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  1. I don't know if this has been suggested yet, but I would like to see more character slots per server available through cartel coins. I have played in several other MMOs where extra character slots are sold through in game stores to great and lasting effect. The system here in SWTOR is already obviously set up to handle more than 12 slots per server because of my very situation. The main reason I need this feature is because my characters that WERE on seperate servers to begin with were FORCE moved together. All fine and well; you have to roll with the punches that come at you from the administration company of any MMO. However, through no fault of my own, and decisions that were made completely beyond my control, I am now WAY over the 12 limit on the main server I play on, and I would like the ability to explore more character (story) options on a server where I have already established characters to support them. Please consider adding extra character slots for cartel coins in the future. Thank you for any and all attention to this.
  2. It worries me that people like this are on the same planet as I am; if this is serious. I like the game and all.... but...... damn..... If you ACTUALLY feel this way about SWTOR: Seek professional help. Now. It MIGHT not be too late. Just do it away from me. If this was a joke, like I am HOPEING it is, then: It made me chuckle.
  3. Because of twitter and facebook. These are the VERY same people that post everything about their lives out on those services, and the ones like them, and then get flaming angry over the fact that twitter and facebook don't protect their users' privacy. Morons. All of them. And to the op so its not off topic: Then get out of the game you are bored with and stop talking about it. The rest of us that stay and are happy with it won't miss you. No, really, LEAVE already.
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