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  1. I think it should keep being suggested until it's finally implemented myself. It's not a controversial suggestion. There's not arguments of why it should or shouldn't be added. It's something a vast majority of players could appreciate and make use of. I'd like some sort of answer of why this isn't in the game already. I know I won't get one I'm happy with, so maybe I don't. It just something I tend to forget about until they add an outfit I really like that has a hood, and I feel I really can't use them.
  2. I'm just going to point out there's already a few cutscenes where you don't use a weapon you actually have. Trooper in particular uses a pistol a lot, and a few lightsaber cutscenes you use a completely different weapon and have a crystal colour that's not your own. I'd still love to see this feature, but I know it'll never be added. I'd love to dual wield on my shadow, or have a rifle on my bounty hunter, or sniper on my gunslinger. Even if every ability said "Restricted to Specific Weapon" just having them + your basic attack for RP would be nice.
  3. Toggle hood has been requested and suggested for years now. There's still no option for it. PvP vendors that sold headbands that removed hoods were removed. I just went through SWTOR Fashion items that remove hoods. There's four headbands that a Consular can use. Two I'm too high of a level to get from lockboxes, and two look, in my opinion, absolutely horrendous. Solution: Add the Covert Energy item for the head slot. Make it behave as headgear that removes hoods, but make it invisible. We can have hair, and our lovely robes that make us bald with a hood. This item could be sold for an unreasonable price on the Cartel Market, and I think many people would still buy it. This probably has been suggested before, but after six years this problem still exists. I've tried to get a work around, and one is not available to me unless I create a third consular and level it up to get one of the level 6-26 headbands that I missed out on, or settle with a giant knot on my character's forehead that clips hair. Alternatively and probably much more complex. Let hair be displayed under hoods, especially the much wider ones. Make that a feature we can toggle on and off. I'll risk hair clipping certain models over being bald in some of the iconic outfits I absolutely love. Or lastly just add. Toggle. Hood. Option.
  4. Dye does need an update. Artiface being able to craft better dyes would be a great change, but that hurts their cash cow so I can't see it. Unlockable by the cartel market would be brilliant, same with the ability to remove dyes safely, but again their money. The dye market just seems absolutely out of control on the GTN and beyond frustrating from the Cartel Market.
  5. I'd love to see that too, especially if they added harder difficulties. The stories are really fun to do, and with a character creation limit on your server unless you pay for money it'd be a neat feature to have added for everyone.
  6. I feel like the last three responses aren't actually reading what I'm suggesting. I'm suggesting the ability to DO the content, after your character is boosted. I'm not suggesting you are granted the titles immediately upon boost. I understand the warning. I understand it says there's spoilers for prior content. I also understand, that in my boosted character's ship, there is a mission terminal. This mission terminal has quests leading to Makeb, Ilum, and the Revan quest chain. I feel that they should also add your level 1 starter planet quest, so if you wish, you can do all of the quests from 1-50 and complete Chapters 1-3. It wouldn't be hard to implement. That said, no one actually told me about the legacy gear to transfer items between characters exploit. While I stand by that I think doing chapter 1-3 should still be an option for boosted character, I'm done with this. Thanks everyone.
  7. I've made my suggestions. I think titles should be able to be earned some way or another to a character who's been bosted. I understand not liking the tokens, honestly I've seen them ruin games and the only way I'll ever use one is if I've played the class at cap before. I started my sorc at level 60, quite near where my 59 sage left off. That doesn't change that they've added the tokens, they grant tokens to players that bought the expansion, and there's no reason not to allow the use of cosmetic titles. At the very least, the option of earning the titles on your character. The only real argument I see against the idea is "It is not fair." No, the tokens are not, but they are here. I realize the irony of my argument being "It is not fair" that I don't get the titles, too. That's why this is just a suggestion that I think should be in the game. That said, suggestion made! I'm done with the topic now. Thanks everyone for your input. Regardless of the backlash, I stand by my argument, though I'll be making no effort to continue it lol. 'It's not fair I don't get the titles, it would be unfair if you got the titles,' it's really just an opinion war. All I can say is, what does it hurt the community or Bioware for letting boosted characters have those titles? Absolutely nothing. They are one hundred percent cosmetic, and there are only four of them.
  8. I made a mistake, and purchased gear that's bound to my 70 Sorcerer now before I realized there were no titles. If all gear was bound to legacy instead of character, I wouldn't complain about starting over. But I think that is much worse than simply letting us earn the titles. The argument of 'experience it' is pretty invalid here, because I have a 59 Sage. I know the game play. I have a 50 assassin. I know the class story for Inquisitor. I did all of this prior to a 250% exp boost. Just good old fashion rested exp and side quests. Starting over is losing some valuable items I treasure. I accept this is my mistake, and if it never changes, it never changes. But this is a suggestions thread, no? I made multiple suggestions for a reason. Make those titles legacy unlocked, since I have earned them before, and still bind them to class. Make me 'experience' the story again on my boosted character, there's a level sync system in place, after all, so we at least still get the titles. How hard would it be to add your level 1 class quest on Korriban/Tython/Ord Mantel/Hutta to the mission console in your ship that already /has/ the Makeb, Ilum, and Reven quest lines? Those contain stories that are spoiled by the Fallen Empire quest chain, too.
  9. As the title says, I would really appreciate to earn the class titles with a boost. In the new quests you're still recognized for your exploits in the dialogue. I'm not asking to be granted the titles, though that would be nice, too. But to actually go to the starter zones, and from the level 1 quest, work your way up to the 50 one. I can go back and do other story quests, why not my class story? There's a mission console in my ship that gives you the quest to Fallen Empire, Ilum, Makeb, and Oricon. If this issue has been resolved, and I just cannot find the solution, you can ignore all of this please point me to the right direction. I'd absolutely love to hear that. I understand the arguments of if you want it, level 1-50 yourself. I understand if you're paying to skip content, you shouldn't expect more free stuff. I do not agree with those points of view, but I respect them. My case, for example. I have a level 59 Jedi Sage. I wanted a Sith Sorcerer instead. I got a complimentary token, and that's what I choose to use it on. I'm now locked out from Apprentice/Lord/Darth titles, which is very disappointing. I'd accept earning the titles on the boosted character, buying the titles with cartel coins/credits, unlocking it via legacy through my 50 Sith Assassin who's completed the story up to Chapter 3.
  10. Ah, I probably should have waited until the morning to do more research, and not looked on a whim. Thank you, I probably just saw Energy and thought Elemental! E's! Thank you for clarifying that. So despite there being differences with everything else, in the case of Heat Blast it -is- considered Fire damage? Tool tip error, I was only half incorrect! But thank you for the response.
  11. I'm a little confused, and maybe I'm misunderstanding something. I thought I would ask here. Powertech gets Hyper Fuel for their Shield Tech spec, which increases fire damage by 6%. This effects Flame Burst, Flame Sweep, and Flamethrower for sure. This completely ignores Ion Cell additional damage, the DoT Ion Cylinder provides with Ion Overload, and the energy damage done by Jet Charge. Vanguard's talent Overcharged Cell Capacitor for their Shield Specialist spec gives 6% elemental damage. Which effects the same three mirror skills. But it also effects it's last talent, Energy Blast, where as Heat Blast is not Fire Damage, Ion Cell's attack, and it's DoT. Storm does Kinetic energy, and I don't know if that's separate, but that still appears to be at least three more damage attacks that get the 6% bonus. So I am curious, am I misreading the tool tips, or are they incorrect? Or is my observation of Powertech's Heat Blast, Ion Cell, and Jet Charge all doing 6% less damage than it's counterpart, Vanguard? I realize 6% is probably minuscule, even geared at 55. But it seems like that's 6% unbalanced in favor of Vanguard. I play both on and off, so this isn't Why is that class more OP than my class! Just seems like a very odd oversight.
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