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Posts posted by roshakai

  1. The bonus is definitely gone, as I have full 258 armorings and I can say with 100% guarantee that the bonus that comes on the armorings is not applying, so it's not a tool tip issue. Point in case, my sniper, no additional charges for Laze Target... no +2% additional damage, nothin
  2. On Satele Shan, can't join GF queue, can't speak in chat. All I get when I try to speak in chat is Channel "


    Anybody else having this issue?


    Also just noticed I suddenly don't have a guild...

  3. So, nothing regarding the matchmaking or dysnc in the patch :(


    ^ This, I've all but stopped pvp'ing because desync getting so bad, I'm sure it happens in other facets of the game too, but it doesn't seem to be nearly as impactful as trying to stop a cap or the ball carrier wich can be the difference between winning and losing an entire match.

  4. While the walker play-style is not fun at all to me, the one thing that makes it unbearable is the unbelievably bad ability lag, fix that and I'd consider doing it on Vet/MM for the cheevos. However, I don't see why it's mandatory for the progression of the story to use the walker when my it's just as easy if not easier to kill all the enemies with my toon, what is the purpose of that?
  5. Flashpoints have always been one of my favorite parts of the game to play, but I've played since launch and was a Hardmode/Nightmare player almost immediately. I never really did what is now known as Veteran flashpoints because I always found them to be too easy. With the exception of Umbara, Chiss, Nametha, and BoR Bonus boss, I'm 100% on Master mode flashpoints (I only mention this to give you an idea of how often I run flashpoints). It wasn't until recently that I started running Vets to fill in all those empty achievements, and to be honest, like others have said before me, there are so many people who have no idea how to play their class, and by that I mean a complete lack of understanding as to the basics of their abilities/utilities. It's gotten to the point that I won't run vets on anything other than my Tank, because even if the rest of the group dies, I can easily solo everything, regardless if there's also people pulling 3-4 groups of mobs while also engaged in a boss encounter. I used to think healing would be the way to go, but as previously pointed out already, the second anybody takes any amount of damage, they run straight for the kolto stations, even if I'm spam healing them and they've never even gone below 80-90% hp, rendering the healing position absolutely useless. Running a DPS isn't terrible, but it's a lot easier for me to survive and carry peoples lack of understanding with a Tank that can, for the most part, control the direction of the fights, and or keep people from getting killed or wiping the group because they simply do not understand what they should be doing and or know how to do it.


    As for the solution, all I can do is speculate from my experiences. Personally I think that tactical FP's are a nightmare, and that Kolto stations are the devil and I wish they'd all be blown out of existence. I understand that there are a lot of folks who aren't skilled players, and don't know everything about everything, but regardless you should know the basics of the class you are playing, I.E. what abilities do what, how to and when to use your defensive cool-downs, and simple things like how certain abilities stun weak mobs without having to use an actual hard stun, making taking weak mobs down so much easier. Speaking of weak mobs, I find it amazing how many people think gold and silvers should die first, and completely ignore weak mobs even though they do just as much if not more damage at times and are 10 times easier to kill. Part of the reason may be that Bioware should do a better job at teaching new players how to use abilities, defensive cool-downs, and movement type abilities, but at the same time, players should take the time to learn that stuff on their own, a lot of people are just lazy, and want to be carried through everything, have everything handed to them, never challenge or push themselves to be better. A lot of folks want that kolto station to lean on for instant safety over knowing how to counter incoming damage with a defensive cool-down.

  6. I just got booted from the server and when I came back I can't get on to The Harbinger, infinite loading screen... anybody else having this problem? The server status screen still says it's up, but I know from experience it takes a few for that to update correctly when it does go down...
  7. OK so first off, congrats to all those who's main focus is the story aspect of this game, it seems that you are all getting pretty much exactly what you are wanting and possibly more, but I have some concerns about the future of this game if the direction Bioware is taking is "all about story this year".


    Now, they have stated that they are "still doing flashpoints, operations, raids bosses, and pvp", but in my opinion if you want those players who are at all interested in those aspects of the game to stick around and be a part of the community, you're going to have to give that area of the game a little more attention, like more than 1 significant update in content to those areas per year. I personally will not be sticking around if no new Operations are included with Knights of the Fallen Empire, as I, and many like myself have already been waiting over 6 months for new content to come out, and BTW, 1 new instanced Op boss and a small daily area in 6 months with no news whatsoever about new and upcoming content other than more single player story driven drama is not going to cut it, at least not for me. Aside from my personal opinion that there is just not enough content to keep the majority of end game players around, I'm curious, if your goal is to primarily focus on the story portion, where does the MMO aspect of this game fall into place? what will be the main purpose of interacting with other players outside of heroic missions, and the occasional flashpoints, which from my experience are already suffering from a lack of player base. Lets say the majority end game players decide not to stick around, what will make players drawn together to do guild activities, wont you be losing a huge chunk of what makes group activities function, like Conquest, Warzones, Operations, and Flashpoints?


    Now of course all of this rambling I'm doing is from my own perspective, and maybe I'm missing something, but these are the parts of the game that keep a player like me around, and if you continue down this path of neglecting this side of the game, I don't see the point of continuing on with being an online multi-player game...

  8. I couldn't find any threads pertaining to this subject, so if this is a known issue I apologize, but I noticed that the "Force Gust" buff applied by "Telekinetic Gust" is supposed to reduce the activation time of the next mind crush, but the tool-tip also states that it's supposed to reduce the activation time of the next Turbulence as well... but as far as I can tell, the only thing that reduces Turbulence cast time is either Alacrity from gear, or "Telekinetic Focal Point". Am I missing something or is this an incorrect tool-tip?
  9. Hey folks,


    The Harbinger is once again available. Thanks.




    Sure, it's back online now... but, is this gonna happen AGAIN in another month or so? Hopefully you actually took the time to FIX the problem!

  10. Does anybody know if the 5% damage reduction from Kolto Bomb while Super Charged Cells is active, is not supposed to refresh it's duration to full, even if Super Charged Cells is still active, and another Kolto Bomb is used?

    (For the record I am not saying that any Kolto Bomb should refresh it to full, only the user with Supercharged cells who placed the initial Kolto Bomb


    "Kolto Bomb: Places a shield on all targets, reducing damage taken by 5% for 15 seconds"


    The Description does not say there are any restrictions, and the buff does seem to stack with other Commando healers damage reduction buffs, so why is it that it doesn't refresh when you put another Kolto Bomb down and Super Charged Cells is still active?


    With that in mind, if you place a Kolto Bomb down, THEN activate Supercharged Cells, the kolto residue will activate the 5% damage reduction, and the NEXT Kolto Bomb will in fact refresh the duration.


    My question is, is this intended? I don't understand why the damage reduction won't refresh if you activate Supercharged Cells first then use Kolto Bomb, followed by a second Kolto Bomb.

  11. I'm not seeing the numbers you guys are on some of your parses, have any suggestions for me?



    I'm not sure why the ARM says my melee top end is 2048, its actually 1983.


    Are you using the 2 PC Guardian and 2 PC Sentinel Bonus? the AMR link doesn't show any actual set pieces, if you have neither of the set bonus's, that may be your problem

  12. Honestly I can't for the life of me figure out why Balance/Madness got changed at all, why the rotation was gutted, and why the resource management system was changed. I can't really comment on the actual difference of Force Suppression vs Rippling Force as for the effectiveness of force management because shortly after 2.0 went live I refused to continue to play this class, but I do know that before 2.0, if you played the spec correctly, there were no serious issues. As for the Rotation, I tried all the other DPS specs in game and I didn't enjoy any of them as much as Balance/Madness for Shadows/Sins. I'm not a huge PvP'er, but from what little I did do, Balance/Madness even pre 2.0 never had the burst or survivability to be very effective at killing or maintaining pressure as well as many other classes. I played all 3 specs, and I enjoyed all 3 specs, I also understand that all 3 specs currently need some love, but reading the forums I can't help but feel as if Balance/Madness is getting the least amount of attention regarding its lack of performance.


    My questions/concerns are:


    Why was Infiltration Tactics/Duplicity taken away so that Shadow Strike/Maul is no longer a viable option to use instead of continuously spamming Double Strike/Thrash, especially considering it's our signature class ability...? Not only was it cheaper than Double Strike/Thrash, it also did more damage than Double Strike/Thrash when it crit.


    Why was the talent for +10% melee damage from Project/Shock removed...? Yes, Project/Shock was quite expensive, but as long as you only used it to maintain the buff, the payoff was well worth it.


    We are getting increased damage to some melee abilities, but for this spec it only effects Double Strike/Thrash, the one ability that people are so sick of spamming because it makes the play style mind numbingly boring, it also significantly drains force because there is no more Infiltration Tactics/Duplicity procs to make Shadow Strike/Maul only cost 13 force instead of spending 23 force for each use of Double Strike/Thrash. Slightly more damage to 1 ability doesn't = any more appeal.

  13. I like this would be awesome to have phasewalk be a instant teleport to target, but make sure you can use it both ways you can either place it as normal and use it as a 30m teleport to target. But make sure once you place it you will not be able to use it the other way. That would make it a defensive and offensive tool.


    Raid wide buff would be awesome too


    I was actually thinking something just like this, maybe an instant teleport behind target and your next Maul within X seconds is free

  14. I really hope they revert this spec back to what it was pre 2.0, it was actually the only spec in the game i found to be fun, and so I have actually quit playing all together until some sort of major change, or a full restore of it's once awesomeness is brought back. With all the people who tried to play the spec (Balance/Madness) and couldn't get decent numbers, well, you simply weren't trying, Balance/Madness is (was) a spec that actually gave me something to do, and I still managed to be #1 on the parsers about 90% of the time, it's my belief that a lot of people are lazy and want results without the effort, this spec simply did not allow for that, and that is why I thoroughly enjoyed playing it, having played all the classes and tried all specs for every class, everything compared to this spec was utterly mind numbing and made me want to punch myself in the face for playing it, that however is just my opinion. Anyways, once 2.0 went live and I realized that Bioware had actually given in to all the crappy players who couldn't make a good thing work, so they came on here and whined about it enough and then this ridiculous change was made, I was still optimistic about being able to deal with the changes, but every time I started playing I would pointlessly use Project/Shock and shadow Strike/Maul by force of habit and realize soon after... *** am I doing, there is no point, there is no more Twin Disciplines (10% Melee buff) from Project, and no more Infiltration Tactics making shadow strike even worth using, unless I wanted to force starve myself. And how the #@&% are you going to take away shadow strike from us, yet give it to the tank spec? when I read this interview with Austin Peckenpaugh,




    I wanted to kick him in the &%$* for his undeniably stupid logic on why we needed these changes.

    Anyways, end rant, I'll be checking in periodically in hopes they fix this.

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