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Everything posted by PaladinSoul

  1. Can we have the married companion as a spouse? I don't like cheating on my Kira Carsen and make a char of mine a spouse. Perhaps it would be nice to have the option of adding your married companion as a spouse. Thanks... -TS...
  2. I have absolutely no clue on how to use those things. Can someone help? Thanks!
  3. Well I really hope you're not gonna get it your way. You're saying you didn't play enough and now you complain you want the same rewards as the people that have invested a lot of time and money in PvP? I really hope BioWare does listen and implements further level requirements.
  4. He was right. Video games aren't cars. When you buy a car, you hold on to it for years. You don't get a new car each year (comparable to renewing a subscription). Your analogy is baseless and senseless. So is your age. Older age doesn't necessarily mean wiser. Perhaps in your case you still have the mentality of a young child. Just saying...
  5. Where is the vote button so that I can vote up intelligent comments and block buffoons who don't bother reading and processing the entire post before scrambling to type some characters on their keyboards before submitting?
  6. You only need one major bug to make you stop playing. I, for one, consider the storyline 90% of the value of the game. The duplicate mission bug forced me to abandon my Jedi Guardian because I am simply unable to progress through the storyline. Did they fix that? No. Are they planning to? Who knows, they brush everything aside. So I now I don't really have anything to do with my JG. We always lose in PvP, he is not high enough for high-end FPs and OPs.... so really... Pointless. AKA, focus on fixing bugs instead of releasing new content we can't even play.
  7. I agree to the initial/original post completely. And to those who are yapping about bug plan and content plan, please shut your traps and re-read the original post. He said throw all the resources at fixing bugs, that pretty much implies scrap the content plan and dedicate it to fixing bugs. Pretty straight forward if you bother reading the entire post.
  8. So the duplicate class missions that cannot allow you continue with your storyline haven't been fixed (from reading the patch notes). Is there any word when these bugs will be fixed???
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