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Everything posted by xilc

  1. Oh, so adapting is pressing a button and becoming invincible until you can be healed to full health?
  2. Seriously, what were the developers even thinking allowing this ability in pvp? It ruins pvp completely, especially when someone is at 1% health, uses force barrier and just gets spam healed back to 100% health. They should change this BS ability in pvp, or give each class a god mode ability :mad: Scenario: 2 sages on enemy team in 4 man arena. 2 of them almost completely dead, both force barrier, instantly restored back to full health, essentially giving them two lives. Trooper has what, reactive shield and adrenaline rush, which is basically a joke anyway because good luck activating that useless ability at anything less than 35% health and surviving with 4 people attacking you at once. Additionally, adrenaline rush only brings you to 35% health, and nothing more. If it activates at 32% health (that is below 35, is it not?) it will bring you up a mere 3%. What a serious unbalance in pvp....
  3. I would be too if I had to stand around 24 hours a day, 7 days a week getting paid as little as they do. I don't even think they're even programmed (by the devs) to get paid. Poor guards!
  4. I wish I read this earlier. Someone totally got me with the classic "if you jump down over the railing on the fleet, there's a secret treasure chest at the bottom with 25k credits."
  5. Yeah, that's right, I went there. We have spaceships, space stations, and even lightsabers, but you know what we don't have? Signs that say, "bridge closed." I visited Balmorra for my first time today, and if you're anything like me and play with the camera close to the ground, you can't possibly see the random break in the bridge because your camera is nearly parallel to the ground. But hey, we can make lightsabers, but not warning signs. They could have at least programmed the five or so useless imperial guards standing by idly on the bridge to say, "Hey, dude, look out ahead, the bridge is out!" but noooo, they're too good for that! Instead they just point and laugh while you fall from the top of Mount Everest to the bottom of Mariana's Trench. Oh, and let's not forget how you can't revive self after you fall.
  6. Greetings everyone! I just came back from a small break from SWTOR and now I'm on the hunt for an excellent active guild. Here's a list of what I like in a guild: events like datacron hunting Active guild chat (i.e: not dead) PVP groups and Ops groups Group daily running I prefer a guild that's medium to large (please no small 5 man guilds) Hopefully I find an active guild here, and I look forward to your offers Feel free to post here or message me in-game at Khajiit'Mufasa Thanks!
  7. I again return to the "lvl 24" point lmao. Can't they at least bolster it so that you can contribute even if you're not lvl 50+??? Can't I go do 4 heroic quests on ANY planet to get my cap? It's stupid to design it so no one under the lvl of the planet you're conquering can help in any way whatsoever.
  8. It's solely designed for people like you who have time to play 4 characters for 20 hours a day, perhaps. It's as if conquest wasn't designed for anyone but lvl 50+ >_>
  9. And the mats have to be hardcore farmed, lol.
  10. This week they're invading voss, and as a lvl 24, that leaves me with little to do if anything.
  11. Seriously, when they designed this "personal cap" required at the end of each week to get achievements for conquest, they designed it only for hardcore players. I did like 12-15 KDY tacticals last week and couldn't meet the ridiculous personal cap. I'm a full time college student, so it's like there's no way to have a life and succeed in SWTOR. I think the personal cap should be a lot less. Additionally, it should be WAY less if you're not 55, because I can't do a random OPs, or a hardmode flashpoint, and I can't farm materials for 100 infantry kits on a 24 sniper. Come on guys.
  12. How much do 55's earn in WZ's/GSF ques, etc?
  13. I'm just curious, if I do WZ's on my lvl 55 as opposed to my lvl 13, are the credit rewards different? I've always wondered this...
  14. It would appear the /who function is very broken, as it displayed the Black Blade Brigade (shown in image at top) as having 4 people online, but in reality they have like 50.
  15. But when I /who them, there is no one from those guilds in the /who.... It's making me confused, how can they have 1 million points and no members on?
  16. My guild ship is parked at Hoth, and we're not even on the board yet (idk why), but these random cross-server guilds are apparently listed on the board. Why is this happening? I've literally /who 'ed all of them, and not one of them is on my server (imp side or republic) I'm SO confused as to how they're topping the boards and they're unsearchable, or that they're cross server....... http://i60.tinypic.com/9hkzo8.png
  17. It's not even about that. Why should I even try in a WZ if the slackers are going to get the extra creds and comms? It's really not fair at all.
  18. Seriously, who thought this would be a good invention/innovation into the game? It's near the most useless pvp feature I've ever seen. First of all, I'm almost always on top of the board. Last match I topped the board on a lvl 13 Jedi Sage, with 13 medals and the most objective points (meaning I won the game for us basically) in addition to playing healer and saving everyone. What do I get for having 2nd damage, 4th heals, 1st objectives? Nothing, nothing at all. Secondly, they're a joke. People don't even vote, they put them randomly into some random player. They don't look, they just vote. Rather than actually getting rewarded if you do good, you're rewarded if they like you. It's not about winning, it's a popularity contest. With this logic, I might as well not try hard at all.
  19. Seriously, Taris is the worst datacron hunt ever. The bulldozer datacron is probably the hardest thing in the game. Anyone that is able to pull willing to help pull to the datacron? My in game name is Dunmer'Vampire, pst or post here
  20. I've seen threads in 2013 saying it doesn't but does anyone know about now? Did they fix the bugs associated with it that actually decreased affection gains from its purchase?
  21. They're raging because of how hard it is to get them lmao. I for one do NOT want to run an op 25-30 times just in hopes of getting the item....
  22. I'm getting mixed reviews on this... In a 55 TACTICAL, does your gear automatically get bolstered? I had a guy tell me it doesn't matter if I have full 180 gear or 140 in a 55 tactical because it all gets bolstered. Wsup ?
  23. See, again someone mentions maxing affection for presence bonus but this is unconfirmed. And I've heard of having 400 presence, but 1000? Is that even possible ?
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