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Posts posted by cyvaris

  1. Haha alright :p if they introduce cross-server mailing and you are not happy let me know!


    I personally am surprised more people havnt already done this yet.


    But be advised I am not sure on your "crit chance" is with your procs, so it may vary. If you can get 100% crits with some procs, go with it. I only have 17% Crit chance myself because i threw all my crit chance mods out because i have zen (100% crit chance already) and a few others. It may vary for class to class because of this, but for the most part i assure you you will notice a huge increase.


    Another tip - Go armormech get full Aug gear and stack those with surge augments until you hit 70%, rest Power. I have 3 surge and 4 overkill augments (+18 pow/12 end) and then i went Biochem and got the rakata stim for 112power + 46 str and i also use the rakata power stim/power wh relics. Which adds 992 + the 46 str (Excluding augments/mod swapping)


    My Damage(Pri) as a sent, challenge you to find one with higher ^_^ I turned watchman into a burst spec xD


    So that is with all your stims/relics poped then? Or is that your static Power? Also what Mods are you using/how many Comms did you spend getting the proper mods?

  2. After getting annoyed with PvP queue times last night I rerolled onto the Fatman just to test the waters. There were more people on the STARTER planet (Tython at 90+) then on the Fleet on my server (Shien around 40). After seeing this, yes I would pay to get onto one of the higher pop servers. I logged in early today and saw the same thing. During the middle of the day there were actually WZs going, MULTIPLE ONES! I am lucky to get a WZ during the day on Shien. I love this game, but after seeing this I really can't help but say that Bioware has seriously dropped the ball.
  3. Not sure how they could code what is and what is not allowed in the WZ. But it would be nice if you could bash some sense into these people's heads.


    Sadly you do that and your whole server starts hating you.


    I personally love the idiots who say "its to expensive" "I can get Battlemaster way easier" "stop being mean to me you have all your gear". You know how I got my gear? RANDOM TOKENS. Christ I would have loved to have recruit gear in the game at launch. I gladly would have bought it!

  4. This guy get´s it.



    And to you all great or considering yourself great/good players remove the UR/GTBF Ability from your quickbars for one WZ or if you want to go to the extreme for a day maybe then you see what the rest of use have to deal with. Bet none of you have the balls for it.


    Ironically I don't use it anyway so.....shrug.

  5. You do know this post was written in a sarcastic tone, right? Wake up - this game is in trouble, server populations are waning and we get a fix to the appearance of hair in certain visors - awesome.


    You do realize that the other teams are probably addressing those issues while the "Hair Team" for want of a better term works on the issues that pertain to them?

  6. You do know that different teams work on different parts of the game right? PvP team fixes PvP, PvE team PvE, general team general etc.



    And no they don't have till GW2 to fix this. Why? The game sucks BIG TIME. I pre-ordered so I could play the Beta. NEVER cancelled a purchase so fast in my life. Ugly blocky graphics, massive grinds, laggy as hell movement, the game is a mess.

  7. Thats totally True, the average delusional Marauder will only use 2 globals in the Time he could have used 3-4.


    Uhmmm...what? How can I use 3-4 GCDs that are 1.5 secs each in a time span of 5 seconds?


    Now I may be a Literature major and thus completely useless to society as a whole, but my math skills aren't THAT bad. Did you perchance fail basic math?

  8. I don't think people complain about Mara/Sents because they top all the damage meters, it's because of the insane array of abilities they have to fight you with. Not only do they have very high crits, but they can vanish, get 99% immune to all damage for a long time, charge, group wide speed buff on a short cooldown, etc.



    One Guarded by the Force sacrifices half our health to use and two, it lasts for five seconds, two and a half global cooldowns. I fail to see how that is a "long time".

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