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Everything posted by KidMcClaren

  1. I'm surprised people compared Horde to Imperials. I'm a 100% hordey, which is why I went with Republic. The underdog feel is prevalent on both sides (although there isn't a faction imbalance in wow). I find that the attitude of Imperials and Alliance (Humans first) is a much better correlation. So any of you who are hardcore Horde players playing Imperial...you're on the wrong side.
  2. I forgot to ask if the faction population numbers on Iron Citadel are actually even. While this is what you imply by "just fine", I'd like to know if you've actually compared fleet and Ilum populations during peak times. If it is true that they are even it would be a good sign indeed and the first server I've heard of with a balanced population.
  3. I wasn't trying to show that the servers have dip times. Of course there are peak times and slow times as dictated by peoples schedules, that's neither here nor there. What I was looking at was the steady decline of pop during the peak times, indicating a steadily declining population. That graph will be very interesting to look after the first round of subs expire on the 20th. Hopefully it will remain similar instead of continuing the trend. As an interesting (and completely off topic) side note I thought your signature was quite amusing as the 2 numbers it cites do not correlate to one another. A 90% win ration has nothing to do with 10% of the population. Had the quote said 90% of the population claim a 90% win ratio (which is what the OP is most likely implying), then made it's claim about the 10% of the population it would have made sense. It did not do this and makes no sense as the 90% and 10% describe unrelated variables. Perhaps it is just meant a very clever troll .
  4. You know when else it's hard to run endgame? When the the Whole game is dead. Look at the pops you log into now and wonder when servers are going to start shutting down and merging. Server xferring all the time sucks and it destroys community, especially because if you're going to xfer (assuming they ever allow it) might as well head to where the pop is, which is going to be Imperial. It's a nasty self perpetuating cycle. People say it's early, but I'm already worried. http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us
  5. Man all these responses have been so enlightening. I had no idea the majority of gamers just loved...being bad so much . I suppose games like GTA just started a crack-like effect and now a majority of gamers just can't stand to do good things in video games, which is totally fine. As many of you have pointed out, you pay, you play the way you want. Personally I found my smuggler to be lol funny, but maybe I'm just a "goody good flowers pooping" type of person . And once again, once you're at endgame it's not as if that type of thing matters anymore. Also to people who think that you're shunned for making dark side choices in FP's, I've never seen a bit of that. In fact I've seen it encouraged more cuz people want to see the other side of things. And it's not like I just "can't stand" to roll an Imp or anything, I just wouldn't feel right about playing on a side that is so obviously overpopulated, but I don't root for the obvious winning team in football either. Like everything I find it more interesting to be the underdog. So I should probably thank the masses for enabling that for me in this game. Of course I want to keep playing this game and have a halfway decent community, so the population imbalance is concerning. Remember last month when servers were full? When was the last time you got into even a Heavy load? You don't think the majority of those are Reps disappointed with lack of groups and faceroll pvp? Maybe...and maybe not.
  6. Whoops even BW got mad at me for the fat kid comment. Once again, big apologies, just an analagy (if a slightly off color one). Either that or they don't like how absolutely no one is disputing this fact. I'm trying to help your game, please don't be mad at me BW. Also still looking for numbers, ask around (Ilum is easy and then we know # of 50's which is most important).
  7. Do you like this game, do you want to see it thrive? How long can SWTOR sustain the overbalance of Imps? Most rough estimates I'm hearing are anywhere from 4:1 Imps:Reps to 3:2 Imps:Reps. On my server I ask the Imps in Ilum (where we can actually show our faces for like 3 more days) and it seems to be about 4:1 on mine. If anyone has any numbers that dispute or confirm this I'd love to see them, ideally from Ilum or Fleet. And seriously reroll, bring your guild, your family, your friends, your baddies and your pros. Balance the game, cuz we know BW won't.
  8. The best part of this thread is the cross finger pointing in hopes of diverting attention away from impending nerfs. Sorc/Sage say it's Op/Smug, Op/Smug say it's Sorc/Sage...I think we have our answer. I've been killed (14khp with 6 pieces of champ, just a benchmark not a boast obviously) before I got off the ground by Ops and I've seen a Sorc healer take 4 50's hitting him and interrupt/stunning him better than most Raid bosses. Turns out...you're both op.
  9. Playing shadow is like playing a rogue with nerfed defensive cd's, no Shadowstep, no self heals, and if your Kidney Shot was on a 1 min cd. Also I love when I'm facing an assassin and while my rock is heading up and dangling in the air he's shocked me and is beginning his next swing. We do have slightly higher dmg output and a nice execute move. As long as no on notices you or they are undergeared we do great. Against the majority of opponents in equal gear we'll leave them low on health but be dead in the end. Let the l2p commence .
  10. I mean I have no problem with stealth detection on mobs or bosses. So I can't get any closer to the boss/mob than anyone else, big deal I can't go tickle his chin and run away giggling. I get that. But the fact that he can magically see my invisible *** Past the large group of dudes intent on murdering him seems a little excessive. And as far as it being a mechanic to keep bursty stealth classes from pulling aggro, that's what tanks are for, to shout at us dps
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