personal goal will be 100k points. This wont have an impact on me, but hurts casuals for sure pretty hard. They made cq so easy, now they make it harder. For example: I can make 1 mil cq with my first toon after the reset (guildroster, this is not the same as the personal one ! ! !) in something like 2hrs 15 mins, if the conquest favors me. If it is a bad one i can do it in 3,5 hrs or something. Yes, 7.0 changes will increase the gap between rich, hardcore players and casuals. Could talk about this issue for hours, go deeper into it, but it would be a waste of time. Bioware wont even consider thinking about it. You see, no need to add or change something. One future improvement i could imagine, all players are added automatically to 1 "serverguild". Would solve all problems regarding guilds. I already stopped active recruiting for my guild, as it is pretty pointless running one. I stopped even racing for the 1 mil cq. Was kind of a sport for me and a guildevent. Except you want to decorate a flagship. If so, consider the credits/plans etc you need, then think again if you really want to punish yourself that hard. If they would make flagships accesable like normal strongholds, this would solve this problem too. And delete another one of my ingame targets. There are not many left yet ... My personal impression, the way i see it. If you find sarcasm, you can keep it.
  2. ...finished. All former closed rooms are now open ( 4 on crewdeck, 1 command deck). Visit the new added " Room of Thrones " (command deck) and the others. What do you think ? The "BEST" decorated one? We would be happy about a comment or two
  3. ... will <Enslaver> lead the public listing (flagship, Rishi sh)? We hit 1 mil prestige on the public listing on june 8th. The entire guild ( small, but awesome people ) pushed and worked for this target, like we do sometimes in conquest. Litterally out of nothing. The goal was reached within a few weeks. Our flagship is still under construction, as the patch doubled the number of decos. A decent decorated sh / flagship needs time. Everyone into decorating knows this. We hope we can finish the work within the next 2, maybe up to 4 weeks, and are able to open the 5 currently closed rooms. I will notify you, when the flagship is filled and all rooms can be visited. And i think there will be some stunning new scenes to discover ... Sidenote for gamblers: An underworld slot machine is near the spawnpoint. The casino is on the crewdeck, right door. There are several slot machines placed. The Rishi sh has them too! Meanwhile feel free to explore our Rishi sh, which could be considered finished (minor changes can always happen, when new decos are added ingame). Our sh can be accessed through the stronghold panels on the fleet and Rishi. Both, flagship and the Rishi sh can be easy found. Currently Nr 1 ranked. Dont forget to select guild! Short advertising for the guild, then i continue. <Enslaver> is recruiting. Our negative xp bonus is legendary. Lvl 75 can hit lvl 1 within a day! We dont have a flagship, we ride the bus. And we dont have a SH, we sleep in motels. Yes, we are inactive. Nobody on all the time. And yes, it is a trap ! Some guilds can be considered to be average, but claim to be the "best". We are a small guild. Granted. But for sure we can claim the title "best" for several things. Will keep you updated and inform you in this thread, when the flagship is finished. Maybe leave a comment here, when you visted one of them.
  4. My new best friend No, i am not upset. I said C U R I O U S. And no again, i said your guildname sounds W E I R D for an Imp side guild. I asked is there maybe a secret code behind it. And yes. Maybe my posting was too long. I am sorry for this, my new best friend. I try to keep my future postings shorter. Just for you. Btw, you mentioned random. You maybe know the guy flaming in fleetchat? Seems it was the same guy doing it again yesterday. And i still have no idea who and why. Hint: It was about an old, forgotten thread. And it i think there is a kind of coincidence. My old thread went up, someone maybe well shaved advertises a guild, and someone starts flaming in fleetchat. A new experience for me tbh. But i am sure i can solve this miracle with the help of you, my new best friend. You guys dont have a stronghold too?
  5. Hi , my new best friend on this server, follower of my old thread! Some questions i have: Do you guys have a flagship? I was not able to find one on the public listing. I confess, i just took a look at the first page. Pretty massive amount listed there. Maybe i havent seen it, or it has a different name. I am a deco addict and i have visited many, litterally a ton of flagships and strongholds. And i am really curious about yours! If it is listed there, make it easier for me to find it. Just give me the rank range on the list (and/or maybe the name). Why this guildname? Sounds a bit weird to me. Maybe for some others too. It must have a deeper meaning. Maybe it is a secret code or something. Somehow it reminds me on a guild and their famous weekend parties. Their guildname pretty indicated their target. Havent seen them around for ...wow, must have been one or two years. You took over their part? Just in a sneaky, hidden and secret way? Without public weekend party? Maybe a closed all week party? Maybe this are the mentioned guildevents? Is this the reason i wasnt able to find your flagship? Enlighten me about the meaning of your guild name. I am really curious. The longer i am thinking about it, the more i am like: Hey!, Why not start writing a book about it. So many questions ... just because of such a guildname. Could be a simple reason though. And the next and last question for today. Your maingoal is to get really famous on this server? Hint: You are on the way Got some nice screenshoots from pub fleet chat. Made 2 or 3 hrs after someone mentioned an old forgotten thread of this forum on imp fleetchat. Made me smile and laughing, but i am getting lost in details again. Going to stop now, already wasted too much time, although i got a lot more questions. In case you want to answer all those questions as pm. I could imagine several reasons why you would want to do that, feel free to do so.
  6. Is bioware still watching this??? No idea. I just logged into the forum to take a look, because someone started a kind of a flamewar yesterday in fleetchat against me. Looks like i found out who. Bioware doesnt care, people dont care either. For me this case was settled months ago. Not worth any more minutes to spend. Seems like you want to warm it up. But thanks to you, i found out that a reply was deleted and i got a notification about it. I dont have really a clue why, but, hey, not my forum, i have to accept that some postings are unwanted. This forum seems to be more for other, cosmetic purposes than game important things. I have accepted it. This just makes me asking, why, seriously, why does someone want to start a flamewar in fleet genchat? And , lol, really, about such an old forgotten thread? Must have hit a nerve.
  7. Now would be the perfect time for it. 7.0 is closing in. Conquest seem to be controversial. The target of it should be more specific. Some think it should work as intended, the name implies, others say, it shows the activity of a guild. And activity is conquest. So, change the name CONQUEST into ACTIVITY. The list of conquest, conquered planets should be renamed to : ACTIVITY LIST Every week, the most active guilds win a planet. The more people a guild has online, the more points. Additional points should be given for the use of the chat. This has many pros, almost nothing to say against. 1. This rewards randominviting. 2. You dont need skill. No need to waste time on objects/quests, introduce/teach people. Just be you!, Just be online! Just randominvite ! 3. Everyone can run a guild. Randominviting is easy to learn/do. 4. It def rewards those who focus really on "activitycontent": randominviting. 5. Wintrading could be a problem in this scenario too, but this one can be easy solved or made harder. Just remove the mute possibility in the roster for ranks ( the only thing i could imagine making wintrading possible. In this scenario you cant really shut up people) 6. People not wanting to bother others with randominvites, are unimportant as they are right now. so, no changes here. They will not argue about it. ad1: this point seems to be very important. ad2: Makes it really starterfriendly. No need to learn anything, know anything, nothing. Just be able to download the game and log in. Add rewards for using the chat. Imagine, new chatters, you can call them players too, can contribute 100% from the first day on! NO GRIND ANYMORE ! ad3: Randominviting is easy, management is easy. Nothing really to care about. Just sort out people who dont log in within a week and use the chat a certain amount of times. And it will reward those who are the best (with randominvites). Hey! You def need skill for this! The guilds doing the most randominvites will win the activity list! Ok, points you get for using the chat must be balanced: What is more important: randominvites or using the chat? But this is just a detail. Maybe switch priorities every week. 1 week, randominviting, 1 week chat. ad4: Goals change, there is no need to work on something, just get enough people online, have a big chatty environment, and you are good. Imagine, no need to do the same every week. Just talk about anything you like! I can imagine special events like: How often a certain word is used in the guildchat. How many randominvites are sucessfull in a 2 minute timeframe. And many, many more. For example: Big points for 25/50/75/100 randominvites a week! This way multiguilding is supported too! And def rewards the most active players! The "development" of conquest the last years points toward this scenario. For me, conquest is at a point, it can be called almost dead (server: Satele Shan). No real point to worry/care about (ok, i started a last, desperate try). Bioware? Which ideas do you have about conquest/activity ? The one i described ? And in the current situation: Guys, dont start a guild and try to compete in an old fashioned way. Doesnt work/pay in this game. Times changed. You want to know how to have success as conquestguild? Go back to the start of this posting. The secret of an "active guild" and big points is there. Working with people to improve their game, knowledge, support them, is currently a waste of time, effort and credits. Dont ruin yourself.
  8. Some arguements are adressed in the wrong way. Just doing GSF, waiting for a match, then saying i needed 2hrs 15 minutes is the wrong way to adress the problem. You need 4 matches to finish the pinnacles for the 4 shipclasses. A match usually lasts 15 minutes. This are 60 minutes, or 1 hour to complete this. Waiting, or being online, i would not call playing. Additional, you can run Pve content, while queuing. And it doesnt stop you finishing pve -quests. GSF gives def too many points. And tbh, when we talk about conquest, lets take a look back. 2 or 3 years. THIS was conquest. You had to go for the quests, points werent for free like they are right now. Just randominvite tons of players (visit Satele Shan serverforum for the thread i started there) and you can say it is a conquestguild? I have experienced a ton of players who dont have the slightest ideas about conquest. Even some with legendary status. But they all deliver points somehow. Without any idea about it ! ! ! And i meet such people ( i am GM) very, very often. Some come from the big "randomcollectors". They give literrally a "censored" about people. Current conquest favors them in any way you can imagine. Back to the problem GSF. As mentioned, if you do it while going for other PVE content, you can get an insane amount of points in such a short time. AND, what hasnt been mentioned too, maybe some people dontt even see, there are different missions, different amount of points to earn every week. Some weeks, you can earn heavy points with PVE, granted, but GSF ALWAYS skyrockets your points. Doesnt matter the conquest, the impact is even bigger, when you dont get many points from PVE content. The impact grows even bigger, when you look at the average playtime. And what you described , what you did, this is far, far away from what an average player can do. FAR AWAY. I give you an example: With some1 experienced grouped, i can run the entire Tatooine heroics in somewhat like 15 (best time) to average 17 to 18 minutes (all bonus quests too! ! !). I solo them in around 20, 21 minutes (bonus quests done too ! ! !). I dont know the exact amount of points, but usually you finish cq with a "tat run ". i would say, an average player needs around 30 minutes. I would not be surprised if some people need up to 45 minutes. Why can i say this? Because i have run them several times in a group AND was WAY SLOWER than soloing them. You can finish personal cq with a full run, you will get more points than needed. So, i would say (depends on CQ too, a thing noone mentioned here ! ) you can get something like 60 to 70k. Same for Cz. A good time for a solo run is around 7 minutes. Group run can be def faster. Not much, but still. How many players can run it in this time? Hmm cant really say something about a time, but when i talk about the time i am able to run it, there are many people who cant believe it. So i would say, considering the amount of quests, people not running the weekly very often, they need at least 15 minutes. Cz finishes your personal cq. Pretty exactly with 50k. So, we have around 45 minutes playtime for an average player. He has something like 110k to 120k personal cq. 15 minutes left. Lets say, he starts another weekly on a planet. For sure there is no time left to finish it. Maybe he finishes rampage2. I am generous: he earns another 50k. So he has earned 160-170k cq. Looking at this numbers, i would say, not many can do this amount of points. (remember, i am GM, not monitoring what people do, but i have some ideas). And i am not speaking about other weekly missions like Section X(22 -25mins for me, cant really say, heard people talking about 1 hr), Black hole ( around20 mins, others up to 45 minutes). There arent many out there doing them this fast. Tbh, i dont know one. Those missions would drop the conquestpoints per hour significantly for an average player. Back to GSF, finishing 4 matches (the 4 pinnacles), earns you in exactly 1 hr playtime (could be less though! ) more than 300k points. I dont know the eaxct number, i dont really spend attention to it. Now compare the playtime and tell me WHY GSF doesnt give many points. And dont compare hardcore gamers with casuals who are online 1 or 2, maybe 3 days for some hrs a week. Again, online time and play time, are 2 different things. All above: with 150% sh bonus. A thing many, many players dont know about. And it is even worser, when they come from a "randomcollecting and selfclaimed conquest guild", they have been in for some weeks, maybe months and got kicked for a reason.(this could be the reason for another thread). Many people dont have an idea about conquest! But they collect points! Again, compare the playtime (of an average player) for PVE content and GSF and add the knowledge needed about conquest/quests. You earn without skill/knowledge more than 300k the first hr playtime!. NO AVERAGE PLAYER WILL DO THIS WITH PVE QUESTS ! ! ! And this every week! And even hardcore players will have troubles putting up such numbers in the first hr ! (granted: depends on the conquest) So, considering what an average player is capable to do in pve, the points for GSF are def way too high. And i would like to have the times back, when conquest was something for specialists. You really had to work towards it. Not getting points like candy from people who have no idea what they do. The time, when it was difficult, sometimes really painful and needed a lot of time to finish cq with 10+ toons a week. I run in my guild a competition every week. The first ones hitting 1 mil cq are rewarded. YOU DONT DO GSF? If you would have to compete just with hardcoreplayers, you wont be able to compete in. nuff said. Bioware, stop pushing a content, many players, including me, dont like.
  9. Yep, it is sad: No real arguement. Worthless. Has anyone a link or can tell us what Bioware says? How long do they usually need for a response? Has anyone some experience how such things are handled? And the time it needs? I mean , things are obvious.
  10. We dont need an entire soccerteam to beat a soccerteam. You dont seem to have seen much. I would say Kort has , i would say 3 times our numbers online at least. When we push, they have maybe 1/3 rd more points, not 3 times our points. And this just because of the massive randominvites they do. When we won Taris, we had just 13 mil points less than one of them. No punish you say? So, just keep on going, like nothing happened? Could be a solution. If someone discovers an exploit, just continue. Nothing happens until the exploit is removed. Really? We are not a conquestguild, not focusing on conquest. Rofl, just shows you have no idea what you are talking about. I have screenshoots of the guildhistory of 1 guild, showing how they act. They are very impressive. btw: 1 posting in this thread is already missing.
  11. HAHA! First reaction of them: they dont show their agreement open anymore. But still, the problem multiguilding, randominvites, and the wintrading in the past (?) are NOT solved yet. Or?
  12. Adressed to those defending what i attack: Is everything allowed, what is NOT specifically forbidden? Basically the concept is ok. I worked on the guild, i grow it, we can put out numbers to be somewhere around the top 5 if we push hard. No, it is funny, challenging. And i am sure a lot of guilds, beating us pointwise during weeks when there is nothing to win for us, fear to compete with us, when we have the chance to win a planet. No, i basically like the conquest the way it is. Some suggestions were to increase the number of guildmembers. Would be 1 more reason to stop running a guild. Why? Management is a true nightmare right now. The worst i ever faced in a game. 1000 members/toons are 42 !!! pages on the roster. Just to be mentioned. There are "shared" legacy names, and , and.. Things i mentioned in another thread. And, surprisingly, got no answer or statement from Bioware. Guildmanagement has seen NO improvement the last years. It got worser. The 1k member cap is ok. Adding more planets: Wont solve the problem. Just read my first posting again, and again, and again. Maybe there is a point you will get it. But having more often more planets available would be nice, IF this problem is solved. What def has to be worked on: multiguilding, randominvites. I mean, imagine: clicking on other players to grow the guild, maybe search the planet just to invite people. This is the only way to grow a guild to be competitive? Because it is possible? Really? Maybe a solution would be, the player wanting to join a guild has to apply in some way to one and not just clicking the "yes" button to avoid more invite spammings. What i hear, it is a nightmare to run unguilded on starter planets, if you havent autodecline activated. What does Bioware say?
  13. Holmes, you arent in the guild for a long time i would say. And yes, i dont force people to do conquest. And yes, it is a pretty chill guild. But when we go for a planet, usually the entire guild works pretty hard towards this goal. And arguing, that we have at the moment not many points, i mean this is priceless. What is the difference between rank 2,3,4 and 5 in the list? It doesnt matter. So there is no real reason to go for high cq numbers right now. When we won Taris, we were 13 mils behind the numbers of the mainguild of one of the 2. We were a top 5 (maybe even 3, cant remember) guild with cq points on this server ! And i am totally aware of the fact, that many players have toons in those guilds. Just to get the titles. And they have toons in guilds like i run one. But you are not hitting the problem in your post at all. Btw, if you feel uncomfortable, feel free to leave the guild. And take your friends with you.
  14. A guildmember, supporter, whatever? Being part of one this guilds, you are automatically involved. Because you are part of it. And i want to make it clear: I dont want to punish the members/players. I made public who i am, my function, what i do. He didnt. This is the reason why i asked how far he is involved ... And it is just a question, not an accusation. So, lets put it this way and ask the question in a different way. Who is he? Which guild is he in? What is his role there? And we are back at the start. And if someone has followed the conquest on the server the last months, and doesnt see anything ...erm yep. ...then i have to agree and yell with the majority ...what do we shout? the earth is flat? or something else? There is only one truth? I ask everyone, enlighten me. what is the truth?
  15. No comment about wintrading ...interesting. I am curious how far you are involved. Your comment states: Nothing to see, nothing happened, just continue. And i am totally aware of the fact, that there are some who want to continue acting like the 3 monkeys: no hear, no see, no talk = no troubles. I will take a closer look at the gamedescription. The official one. Published by Bioware. What do they state there? Join a guild. Nothing said about randominvites, nothing said about multiguilding. But: Work together in a guild towards a goal. Work on a strategy. Randominvites are a strategy? Really? I wasnt able to find anything about randominvites, preventing other guilds from participating in conquest, nothing about wintrading for planets. Maybe enlighten us. Place a link from an official Bioware statement, or the TOS. And taking no action , would reward them. You really want to reward them?
  16. take a look at this posting: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9955927#post9955927 I have not found any comment of bioware about the problems regarding guilds and their management. Someone found one and can maybe place a link ?
  17. Greetings to all who love conquest, like working together in a guild towards a goal (conquer a planet), and ALL who want a FAIR environment on this server and the game. Short introduction about me and my guild: Maingoal of <Enslaver> is conquest. We run other content too, but we are pretty focused on it. We are not a big guild, but everyone famailiar with conquest on this server knows, that we can hit pretty hard considering our size. We can be called maniacs I like decorating (visit our flagship and rishi sh), like working on outfits, and loved conquest. Right now i just feel HATE. And this hate has reached now a critical size. The transformation into a true Sith already started. At the moment it is pretty pointless to run a guild focusing on conquest only. Currently 2 guilds win all 3 planets every week. Those 2 guilds are in reality (impside and pubside) 8 guilds. Massive randominviting makes them grow and grow. A third guild (with at least 4 guilds, can be 6 or 7 overall) is growing too at the moment. If you dont do randominvites ( a concept i really hate, never did, never will do), you will never be able to keep up with them. I think in maybe 1 or 2 months we will have the following situation on this server: 3 guilds, overall at least 12 on impside and pubside will rule galactic conquest. Even , when there are 1X planets (a rare thing to happen) to conquer, no other guild will win a planet. People trying to compete for them in a fair way, are pretty "censored" up. If this happens, conquest is dead. Fact. My opinion about those 3 guilds and their gameconcept is the following: They ruin the gameexperience for many, many others. They abuse gamemechanics in a way i would call an exploit. And it is obvious, that 2 of them currently have an agreement which planets they conquer. In the last months, they never ever fought each other. This i call wintrading for planets. What i heard, people got banned for wintrading in pvp already. Not for calling people in genchat names (3 day bans they laughed about in genchat), but wintrading. We, the GMs and the people supporting us, our guilds, are currently left alone. There is no help in sight. Bioware is quiet. I demand: + Disintegrate those guilds. They are built and grown through a massive abuse of ingame mechanics, exploits. They shouldnt exist at all. + Ban the Guildleaders for massive abuse of exploits and wintrading for planets. What can you do now ? Give us your vice, place a comment in this thread, stating: " I SUPPORT THIS ! ! ! " Dont let them murder conquest on this server! The more post here, the more likely someone from bioware will read this thread. And the more likely action will be taken, and YOUR voice has an impact. Dont suffer quiet anymore, stand up and raise your voice! Even if you dont care about conquest at all, you just play story ( even we as conquestguild have people focusing just on story ! ! ! ), but you want a game with a fair environment, support us. Give us your voice ! Dont let a few people ruin the game experience of many ! ! ! GIVE US CONQUEST BACK ! ! ! FOR A FAIR GAME ! ! ! STAND UP ! ! ! RAISE YOUR VOICE ! ! ! GMs, contact " Undead Corpse " ingame via mail, or chat If you want to support this and coordinate future actions in this fight.
  18. Hi! Been more than a week since i started the thread. During this week we managed to conquer Rishi. Nice. Already had the title. The amount of visits in this thread really stuns me. And it seems noone has anything to say or an opinion. Other threads get their replies, although i would say, most are not even touching really a big problem this game currently has. Especially planetary conquest and guilds/guildmanagement. Yes, i am aware of the fact, that most of the players play alone, or they are just guildmembers and dont care about a bigger view on the entire thing. Are happy with multiguilding. But as reminder: guildleaders run many aspects of the game. Many add content (host games, events, whatever), others do nothing except random invites. And yes, random invites let your guild grow. Way faster than spamming adds in genchat on the starter planets and fleet. And no, i dont do or like random invites. I try to keep people in the game. I want their points/activity/time online for the guild. And i spend several hours a week, to keep the thing running. Now i got another question. Does Bioware/the community staff answer questions/respond in the forum at all? At least i was told in several replies to ingame tickets to post my issues here. But not getting anything as response, feels kinda weird. Not even a personal message saying, we read it, but .... whatever. The mainconcerns here seem to be stackable dyes, punishment of bad players and that F2P users dont have full access to the game. This game has really a problem. The Droid Ps: In case i bothered someone, accept my apology. Wont happen again. Def my last post here.
  19. Hi! I want to ask the devs, communitymanagers, staff some questions. I would appreciate it, if people wont add trash comments, like " the game is, what it is " and other unnecessary comments. For people who only want to read the questions, they start with big letters. Before i start, a short introduction about who am i. I am the GM of "Enslaver", server Satele Shan. We are pretty focused on Conquest. We manage to get some planets every year (sic!). My personal endgame: spacebarbie, conquest and decorating (atm the highest rated flagship and Rishi guildsh with public access. And as i see it, the best decorated ones on this server. Visit it, and tell me your impressions!). Rishi is still not finished, but both are worth a visit i would say. My personal goal is not a big bankroll in the legacy bank (why would someone go for this?), but to create a competitive, but friendly environment for guildmembers. And no, i dont kick people for doing not much conquest, but inactive ones. But this will go to far, back to the reason for this. Now, why i post on this forum? This is my first post ever. I have read the forum rules, and i read something like : "...create a new account, because you could get banned." Wow, this has to settle, because i already experienced, how fast you can get a permaban (I was accused of selling credits. Was revoked after a mail i sent, but still ! ! !) Also we experienced a ban of our guildname for a short time. We got it back, things are settled. No, i am not going to create a new account to ask questions on this forum. I believe in open discussions. I want to start with my impressions about some things, then add the question(s). Planetary Conquest: There is an achievement to be unlocked for a conquered planet. Usually there are 3 planets to conquer. If you take a look at the current holders (server Satele Shan), basically 2 guilds hold all of them. (impside/pubside of 1 guild i count as 1 guild). Other guilds dont have a chance to conquer a planet. This makes the entire concept of guilds and planetary conquest pretty pointless. WHAT will you do about this? Galactic Starfighter: I hate it. For me it feels like being the gamecontent for others. And i know many, many people out there feel the same. But you can get tons of cq-points out of it. The reason i (we) do it. Not because we think it is fun, can be fun, we do it just for the points and are happy when it is over. Same feelings about the new login rewards. GSF and warzones everywhere. Nasty pve tasks. Not much left for people, who want to do single player content. WHY is the amount of conquest points you get out of GSF so high, compared to PVE stuff? Guilds, guildmanagement: It is possible to pick and whisper players with "weird" letters in the toon names from the roster now. A big step forwards. This was the last improvement. Since then, nothing really important has changed. Guildhistory doesnt really work properly. It is really a pain to say if someone is active or not. A login/logout just resets the timer, but doesnt tell anything about the activity, CQ-points done. And the history seems bugged to me. Maybe i am wrong, i didnt really investigate, but it feels buggy for me, not telling all. A player having 30 toons, can join 30 guilds. This way he can really enjoy every aspect of the game. Guilds for operations, roleplay, and and ...and conquering planets for the achievements. This way he isnt really known in any guild. It is hard to make friends. That is ok. Nothing to worry about. For me. Just thinking about someone, conquering 3 planets a week. This doesnt make sense to me. WHY is it possible to join several guilds and do conquest for them? If i as GM want the achievement, i would have to join other guilds, doing conquest for them. Because at our rate of conquering planets, i would need dekades, if not a century ( we usually conquer a planet, when there are 7 or more to pick). Does this make sense? Not for me. Legacy names: They are not unique anymore. Sometimes i experienced up to 5 different players sharing one name. It is really annoying to check all of them, to be able to say which alt belongs to which main. Dont want to give more details about this, but it really needs to be worked on. WILL you do something about this? Tickets: As far as i see it, there are 3 ways to submit a ticket. Maybe someone explain them to me. Or maybe not, i want to play, not going through a "how to send a ticket". Never needed such the last 26 or 27 years i am playing online games. I cant get behind it. When our guildname was banned, i sent 2 tickets. Both times i got the answer: ...wrong adress, wrong number. I felt like talking to RL government officials. Meanwhile i pretty stopped committing tickets, as i am not sure if all are even answered. But one thing i have to mention, usually the answers are very polite, but ...wrong adr... WHY is it not possible just to have one ingame (where you can send all concerns, troubles, whatever) and one outside (in case of a ban or whatever reason)? Those questions are pretty important for me at the moment, as i am considering on what to focus next in this game. Running a guild for conquest seems pretty pointless for me at the moment. Considering the incredible inflation on the GTN since the introduction of the new augments, i maybe just should start stop giving away credits and stuff, just looking at my bankroll. But i think this would bore me pretty soon. Already mentioned, our flagship is Nr 1 on the public board. Rishi (still needs some work) too. I think i have decorated the three best looking guildstrongholds on the server, maybe game. (one for another guild: Sons öf Anarchy, Nar Shaada, public access) Ok, mission almost finished. What else? Waiting months for the next chance to get a planet? Hope i get one or more replies from an official (trolls, open your own thread) Greetings The Droid In case you want to contact me ingame : Undead Corpse (maintoon and GM of <Enslaver>, server Satele Shan)
  20. I have problems since the glorious pacth from november 2nd. The game didnt and doesnt work on 2 computers anymore. one has windows 7, one runs windows 10. Downloaded it 3 times on those, nothing worked. A long planned investment, a new computer, was able to run it. Downloaded from steam. Steam added a patch on Dec 1st. I didnt expect it, wanted to log in as usual at the begin of the conquest and ... downloading a patch i didnt ask for. I stopped it, accidently deleted the game... why the **** can this happen so easy at all? but nvm. Downloaded it a 5th time . Now it is broken again. AND NOW I AM REALLY PISSED ! I sent a ticket 9 days ago about my first struggles. Didnt get an answer yet. But maybe doesnt matter, i am not going to download the entire game a 6th ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! time ( every download takes me around 16 to 24 hrs , yep laugh about my bad connection). Next thing about to argue: Why is there an ingame support ? I only get answer answers go to page blah and post it there. getting on the named page (dev tracker), the only way is to send a pm . This is the way to send a ticket? And still no answer after 9 days? As i expect the game wont autorepair on start, i wont be able to log in again. Guildlead gone, mails from gtn gone ...and my subscription gone too (err 2 subscriptions, check my card details). your patches (bioware and steam) are a story of success. If you think my post is harsh, try to imagine what i have gone through and how pissed you would be. tons of wasted time ! ! !
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