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10 Good
  1. Agreed, I should have clarified that it was meant for pvp. Another similar build you can go up the tele tre e and get the root and force armor stun and be a really annoying healer as well
  2. Due to the craptacular top tiers of our dps trees, I've been tinkering with the following Hybrid Seer/Balance build and have had great success with it: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GdrRMd0zZrZcMcRs0z.1 This build gives us healing trance and rejuvenate, and maintains the burst dmg of force in balance and utilizes presence of mind for mind crush. Coupled with the two piece rakata bonus (lower trance cd) using some expertise mods, and two piece mystic's bonus (reduced force armor debuff), it is easy to switch between dps and heals on the fly and provide some utility to any WZ. Most games result in a pretty even split between dps and heals done, and in a long warzone (full duration Voidstar) you can easily get 300k/300k with decent gear. It's also nice to be able to do decent dmg and increase your survivability in 1v1 situations. For those looking for a change of pace I definitely recommend giving it a try. Howse - Naddist Rebels
  3. I know this has been brought up before but seriously, everyone who plays dps sorc/sage knows that the alternatives to hyrbrid specs are lame due to poor top tier talents. When two 16 point talents are AoE and have more base dmg than any of the cast time abilities, and both can be talented to be instant, then who wouldn't spec for them. Nerf the splash, ok, give us some abilities that are worthy of 31 pts, and perhaps an actual single target nuke.
  4. 8 bags, 0 Comms Before Patch, 7 bags, 1 lower robe This absolutley sucks, didn't turn in the lower to get comms so I could buy a weapon, can't get one for nothing Valor 62.5, never got champ weapon, buddy got 5 in a row They need to change this garbage system
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