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Everything posted by Zellgarith

  1. Another way of fixing this problem would be to make the purple crafted items bind on equip and allow players to sell them on the ah and hand them out to their guildys. also making it so that the items are unusable if you switch to a different crafting is ridiculous, by allowing people to change crafting it allows them to find an additional time sink leveling a new crafting set and having to learn all of the new schematics removing that ability because your already crafted items will no longer work is disappointing. A friend of mine pointed this thread out to me and said but wow does this with their crafting, my only response is that with everything this game currently has going for it why copy something like wow when there is a better way of doing it. This fix will only limit the crafting system and remove another time sink and money sink that this game has, if these items only work for biochem users then biochem will still be a requirement because you cant use them at all unless your bioche. This does not fix the problem, in fact it doesnt do anything to fix the problem at all.
  2. the real issue with simply rolling another toon is when your new to the game and you invest 30+ hours leveling and doing every quest listening and sitting through every cut scene and no matter how hard you try you just cant stand that assassin your playing and wish for the love of all that is great in the world that you could just change to a sorc and call it a day. let players change advanced class even if it is only a 1 time change the ability to do so will save alot of time and effort on the players part and a hell of a lot less annoying than starting all over again. it just makes sense, far more than well you just wasted 20 hours of your life delete that toon and roll another.
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