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Posts posted by Valfodr

  1. I tend to disagree to an extent. Sages don't have tools to manage their resource anymore. They can prolong becoming starved for a while but eventually they will. Add to this, that the way they can attempt to manage their resource is extremely counter-productie in PVP.


    My Sorc has consumption and an AoE that hits everyone in the raid, and it's LARGE. My only change from 1.1 to 1.2 is I now position my circle to take into account that I will stand into it. I really don't see the OMG-brokeness people are saying Sorcs went through, and I won't lie, I laugh when they compare their nerfs to a Merc/Commandos. Those classes got the shaft, Sorcs got balanced abit.

  2. That was true prior to 1.2 at least. Now...maybe I suck but the Infernal Council in HM EV is a fight I used to be the 1st one done. Now it is a struggle. Questing for Dailies is a LOT slower now. The damage boost from SCG is not so big. Heat is more of an issue as muzzle fluting does not affect heat any more. DFA hits a smaller area.


    I don't think we excel in this any more.


    Nope, nerf to DFA, double nerfs to power shot, etc. Mercs can take the most damage if the three healers without having to heal themself. I haven't really been playing my Sorc much (Or TOR much, for that matter) but my IA dang sure beats out my Merc in damage now.

  3. Ppl really need to learn to not base on story mode >_>



    Dude we 6 manned Jorg and Sorno with 1 healer and tank, obviously the healer and tank are both soooooooo OP cause SM is pro. Cause HM and NMM are totally as difficult as SM, if you have gear!


    I like the OP, he's funny.

  4. What are the tools Mercs/Commandos are lacking compared to Operatives/Smugglers? I'm not sure if you're talking about PvP or PvE. Assuming we're talking about PvP, both classes have strengths in different areas. Yeah, Mercs can't vanish away when things get hairy, but they can contribute to killing players much more effectively than the Operative healer.


    Infinite post30% HP heals, mobility, higher damage than my merc, a way for my dps to actually let me heal (shiv to s probe), an interrupt, a fulltime snare, an aoe stun, and an aoe that can prevent bomb defusals for literally 14 out of the 20 seconds they have to defuse if you time it right.


    Things my merc has over my op. 12 seconds of interrupt (not stun/knockback) immunity, a knockback and the most important thing of all. I can SHORYUKEN!


    Seriously can't say mercs compare, but this is the reason I levelled all 3 healers. Seeing how busted sorcs were, I knew the devs couldn't balance healing. I hate my sorc though. Dunno why, guess playing merc and op makes me think its boring.

  5. For the same reason you can't play a smoker. I won't compare it to a disability since they don't have a choice. I was 350 lbs but I busted my *** exercising to lose it. I didn't even change my diet or buy equipment. I'm a paramedic now and I see plenty of people whose quality of life is terrible due to obesity. If a protaganist smokes in a movie, its rated R. Not having an obese person in a game where you run 30 miles daily makes more sense than that.


    Also, be a friend and find a physical hobby to do with your obese friend. You don't want her sounding like Darth vader, chair-ridden, unable to enjoy time with her friends and family.



    Former 350 lb dude, signing off.

  6. RuQu, sometimes I wonder why you bother. You really think he cares about math and isn't just looking for a reason to be argumentative on the forums? If so, you are far more optimistic than me.



    For what it's worth. Op/Merc/Sorc healer reporting in, and the math doesn't lie; mercs were shafted when they shouldn't have been.

  7. I remember that being said about druids, and why they weren't better than shamans. I remember red mages saying that about white mages.


    tl;dr Basically, anytime someone starts acting angry because someone suggests a class is being left out, they bring up the old, "YOU JUST WANT TO TAKE AWAY UNIQUENESS!!11!!oNE"

  8. OP is trying to flex his epeen while trolling the 'its too hard crowd'. When he was called on his gear, he clarified the group had Columni and Rakata stuff, just his gear set had SOME mod pieces that had SOME pre-50 prototype mods.


    Without knowing the stats he and each of his group had, we have no idea how geared the group was, and are simply trying to guess.


    I'd assume the group understood basic gearing and stats and had the right mix / enough stats to meet the designers goals for LI, and were not some undergeared group in random mix / matched pre-50 quest greens.


    Get beyond the chest thumping though and the point he is trying to make with the FP being more mechanics than anything is valid.


    It is why the players that brute forced the first content and have full Rakata will struggle with this FP.



    To be fair, Lost Island isn't really mechanic heavy also. IF you exclude "Don't stand in the bad."


    I don't count don't stand in the bad, as it's MMO 101 and shouldn't be any more of a mechanic at this point than "Don't constantly OOM" is.


    Playing devil's advocate, by all means LI requires more focus, and I enjoy it, but it's not exactly mechanic heavy either. A good connection, system and knowing not to stand in stuff negates almost all of the boss damage in the FP.

  9. Satchels can be dodged. But pre 50 gear is going to mean the adds are spawning with much higher HP. The hard mode bosses also just plain hit hard. I love me some non face roll dungeons too but a group made up of 4 people in pre 50 gear are not beating this flashpoint on HM. I also find it funny one of the guys who thinks its possible called the droids channeled attack "heavy" damage. That attack is a joke. Sounds like the usual band of hardcore raider wannabes trying to say Soa's old bugs couldn't cause a wipe on nmm to a guy with an infernal title said it could.


    Keep acting pro, good luck with that heavy damage channeled attack.

  10. I was full rakata pre 1.2, you didn't hear me whining about people getting rakata ear/implants with a week or dailies, WHY would you care if a set that has no bonus, takes a month to get one piece, and is boring is obtainable solo?



    Seriously guys, gear was never a sign of how good someone was to begin with. We sold rakata to PUGs who didn't do a thing. But hey, it's no fun if you can't talk crap about all the baddies who can't get top tier, right? lol



    I honestly wouldn't care if they made it a week to get one piece, as long as they add titles or something my guild can snag. I never understood why some people thought people who solo didn't deserve to be the heroes of their story too.

  11. They didn't nerf tools, they nerfed resource management mainly, and throughput as well.



    And no, most of those things listed do not require stealth. I dunno about you, but I don't pop a vanish before I brez, flash bang,etc. Also, the brez, AoE stun, HoT, free heal and CCs don't have a 4m range (AKA: Melee) range. Lowest one is ten, over double melee range.


    And flash bang is far from worthless in either PvP or PvE. PvE bosses sure, but getting through trash quickly (By being able to control multiple pulls at once) is hardly useless.


    PvP maybe, since some ******* always seems to yell, "FRAG OUT" every single freaking time we toss them out.


    And you're right, having two healers on par does not mean there shouldn't be balancing.


    What it does mean is that they could have left the two within reasonable limits alone and nerfed the infinite resource/highest HPS/best AoE/best utility class.


    Instead they tapped our Sorcs with a nerf, buffed our IAs, and straight trolled mercs.


    EDIT: Oh and I still don't think my IA needed a buff. Well, outside of fixing the AoE. Making Sorc the only viable AoE healer was straight stupid.

  12. You had already answered the problem presented in your 2nd paragraph with the statement in your first.


    We weren't complaining about throughput, we were complaining that it's all we did.

    We weren't complaining about no real burst healing option, we were complaining that we had no real burst healing option AND no way to mitigate damage on our targets.

    We weren't complaining about our CC/interrupts being <10m, we were complaining that the only thing we could contribute to the group outside of straight up sustained healing was <10m.


    So how do the devs respond?

    They make the following adjustments to the other healers:

    1) Nerf throughput

    2) Nerf mitigation buffs

    3) Nerf resource management so they can't contribute anything outside of straight up healing either without destroying their resources


    If there was ever a reason to link the multitude of /facepalm pics on any internet forum, patch 1.2's answer to healer imbalances was it.


    Just some things IAs had that Merc didn't, pre-1.2:


    An interrupt

    A brez

    A preventative tool (IA has a HoT, Merc's weak HoT attached to the Cooldown heal doesn't count)

    An AoE stun.

    An extra CC.

    Much easier resource management.

    Free REAL instant no cooldown heal when targets were low HP.


    Merc had these over IA:


    Highest nonsustainable burst HPS.

    An armor buff attached to a cooldown (For the boss attacks that don't hurt to begin with, since the real ones go through armor.)

    A healing buff that helped every heal, not just a merc's.

    A damage reduction that was up maybe 1/4 of the time.


    I would say I'd trade you, but at least this way the slots for healers are more in my favor, since I have an IA.

  13. I don't know about you, but I love the healing changes... the two overpowered classes got nerfed, the underpowered class got buffed?


    It was nice sitting in your ivory tower, content to just faceroll flashpoints and warzones, wasn't it?

    I'd say welcome to my world, but even still, your nerfs are nowhere near as bad as what I had to deal with.


    Hi, level 50 IA, Sorc, and Merc healer here. Cause popping hots then doing a 2 button rotation with infinite energy is hard.



    Seriously, I never understood why people claimed IA was bad. I never had any issues with it, their only problem was their AoE, which was merc's problem too. They also have some of the highest SUSTAINABLE HPS in the game. But yeah, keep thinking of yourself as the under dog.


    PS: Sorcs are STILL the best healers, parses, math and HM/NMM guilds have already shown this, so yeah, Sorcs are still in that tower. The difference now is where Mercs and IAs in PvE were on the bottom 5 floors with Sorcs in the penthouse, they were moved down into the luxury suites, you got past the bottom floors with the public bathrooms, and mercs got an eviction notice.

  14. DFA is right where it should be now. It was an OP skill and too many BH used it as a crutch for too long. Use your heads and use your other skills and you will be fine. More thinking and less finking please.


    I really don't get this... My IA wants you to meet her Orbital Strike. It does more damage, has a larger radius and lasts longer than DFA. Which is good while guarding bombs, turrets, etc.



    So what does DFA have over Orbital Strike again?

  15. I have a 50 Sorc specced for DPS to start, then moved to heal and I have one thing to say...





    REALLY guys? I mean, really? You didn't see a nerf coming a mile away? Really?



    This is why BW acts so smug when talking about nerfing classes that don't need it. The Sorc community crying the sky is falling makes all of us look like idiots who don't know what's up for each class.




    50 Sorc here, still going strong.


    Oh, PS: The PTS numbers (The same numbers on live today) showed Sorc heals to still be the strongest. PvP was a hard nerf to those who can't fake cast, to others it was just mild.

  16. funny.


    my buddy is a tank and we were talking last night. he said over the past few weeks when i'm not on (as my healer) it's been getting harder and harder to find healers.


    also, quit making BS excuses for poor game design.


    i played a WHM healer for over 3 years in FFXI, guess how many times my class was nerfed or buffed......ZERO


    of course, ff14 was an epic failure full of bugs and unbalanced classes, but that's because people like you continue to sub and make excuses that "nerfs and buffs are part of any MMO" and that people need to "adjust and change" to games they pay monthly subscription fees to.


    YOU are the reason modern MMOs launch as such garbage and after just THREE months of live they are already making sweeping "balance" changes in SWTOR.


    by just taking it and going as far as to MAKE EXCUSES for them.


    please take this time to learn that if people stopped making excuses and stopped paying monthly subs for games that need such contsant "change, that develpoers would learn to not release such flopping piles of garbage.....


    FFXI had terrible balance too. AU Meripos anyone? As a WHM I'm sure you had to actually prove your **** to RDMs all the time. I played THF as a main, and we both know how that job was defined by one passive trait.


    Not saying BW was right. In all honesty this is stupidity. Their napkin math in no way reflects the playerbase's need. What was needed was to increase merc and IA's AoE to Sorc's level, nerf Sorcs infinite resources abit, and nerf Merc's survivability. They instead made one of said above classes worthless.

  17. Interrupts anyone?


    Ok, heres the deal, and why merc healers are NOT OP.


    Merc healers are good against scrubs that dont utilize their skills. Against any decent player heres what happens against ie a marauder:


    First heal interrupted (long CD ability), seconds heal interrupted (locked out for 4 sec). By now you are getting low hp and use your instaheal and cast reactive shield if it happens to not be on CD with its horrid CDtimer. You start to cast a a heal again but gets force choked. You get off maybe two or three heals in the duration of reactive shield (if its more than one you will hardly get off one, between knockbacks, stuns or mezzes). Reactive shield wears out. By now you basically got 4-5 seconds left to live. You throw koltobomb for whooping 1k healing, he will do 2k+ to you in the same period of time. You use tech override for a heal 2,5-4,5k. You can stun him, he breaks out. You can use tech override to mez him and heal up. However it will only postbone the inevitable.


    Bottom line is however that with a marauder on you, you wont be able to heal, and you wont even be able to keep yourself up, and he will kill you.


    I dont understand how anyone with a in depth knowledge of the game would consider healing mercs OP. Ok, you cant just spam you dps peen abilities and get him down in 3 sec, but its so easily counterable.


    Those healing numbers are abit higher than they should be for someone with trauma and the saber healing debuff. :p My wife makes me rage so hard in duels because she can and will, quite literally chew my *** up and spit me out. I spend so much time trying to get around a good marauders bag of tricks that I don't have time to DPS her.

  18. I do both PVE and PVP and I have all 3 healing classes at 50.


    My sorc has by far the highest output and the most forgiving resource, it is also the easiest to die if focused by competent players in PvP. Since there are no competent player enemies in PvE, it always reigned supreme. It also has IMO, the worst mobility of all of the healing classes. Mobility as in, ability to put out HPS while running. By far the highest utility. My final conclusion was Sorcs were OP in PvE, but were not in PvP. If you and a buddy can't focus a Sorc down, or at least take him out of the game, it's a you issue, even if he is good.


    My IA has one of the highest SUSTAINABLE HPS of the three. Bursting heavy for very long will make you run out of energy, but between diagnostic scans and proper throttling, I have never used adrenaline probe in PvE unless NMM Soa bugged, or we took a PUG who decided to take a fire bath. PvP it's weak due to the AoE (Being changed with 1.2) taking so long, that it's unreliable. I also find myself using our regular HoT less and less in PvP, as the global cooldown is precious, and in the heated battles, there's no guarantee the target will be alive for the duration. Their ability to spam a heal for 3k+ when under 30% health makes them VERY effective at peeling in PvP. I think they were balanced in both PvE and PvP.


    Mercs pre 1.2 had the highest burst HPS (Not sustainable) for NMM/HM, but also the most unforgiving resource system. Our rapid shots do not vent heat as Diagnostic Scan does for IA. We have no proc that yields 8 heat everytime a crit occurs. We had the 2nd worst mobility, and the WORST utility by a mile. No interrupt, no brez, no preemptive damage mitagation (Probes, static barrier). Our AoE was by far the worst, healing the less target for the least. Kolto missile used for anything but the buffs was lol. In PvP we were OP. No exceptions. Our survivability was by FAR the best. In PvE we were I feel the worst healers, in PvP, we needed a survivability nerf hard. What I don't understand is why they didn't adjust survivability instead of nerfing our healing which was already on par with IAs.



    My Sorc isn't surprised, I saw a nerf coming to it's throughput a mile away, we were MILES above others in PvE. My IA is lolling, cause I NEEDED a buff, right? (Sarcasm!)

    My Merc is just shelved, there's nothing to provide now. It was fun being the best "Oh ****" button, even with the stigma, they have no niche and I feel they nerfed what was fine and left what was broken alone.



    GG I guess?

  19. Did anyone actually tried trooper/bh in action, or all you tests were on fleet?

    And why you think, to balance a classes need to keep most op untouched? Yes, nerfs hurts, but i don't mind if it's make game better.

    Combat medic is best healing class atm. You can solo heal almost every 8 man nightmare encounters. Unlike to other healers you can bring noticable dps, have best survivablity and some nice utility.

    And we still will be the best after patch, but a bit nerfed:P There are no problems for CM in new raid content. Oh ye, and i like my incombat res.


    lmao. K.


    Have you only played a combat medic? Or are you really a Sorc pretending to be a medic?


    PS: I don't mind nerfs to balance things either. When my sorc was nerfed, I saw that coming a mile away. I don't see why my IA and Merc who were even pre-1.2 were taken in two entirely different ways post 1.2 though.

  20. Prelaunch I saw an article, think it was an interview, somewhere, maybe darthhater, that said that if SWTOR could keep 500k subscribers for the first year they would be happy.


    It's quite possible they don't mind losing anyone unhappy right now. As far as we know, they consider this first year "Beta 2." It gives them time to finish systems they have always said they wanted in at launch, like Legacy, while being funded by subscriptions instead of sucking money from BW/EA. Perhaps they figure they will get more people after the game hammers out its flaws if they can just stay afloat until then. They don't need the critics right now, and they don't want the feedback as they are still working on getting the game to match their initial "vision."


    Whether or not people will be willing to give it a second try in a year when they finally deal with the problems and get things hammered out is another question.


    Valid point. It still sucks though. I don't even like Star Wars really. Maybe that's why I like my BH/IA more than my Sorc. I like the game though, but I'm really frustrated feeling as though I have to roll Sorc to not be dead weight.

  21. playing the devil's advocate:


    would it be a greater backlash to post about their faulty metrics for public scrutiny (of which there would be A LOT, no doubt) - or face the current backlash they already suffer?


    my guess is that they've already cut their losses, and decided that they've lost the healer community, and they'll push forward with their metrics unpublished / undiscussed, and ride it out as much as they can.


    i think we, the vocal forum users, have simply been discarded as expendable. after all, they have millions of subscribers, and we are only a few hundred.. :rolleyes:


    I'm sure you've read the forums, there's no shortage of people who believe the Developer is always right. As long as they say there are a set of numbers that no one else can see that makes them right, a good percentage of the playerbase will agree.


    Outright admitting their ways are faulty? Very very poor PR move, and it would be hard to recover from, those who believe BW made a giant mistake would fall into two major camps: Those who appreciate the honesty and will stay longer than they normally would due to it, and those who expect them to have the real system in place by 1.2 AND all the balancing perfect.


    If that doesn't happen, they could lose alot of subscribers. People tend to get impatient when someone admits they delivered an unfinished product and then takes awhile to fix it.

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