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Posts posted by Freezye

  1. Hello

    Here´s the thing :

    the game has somewhat ... not good... performance when it comes to fps / smoothness

    and as far as I can tell the main culprit is the UI 

    if you disable (not hide) UI, it suddenly gets much better, however hotkeys will not function, so it´s completly unplayable like that


    and since this is suggestion box - I suggest you either fix it or completly rework the UI 


    thank you

  2. So...

    assuming the desired resolution is 3440x1440

    as mentioned before, the fix for NVIDIA is to add custom resolution 5160x2160 in nvidia control panel and the game should use the ratio from this and be stretched properly

    for AMD, enabling "virtual super resolution" will add 5120x2160 and it works as well. however this is slightly incorrect ratio.


    i tried to manually add custom resolutions with proper ratio in AMD adrenaline software, but it just didnt save due to incompatibility

    if anyone knows how to fix this, let me know please


    Also it buffles me that the game gets ratio from highest resolution and not current one. insane

  3. it does need nerf in HM


    droid and boss HP mostly

    also having the droids spawn faster ( on 1st set of bombs instead of later? ) would probably be better and tanks would have to do stuff with them in meantime. even though droids do have tank swap mechanic, any dwt can deal with them for long enough thus tanks are obsolete there

    having droids spawn sooner and the debuff be more potent while shorter (so tank swapping on 2, 3 at most stacks is absolutely crucial) would change the fight for the better

    maybe add some tank swap mechanic to the boss himself so tanks are actually needed ?


    with all this, you could have proper encounter where every role has stuff to do and dps checks are reasonablea


    btw the stupid cooldown on consoles alogn with one´s GCD is just... who came up with that stupid idea ?

    i guess its prevent ppl to spam it like madmen but with 3 bombs, you need 9 clicks and i dont think i ever saw someone to solve it within 15s or so just coz how the consoles work

    i actually think that having faster consoles and/or slightly more time while adding some punishment for mistakes with puzzle would be better design ( as in - if someone clicks out of order, everyone gets stacking debuff of some sorts)

  4. I am not sure what the intend was here, but I can tell you what the end result is....


    instead of precasting fury stacks, redoing utilities and then using berserk on pull, maras will do this instead :


    pick brooding - precast fury stacks - pop berserk - redo utilities super fast - pull boss




    equip hidden power tactical - use force camo - spam sweeping slash - have 30 fury before boss - equip another tactical.

    however one force camo is not enough, you need two, so more than 45s prepare time



    its basicly the same result as before, just WAY MORE ANNOYING TO DO coz you have to redo utilities and pull boss faster and for carnage part of berserk will be wasted ( for anni and fury specs it wont really maky any difference )

    or with force camo way, you need more than 45s to build stacks


    if the intend was to make marauder players to do count down on pull or make their lives even more irritating then good f*****g job!

    if the intend was to take their opener dps away then you messed up anyway

    if the intend was to just prepare it so you can make fury stacking passive without utility then we can survive this bs for couple days ( yeah.... like that is gonna happen)

  5. for renown popup and new conquest banner - please add option to either hide it completly or at least during combat.


    its annoying af to have the things pop up during boss fights. specially if you kill some random enemy, get renown level and it also pops up conquest banner. suddenly middle of screen is not visible and whats worse the bloody conquest banner is CLICKABLE so rip anyone who is is clicking targets with mouse and this happens.

  6. okay...


    mat requirement is not the real problem of current crafting system.

    bcs of how gearing works now, players can have everything fast and easy except for biochem stuff and augments.

    and as a result their feedback is going to be complaining about requirements for those 2 things that they just cant grind in a day spaming RR or HS flashpoints.

    you need to understand that there is bias in feedback because majority of players essentialy want to have it easy and the moment they struggle with something they ask for nerf.

    and also base mats are not actually the thing that is slowing proccess of getting top stuff . its solid matrixes and maybe embers (not sure rly). thing about matrixes is that you only get X of them per character that hit conquest goal so players who are doing conquest on multiple chars have huge advantage which kinda doesnt seem fair


    i have couple points to make here :


    1. base mat requirement was not too high for top tier items ( reusable biochem / purple augments) - it should be high. because they are legacy bound - once you get them you are done, there is no reason to make it easily affordable.

    ( okay, solid matrixes for blue augments are bit too much. 2-3 per one makes much more sense)


    2. chance to get schematics was low, thats true. 5% chance is kinda frustrating. however, having there +1-2% bonus for every failed attempt would be MUCH better than just flat increase of chance to lets say 10% for top tier stuff.


    3. there is basicly no reason to craft any other gear (with exception of some tactical items). who would waste mats on crafting lets say armorings or enhancements or relics or nonmoddable gear when they can just do flashpoint or two and get it for free ? ... nobody ( crazy people maybe ? )







    in my opinion following things would make everything better :

    lower gear drops from easily farmable content a bit

    make schematics bit easier to aquire

    give each crafting proffession something worth crafting ( hell, just make new suffix of gear that only comes from craft which will have like 5 of each stat above regular 306 versions. nobody actually needs it, but people will want it anyway thus making other profession worth doing )


    even though this is not crafting specific -

    make it so that one character can hit personal conquest multiple times, each step having slighlty higher goal that needs to be hit ( 1st goal = 50k | 2nd goal = 60k (110 total) | 3rd goal = 70k ( 180 total) etc - this will actually make mats more affordable bcs quite a lot of players is focusing on one, maybe two toons and have ridiculous amount of CQ points that is basicly wasted

  7. not sure if they should BUFF madness per se


    but they should definitely make force lightning align with GCDs

    either make it longer - 3s or shorter - 1.5s


    also make force leech to have 1 gcd lower cooldown somehow (making it instant would also work)


    boom, madness solved and with this it can have proper rotation, not that bs that forces you to clip force lightning and reapply dots too soon to maximize dps

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