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Everything posted by Utinee

  1. Intertwined maybe not so much. But as people are touching on, it has some pretty good uses. It's not really a matter of getting the first hit. With tanking, instead of running up to a group, activating them and having them run wherever they want (Straight to the healer if they cast any preheals/shields), you can stealth right up and snap off an aoe and have them all in perfect position from the get go. Aswell as stealthing to the other side of the group before pulling. Theres also the fact that you don't have to rely on a rogue to sap a target for you and risk them getting one shot. You can stealth around and pick your target to sap and if you get detected pfft who cares you're the tank. It's gonna be pretty useful in many situations, but as you're getting at, it's not going to be pivotal to the class. Just a bonus utility I guess. I'm bloody glad we have it though because I intend to make damned good use of it
  2. I thought there was bound to be something but I Don't read the stickies every day. Thanks
  3. Okay, either I'm losing it, or I'm totally missing something here. Where has the search box gone for the forums? Every time I think of something I want to check up on in the forums, I'm having to sift through manually, which is a pain in the Sarlac Pit. Have I missed a dev post or an FAQ referring to a removal or glitching of the search box? Or is it still there and I need to get myself on some meds?
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